Do you work?

Do you work?

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Jun 9, 2005
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I ask this mostly because of curiosity, but also I am sick of my job at a restaurant where I have to wake up at 4:30 am 3 days a week and then at 8:00 am 2 other days.

/mini rant

If you do work, what do you do and do you enjoy it?
Yeah, I work six weeks this summer at a company making things for the healthcare. Pretty good pay, considering it's my first job and I have no education or competence related to this field.

If I went into detail, you'd all hate me.
Currently an unemployed bum, scrounging money over the summer whilst waiting for Uni in September.
Currently an unemployed bum, scrounging money over the summer whilst waiting for Uni in September.

It's more respectable than being a parking vulture. :thumbs:
Nope. I got college in September and might as well get a job then for something else to do. (Short courses ftw!)
I was working for my uncle in a landscaping business. Didn't make enough money, went over to Village Inn, which really sucked. Quit there too. Kinda feel like a bum.
Yes; for a year now I've had a "real" job. Previous to that I worked as a hockey referee during the winter and two summers a soccer referee.

I worked at a soul harvesting grocery store for about 9 months, but currently I am working at my province's Department of Justice. Infact, here are some pictures!







I had to lift all of those yesterday...I'm sore today.

Too bad I leave in September for one more year of school...and I'll probably be back having my soul harvested at the grocery store for the last 8 months of my schooling. I'm gonna miss working full time at $17.23 an hour. Actually having money in my bank account is a nice change.

The reason I have these pictures is because I bought a new camera and wanted to test it out. Plus my job is pretty boring sometimes so it was a nice change of pace :D
I work for my dad's software company. We sell, install, and train customers for Point Of Sale software and equipment. I made the website and do other random stuff that needs to be done. I have also made a site for one of our clients. Near-dream job for me. Pay is like $15 an hour which is amazing for me.

I haven't started working fulltime yet, that'll be in a month or two once I've had enough vacation from school.
Part time dealy that I do 12 hours a week at, continued on from when I had it at school. Should look for something with more hours I guess... but I like my free time and this gets me the money I need really.
Currently an unemployed bum, scrounging money over the summer whilst waiting for Uni in September.

Pretty much my situation lol. My mum keeps pestering me to paint this room :x
Once a week with a wedding caterer. Easy job + decent pay + lots of free good food
Pretty much my situation lol. My mum keeps pestering me to paint this room :x
We must buy and sell on e-bay, I'm actually tempted to sell off an old guitar for some cash to last me a few weeks.
I do odd jobs for dad who runs his own business which gives me some spending money, but no official job just school. I will have to get a job next year to pay for uni.
Do I work?

I just worked a 10 hour shift today. I'm 16.
I did have a job at the start of the year - quit to spend more time on schoolwork, had saved up about $1,300 now I'm down to $900.
I'm doing research for the university. Mostly it's hard work, but a lot of time is spent in the forest driving around logging roads. I get to see a lot of bears and elk. It sucks when it rains though. I can start and stop work henever I feel like it. I have to live very far away from the city for weeks at a time. I get to live away from the city on the oceanfront for weeks at a time. Food and accomodation is payed for. It pays better than average joe jobs, but not as well as an entry level professional job. 2800 per month. It sucks when it rains. In the field I work 60 hour weeks. Out of the field I take off extra days to make up for it.
Yes, yes I do enjoy, but damn are the hours long.

Lab based research
University research as well. Can get repetitive but otherwise ok.

I also worked as a grader last semester, for a class that everybody hates. It took way too much time and was like taking the class again except so much worse (had to proctor nighttime exams, had to work out all their homework problems myself because the book solutions often calculated wrong/pulled numbers out of nowhere/were confusing, and then go through figuring out what people were doing wrong... and then I'd sit around obsessing about how many points to take off).
I work in the Dairy section of an extremely busy grocery store.
it's actually hard work and you stay very busy all the time.

But the manager at my local Best Buy offered me a job when I started talking to him, pretty schweet.

Dunno if i'll take it though.
A store near the harbour - cashier oh yes.
I work, full time. It's stress-free and pretty secure, and pays the bills ... but it's not what I want to do in life. I don't know what I want to do in life, but it ain't that.

I'm a graphic designer / web developer / online stock manager / marketing coordinator / technical support guy / electrician / plumber / repair man / painter / decorator / etc.

I like the variety (not much boredom) but I don't get paid what I deserve for the work I do. Kinda ticks me off a bit.
I work part-time at Waitrose. Stacking shelves, tills etc. Pretty mundane stuff really, pays pretty good. (as far as supermarkets are concerned) It's suprising nice to earn your own money instead of sponging off my 'rents. That's still good too though. :D
19 and not working. I used to work in the register of a local supermarket but they didn't want me back this summer, so in a week or so I start working for a radio-project sponsored by the city. Did the same thing last year, it pays really crappy but I know the people and it's fun and not very hard work. It was also the best I could get.