DoD free play


Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Well, appearently from 12 PM today you would get 60 hours of free play for DoD: Source (without purchasing). You could preload it for a while earlier, and i did. But now when i klick Launch Game in the DoD: Source window, nothing happens. It doesnt start, it doesn't crash, just no reaction at all except the window closing.

Please help me out here. I want to buy it, but i'd rather play for a while first. Why won't it work?

I got the same thing, i guess they havent 'enabled' it yet. Tad annoying.

(probably down to time-zones, it may be time here, australia etc, but VALVe are in seattle i think...and thats west coast, although i'm not sure. The countdown clock isn't very good though, it doesn't take time-zones into account D: )
Doesnt load for me either. Where is PST in relation to GMT?
Ah. 8PM GMT will be it.
Same here, I wondered what's going on, turns out everybody has got the same thing
It's well past the time it should be free and when I try to find servers there are none in the list. This game is pissing me off.
You guys are all going to get Owned by My-g0t anyway. They've planned something.
dekstar said:
You guys are all going to get Owned by My-g0t anyway. They've planned something.

Someones been reading the news on their site. :cool:

Their promoting everyone to download as many hacks as they can. Still, nothing VAC2 can't handle.
Wow, it works fine now. The levels look awsome. But the weapon models are really really ugly. Especially the Garand and Stg 44. They should really get some more detailed chunky feeling weapons.
Wow, just played it. F****g awesome, I'm gonna buy it.
I have no idea how this will reflect in actual sales, but there sure are a lot of people testing dods out. 13k playing atm, 12k were playing last night. I think that translates into quite a few potential customers.

Personally I have had dods for a while, and I enjoy it. I don't play much (css takes most of my gaming time), but if I want something a little different I go dods or dystopia.

Worth the money imnsho.

Mutley said:
Someones been reading the news on their site. :cool:

Their promoting everyone to download as many hacks as they can. Still, nothing VAC2 can't handle.
You know VAC2 works on a random-time ban don't you? And that these delayed bans are usually more than a week. So no, VAC2 won't do anything.
dekstar said:
You know VAC2 works on a random-time ban don't you? And that these delayed bans are usually more than a week. So no, VAC2 won't do anything.

Pretty sure Valve will tighten up the timings this weekend to make sure most servers are clean for the people playing free
StardogChampion said:
Not as fun as HL1 engine version, and not as good as the pre 1.0 versions.
Well, its a little more arcadish. The maps feel smaller and gameplay is a bit faster. But i think it depends alot on the map.
Prefer the HL1 engine version.

Only decent map is avalanche.

No buy for me just now.
Keva said:
Prefer the HL1 engine version
Agreed. Nicer feel in it, more tactical.

And the new additions in Source suck ass. You get some useless iron sight on your rifle instead of a bayonet or melee attack. The SMGs cant aim for shit, and its too hard to kill someone with the knife/shovel unless you come at them from behind.

I'm sad to say that CS: Source is much better than DoD: Source.
Loc-Dog said:
You get some useless iron sight on your rifle instead of a bayonet or melee attack. The SMGs cant aim for shit, and its too hard to kill someone with the knife/shovel unless you come at them from behind.

A. This isn't the original DoD, so thus the bayonet or butt hitting option doesn't need to be in.
B. SMG's can't aim for shit? You mean you can't aim for shit, I have NOOOOOO issue destroying people with the SMG.

End note, you say these are issues, but they aren't. It takes time to get used to change and you'll get better eventually. Trust me I thought the exact same thing for the first month, then got used to it, now I have no problems.
Yes..I Must say the HL1 Version is Better, Its more Tactical and Intense, 1 Shot, 1 Kill none of that 2 shots no kill crap like CS..
I had fun playing DoD:S this weekend. I got up early Saturday morning and it was a nice surprise to see that we could play it for free. The game mode is really intense, which is fun. I think it looks better than CoD2, especially with HDR, and because the game mode is more intense... the game itself is more fun. Imo.
DiSTuRbEd said:
A. This isn't the original DoD, so thus the bayonet or butt hitting option doesn't need to be in.
B. SMG's can't aim for shit? You mean you can't aim for shit, I have NOOOOOO issue destroying people with the SMG.

End note, you say these are issues, but they aren't. It takes time to get used to change and you'll get better eventually. Trust me I thought the exact same thing for the first month, then got used to it, now I have no problems.
Sure, only that bayonet and butt hitting is much better than a crappy iron sight. And i tried the thompson several times. Even if you are crouched and shooting in 3 shot bursts, the bullets fly all over the place. It's like they're not even close to the sight. You have to be at point blank range for it to be useful.
Loc-Dog said:
Even if you are crouched and shooting in 3 shot bursts, the bullets fly all over the place. It's like they're not even close to the sight. You have to be at point blank range for it to be useful.

