DOD:S performance compared to CS:S performance


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
i dont get it. with 5.9 catalysts on an x800xt with athlon 64 3000+, i run DOD:S at 1024x768 lowest everything, no AF, no AA, no HDR, no bumpmapping, no specular, and i get avg 35fps on a server with around 20 people. i then i run CS:S at 1280x960, full everything, 8x AF, 2x AA and i get avg of 70+fps on a server with around 20 people.

i know dod:s levels are more detailed, but this is plain ridiculous, as adjusting detail has minimal effect on FPS. i bought an x800xt to play HL2, and i ran hl2 at 1600x1200 highest detail, and it was great. but now DOD:S has owned my system, and its back to looking like hl graphics. now i understand that posting with replies like 'well mine runs fine' would be infinitely helpful to me and make my FPS skyrocket to 90avg in DOD:S while stopping world hunger, but..well actually who am i kidding, please tell me how your system runs DOD:S at 150fps at highest detail at 1600x1200 and that i don't know shit about computers, because obviously if i did, DOD:S would be magically going the same FPS as CS:S. :cheers:

ugh so frustrating as im having more fun with DOD:S than any game for a long time, but im out of ideas. i realize source engine is constantly evolving, but my computer just went from owning source at highest detail to being sources bitch at lowest detail.
I have a 6600GT and a 3200+, I run DOD:S at about 30-60 FPS with all high settings and full HDR but no AA.

I run CS:S on the same settings at about 90-120 fps.
So whats up, anyone know what DOD did to get that much of a drop in fps?

I mean, its more detailed than cs it looks like...but that shouldnt be that drastic...
Heh, I run CS:S with about 20-30FPS using slightly lower settings than I do for DoD:S in which I get 30-40FPS.
Ditto, I get around 50% if not less than that of CSS. :x
Maybe HDR is bringing performance down?

I get a noticeable 35 fps to 60 fps, but, i've got Vsync on... well I figure there's a performance hit between this game and CS:S because I hit the lows too often.
Dod:s runs about half the speed of cs:s regardless of settings for me.
lol HDR is the killer. plus the maps are designed for HDR to be applied, so even when you turn it off, its still on slightly. you still get glows off buildings regardles of HDR, Bloom or none.

oh and welcome to the forums sk8boarder666
Thanks. Actually I've been browsing the forums for more than a year now but only started to post recently.
DOD is stressing your cpu out more than your card as the source engine is more dependant on your cpu so the way more complex maps are the killer. Don't worry dude because my 7800gtx struggles at times on max everything and 1280*1024 and it rarely drops below 40 (only during massive open areas when a massive gunfight is in motion) but it does average around 60 and goes as high as 90 but overall it is not what i would call a smooth experience as the framerate is so inconsistent. I might cap mine at 50fps to make it smooth as going from 90 to 40 is not pretty.
I run DoDs with everything max and Vsinc off. Im using P4 3.1 Ghz 1.5ghz PC 3200 Radeon 9800 Pro and I get about 30-50 fps. The game for me runs almost as smooth as CS: S which I also run on max.