Doctors use Half-Life to cure phobias


May 16, 2003
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its really cool doctors, let ppl that have fears of certain stuff play video games. oh well im not gonna tell u all but heres the link to read more

halflife cures phobias
this might have been posted already I think :P :O ;\
Computer simulations have been used for this purpose before, but I've never heard of Half-Life, or any commercial FPS game, used for this.

But you know, the US marines once used Doom to practise team tactics.
I wonder how many people will have faked illnesses just for an excuse to play the games for a bit yet still have an official doctors note to take time off work ;)
Originally posted by omega3
Computer simulations have been used for this purpose before, but I've never heard of Half-Life, or any commercial FPS game, used for this.

But you know, the US marines once used Doom to practise team tactics.

No.. the Marine Corps used Doom to desensitize marines in training, got them used to blood and gore last I checked

Using a commercial FPS as tactical training would be an awful plan
Not really - It removes the element of self-preservation. You make decisions based on the good of the team. When in actual combat you'd do the same out of habit. Not very healthy, but communally and strategic; deadly.