I have killed people with the thompson that were 20-30 feet away, its not difficult all you have to do is learn to aim correctly.
I played the weekend with people on vent, and it was a blast, especially with all the graphics set on high with HDR. It looked really good (especially on kult.) I have never played the original DoD, but DoD:S sure is alot of fun.
Loc-Dog said:
Sure, only that bayonet and butt hitting is much better than a crappy iron sight. And i tried the thompson several times. Even if you are crouched and shooting in 3 shot bursts, the bullets fly all over the place. It's like they're not even close to the sight. You have to be at point blank range for it to be useful.
Exactly. That's balancing taken to the extreme.

DoD was ruined as soon as Valve touched it after Beta 4 anyway. It used to be original, but Valve turned it into a MoH/CoD fragfest and removed all the best maps.
I agree with the guy above..its now turned into a fragfest.

Altho the old dod used to have no that was funny shooting dead straight!
It's fun, but I just played dod 1.3 and its the same with Cs1.6 - cs:s

The hl1 games were more skill and tatics orentated. The source ones are more arcady and easier to appeal to a wider, n00bier audience.
By the way, why havent they remade dod_caen yet? That would look nice on source. Right now, the only good big map i could find was Argentan (wich was god damn awsome).
StardogChampion said:
DoD was ruined as soon as Valve touched it after Beta 4 anyway. It used to be original, but Valve turned it into a MoH/CoD fragfest and removed all the best maps.

Funny enough DoD team works in VALVe. They didn't remove all the best maps, caen was still there which is what I played for a long time to come.

Caen will probably come out sometime in the future, but supposedly via the DoD forums their has been some Source coding going on for destructable things, via things like in kalt(for those remember what you could blow up with rocket)...if you catch my drift.
Yes, but Valve has made them noobify it. They had some good ideas pre 1.0, like the crosshairs.

Cherbourg's gone, Koln's gone. The one where you had to cross the bridge is gone. Those will never be remade for source either.

Dod_flash is an example of the kind of crap maps they make now. Compare it to Koln and Cherbourg where there was freedom to choose where you wanted to go.'d be cool if they had different gameplay modes that servers could run...
Ex: Team deathmatch, Objectives mode, and maybe something like Simulation Objectives mode (slower-paced, more realistic gameplay)...
Oh well though, DoD:S is what it is, and it's fun.
After i got my 4ghz prossesor, there's no turing back to DoD 1.3! DoD Source looks so sweet with full gfx! the old hl1 gfx makes me sick :bonce:
StardogChampion said:
Yes, but Valve has made them noobify it. They had some good ideas pre 1.0, like the crosshairs.

Cherbourg's gone, Koln's gone. The one where you had to cross the bridge is gone. Those will never be remade for source either.

Dod_flash is an example of the kind of crap maps they make now. Compare it to Koln and Cherbourg where there was freedom to choose where you wanted to go.
I've never played thoose maps. But I do like the freedom of maps such as Flugplatz and such. I really prefer hl1 dod, than source. It's more of a game, if you like grea graphics and such here:

Wasn't that fun?
It's black and white, but there adding camera effects to source anyway.

Us people who like interact and do something challenging thats skil based can play dod hl1.
Until they port that forest level...and Omaha beach, then I ain't buying DoD Source. I miss gunning down those yankees :(

(Also, I am the king of sniping in Source...well...on node anyway)
StardogChampion said:
Yes, but Valve has made them noobify it. They had some good ideas pre 1.0, like the crosshairs.

Cherbourg's gone, Koln's gone. The one where you had to cross the bridge is gone. Those will never be remade for source either.

Dod_flash is an example of the kind of crap maps they make now. Compare it to Koln and Cherbourg where there was freedom to choose where you wanted to go.

Valve didn't make them do anything...the dev team made the changes to the game they wanted to make, they chose the maps that were to be ported over, and both Koln and Cherborg were classic examples of "Jurrasic-Park" mapping and, for the most part, emptied servers. Neither of those maps played well w/usual sized server (6x6). The maps they did port were the maps people played more than any other. And...dod_Flash has not only been around for years now it was the third-most played map on 1.X after avalanch and anzio. What do you think they were going to do...port over maps the majority avoided like the plague? You can argue your opinion anytime you want but avoid saying fabrications like "valve made them do it" because that's just not true.