DoA 4 features Halo character. screenshot


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
“The opportunity to work with Team Ninja and combine our powers to strike yet another blow in our quest for world domination, was too alluring to pass up.

Plus, we just think the idea of putting a Spartan into a DOA game totally kicks ass.”

This has got to be the coolest Dead or Alive character ever:
Awesome, it actually looks like the model from the pre-rendered H2 trailer back in 2003 :E Wicked.
YEAH. i wonder what fighting style spartan uses!

It might be cool to see some unarmed fighting moves or even some disarm moves in Halo 3
So now Master Chief beats up women. I'm sure that's prime bragging material 'round the barracks.
This is really not news, the images has been out for several weeks.

And this Spartan is a female, but iirc she's mentioned in the novels.:)
I suppose thats great for Halo/DOA fans, but I doubt there is anything that will convince me to buy another DOA title. After DOA2 it got insanely repetitive and boring for me. Plus I have also thought Halo a WAY overrated piece of tripe.
You are way behind the power curve, my friend, as Gargantou mentioned this came out a while ago
I always found DOA to be inferior compared to the Virtua Fighter series anyway, and it doesn;t seem like they upgraded the gameplay at all, just the graphics... boring
Icarusintel said:
You are way behind the power curve, my friend, as Gargantou mentioned this came out a while ago
I always found DOA to be inferior compared to the Virtua Fighter series anyway, and it doesn;t seem like they upgraded the gameplay at all, just the graphics... boring

Aren't you going a bit far in that im "way behind the power curve" when talking about a game that isn't out yet for a system that isn't out yet, featuring an exclusive character from a system seller on a game that seems to be an extremely popular series. If there was already a thread on this I appologize. It was news to me, and the date on the source was yesterday If Im not mistaken. EDIT : Oct 27 ok so 18 days old sorry

Do i like Dead or alive? no.
Do i like Halo? nope.

-But I still think it would be kickass to see spartan fight. I might have to look for a video clip of spartan fighting becuase I'm still very curious what type of moves she uses.
Gargantou said:
Icarus, Virtua Fighter 4 life!:D

nothing will ever compare to the Street Fighter series. They invented special moves boy!

Virtua Fighter invented the system that ruined fighting games for me. 50 foot leaps and no-timing-required-press-these- buttons-in-a-certain-order-and-it-will-eventually-execute-them-chain combos. /puke

or was that tekken
VirusType2 said:
nothing will ever compare to the Street Fighter series. They invented special moves boy!

Virtua Fighter invented the system that ruined fighting games for me. 50 foot leaps and no-timing-required-press-these- buttons-in-a-certain-order-and-it-will-eventually-execute-them-chain combos. /puke

or was that tekken
ummm... that was tekken, Virtua Fighter is far more realistic and actually take some skill, not just repetitious special moves

While I love Street Fighter, I like the more realistic approach Virtua Fighter takes better, Street Fighter is all flash, no real talent