Do you wear designer clothes?!

Do you wear,or own, or will own, designer clothes?!

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Apr 26, 2004
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like big names like Versace, Giorgio Armani, etc.... name some. i,personally dont have any YET, but i will really soon.
Nah. I'm actually a thrift store guy. You can find the best clubbing clothes there.
I do like Gloria Vanderbilt pants very much, but only the pleated blue cloth jobs on the 75¢ rack at the thrift store. The only clothes I've ever purchased excluding "business" clothes recently that weren't at a thrift store were skateboarding t-shirts.
I mainly wear comical shirts, band shirts, KU shirts (college team for those who don't know), and basic shirts. My requirements for shorts are good-sized pockets, good length and waist, and cheap price.

Translation: What babyheadcrab said below this post.
i wear some jerseys (broncos for anyone who cares), i wear the dress shirts everyday that we have school but they aren't designer.
I wear clothes I bought of people in the streets
I don't wear any designer clothes, too young for that type of shit IMO. But, I DO wear name brand shit like Hollister, American Eagle, Aeropostale, Abercrombie.
ailevation said:
I don't wear any designer clothes, too young for that type of shit IMO. But, I DO wear name brand shit like Hollister, American Eagle, Aeropostale, Abercrombie.
Same stores I shop from minus Aeropostale.. I think that store is lame and cheap.. Don't know why.. I just hate that store with a passion.. Its like a cheesy version of American Eagle... Hollister is the best store ever.
Shamrock said:
Same stores I shop from minus Aeropostale.. I think that store is lame and cheap.. Don't know why.. I just hate that store with a passion.. Its like a cheesy version of American Eagle... Hollister is the best store ever.

Yeah, I think it is a cheaper of AE as well, but, all I get from Aeropostale is their track jackets and sweaters.

Yeah Hollister is tight as hell, but I've gained a few pounds, so I have to be fit again to fit their clothes. Ultra tight, lol.

EDIT: Oh snap, I think I voted yes, when Darknigghtt meant designer, I was thinking name brand clothes... oops.
A hillbilly like me wearing designer clothes? Pffffttt.
Just got some Versace jeans, and they're nice, but meh.
Tr0n said:
A hillbilly like me wearing designer clothes? Pffffttt.

Overalls and no shoes ftw.

Umm, I have a bunch of hats, like Lakers and Yankees, also some enyce T-shirts, otherwise I'm not into designer shit.
I have a few that're designer labels for going out in, but I don't generally, because I'd rather spend my money on other things. I do like feeling special on a night out though :p
biggest waste of money EVER.

I mean shit, girls buy clothes nowadays with the holey jeans! The legs are all tattered, and they pay $70? What the **** is this world comming to.
I wear whatever my mum buys me. Yes I am 24 and yes my mother still buys my clothes for me, what of it?
PickledGecko said:
I wear whatever my mum buys me. Yes I am 24 and yes my mother still buys my clothes for me, what of it?

You mean she goes out and picks them? If she just pays for them I'll let you off.....
nev0r!! i purposely wear bland clothes
i dont care
Murray_H said:
You mean she goes out and picks them? If she just pays for them I'll let you off.....
She picks them, but to my specification. Usually something like, “I need some T-shirts, could you get me some, anything except bright colours and no big logo’s. A little logo above the left nipple is okay but nothing that makes me look like someone’s billboard.”
PickledGecko said:
She picks them, but to my specification. Usually something like, “I need some T-shirts, could you get me some, anything except bright colours and no big logo’s. A little logo above the left nipple is okay but nothing that makes me look like someone’s billboard.”

Why don't you go and get them? If you don't want to disclose why, don't worry about it!
Murray_H said:
Why don't you go and get them? If you don't want to disclose why, don't worry about it!
Just remember the kid that posted how he liked his sister's panties which left his life utterly destroyed. It's safe!

Anyway, all I do is look what other people generally are wearing and then look for cheap chinese copies of them.
I buy designer clothes ;(

£150 isn't too much for a pair of jeans! (that's like $200+ for you americans)
holy ****. the most i will ever pay for a pair of jeans is $70
I have some Diesel. Don't know if that's consider "designer clothes."
There are a number of reasons, nothing weird though. I just don’t like shopping, especially for clothes. I’ll list the reasons that spring to mind.

* I live 30 miles from decent clothes shops, don’t have a car/licence and public transport is very scarce here. We’re talking a 1 hour bus ride at 7AM there and another at 5PM back – all for a few T-shirts and some socks, f*ck that.

* I don’t like walking around looking for stuff, every time I buy anything it’s from the internet. I know what I want, do a quick search/price comparison, click buy, fill in details and it’s through my front door in a few days.

* I know very little about where to buy those sorts of things. My mother however, buys good quality stuff at cheap price’s, all I ever find is crap that falls apart after a few months, or itches or something like that.
I also let my mother choose my clothes, however she sometimes tries to get me to be "trendy" and buys a designer name with pretty patterns on it, then I just tell her it's nice and never wear it. If there's one thing I hate with a passion it's clothes shopping.

Though if I see a T-Shirt on the net (a branded T-Shirt with a movie or a band on the front) then I'll buy it.
ComradeBadger said:
I buy designer clothes ;(

£150 isn't too much for a pair of jeans! (that's like $200+ for you americans)

I'd much rather get an iPod, or a guitar, than a pair of jeans, with that sort of money.

The only "designer" clothes I have are a single Ecko t-shirt, and I think I have a Ralph Lauren "Chaps" t-shirt. One of the thin, button-up shirts that you wear over other shirts. [edit] Both of those were bought by my grandparents. Honestly I would prefer if they bought me non-designer clothes that looked just as good, if not better. But hey, free clothes.
mortiz said:
I also let my mother choose my clothes, however she sometimes tries to get me to be "trendy" and buys a designer name with pretty patterns on it, then I just tell her it's nice and never wear it. If there's one thing I hate with a passion it's clothes shopping.

Though if I see a T-Shirt on the net (a branded T-Shirt with a movie or a band on the front) then I'll buy it.
Yeah, that’s another thing my mother’s more observant. She once bought me a pair of what I believe are called “loafers” for school. When I asked why she said, “that’s what all the teenagers were wearing around the shops, I figured they must be in fashion”. I would never have thought to do that, look at what other people were wearing, its just not in my nature.

I never really took notice of what was trendy but I was never completely against it. If I like what I’m wearing I’m happy, if others do it’s a bonus, but not essential.

I do, however, resist stupid fashions like anything from the ‘70s. My view is that, if something, when out of fashion, is deemed to be ridiculous, then it is ridiculous even when it is in fashion.
:naughty: Just got back from shopping myself. Went to American Eagle, bought 6 pairs of Khaki Pants and 3 white polo's and 3 long sleeve button up's and two sweaters. For school, we have to wear uniform... :dozey:

Oh and a pair of Vans, slip-on lace up kind, whatever their called.

I'm going shopping for some nice pants soon, but i need my friend Paige too take me. Her pants fit nicely but i dont know where to get them.

I only shop from JCPennys, Walmart, Target, and sometimes KMart.

I'll buy band shirts from other stores though.
I only wear designer clothes; Diesel, Armani, Dolce&Gabbana, Versace, G-Star etc. etc.

Then again I live in Europe where the clothes culture is somewhat different from the states