DoD:S Vids

nice video i liked it ... the music didnt bother me ... screamo isnt the only kind of music i like but i thought the fast pace and intensity of it went well with the video ... and its hard as hell trying to find a song with the right lenght to fit a gameplay vid anyways ... i basically only had a few choices per vid
nice video i liked it ... the music didnt bother me ... screamo isnt the only kind of music i like but i thought the fast pace and intensity of it went well with the video ... and its hard as hell trying to find a song with the right lenght to fit a gameplay vid anyways ... i basically only had a few choices per vid
True, mostly I first pick the right music and then start compiling the movie together. I do this so I can make the movie based on the music, so it fits well together.:thumbs:
meh i just play like 5 or 6 games record everything then chop it up and usually have the length of an average song so it all works out
****ing hell. Someone give that vocalist some cough sweets.
Okay seriously I'm getting tired of all these sorry youtube videos being posted and almost NONE of them that is suitable for the context that the game is in.
Did you hear rock music in the Call of Duty Series?
No, because rock and roll wasn't popular and was almost unheard of in the WW2 years.
I can understand the fact that it's hard as hell trying to find music that fits the length of your video, but when you give it something like rap or rock and roll when it's not meant for the game and doesn't even go well with it, I honestley can't give it a compliment.
Dude friendly firing doesn't count towards "skill", more like annoyingness, and lameness.