DOD:Source preloading??!?!


Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Erm well I went to test cs:s graphics on my mums computer downstairs and i thought oh crap it'll download it all again. So I went to the monitor to see how fast it was coming along and i noticed this....


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i noticed this as well when i was downloading css onto my other computer last night. strange...
Hmmm thats strange I haven't. Reckon it could just be a bug?
Hrm... I have nothing :(

I was never much of a CS Player.. although I am loving CS:S but I was a huge fan of DoD. I am awaiting it's release bigtime! :)
yeah I prefer dod to cs. Thats why I loved it when i saw that happening. Charlie in source would be amazing. But anyway, has anyone else had this? I went to properties and it's a 65mb download and looking at the gcfs it looks like it could be the source shared content one. Anyone know what that does? could it be dod:s in disguise?
Maybe its just downloading all the files that are not changing on the first release, like..well, everything. :S
Ya, I believe everyone had this happen when the downloaded the full version of CS:S.
Hey look what I just found in my steam :rolleyes:


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Hey! Wait a second, Gabe Newell source?
There's something fishy going on here!
Hehehe. Gabe Newell Source.. Great photoshop skills and sense of humour :) I liked that post.

On-topic: I noticed someone on mIRC saying the same thing. I haven't noticed any preload of DOD:S but I haven't been looking at the monitor everytime there has been any downloading either. It's strange though. I didn't think that they were anywhere near completion on DOD:S.
You don't have to download it all again. Just copy the gcf files from one computer to another,
Then you'll like this exclusive screeny from it ;)

If you ask me, they went overboard with the shinyness this time.


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Varsity said:
You don't have to download it all again. Just copy the gcf files from one computer to another,

Nice................... ummm................... so?
Yes, DoD: Source is preloading. If you got the silver or gold steam packages, you get it. Did you not read the press release / news?
Anyway, it's not as if we can play it yet (and before someone asks, no, it's not being released until HL2 as far as we know)
I think it is just downloading the icons(+stuff) for the coming soon option in Steam...if you check the update history under DoD:s and HL:s it says something like

"added coming soon"
kiwii said:
DoD source Sux ;)
What the Hell? Why did you post that? Next time you get the bright idea to do something similar, don't. It's off-topic and stupid. Oh, but you added the stupid winking smiley at the end, so it's okay. :rolleyes:

And, yeah, I thought it was pretty cool how it was preloading some of Day of Defeat Source, but I don't see a .gcf file for it or anything...
hehe, Gabe Newell source, cant wait to play that game ;)

head of vivendi clones vs the Gabe clones.
This game is the DEVIL.

It's evil I tell ya, boycott or suffer eternal torment and pain in the depths of hell.
Peqkx said:
This game is the DEVIL.

It's evil I tell ya, boycott or suffer eternal torment and pain in the depths of hell.

I know! How bout we all tar and feather you and feed you to the hungry man eating grasshoppers were you will suffer ta the hands of their leader hippiotchamanlumatunari-eskepo .... were you will be eaten alive by basel-eating cockroaches ..... :flame: ... aka STFU

I am looking forward to DoD:S. I like DoD but DoD with physics sounds yummy :smoking: .... imagine throwing a grenade in a german bunker on the beach level (dog??) and seeing them fly out of it ragdoll style! .... i have had that happen to me with the normal HL1 physics but HL2 ragdoll deaths ... ahhhhhhhhh :naughty:
Sorry for such an idiotic question, but how can I access the monitor window?
LeXo5 said:
I am looking forward to DoD:S. I like DoD but DoD with physics sounds yummy :smoking: .... imagine throwing a grenade in a german bunker on the beach level (dog??) and seeing them fly out of it ragdoll style! .... i have had that happen to me with the normal HL1 physics but HL2 ragdoll deaths ... ahhhhhhhhh :naughty:
Indeed :) I can't wait to blow someone away with a panzershreck :naughty:
mine doens't preload :S if i double click or check the monitor it isn't doing anything..
hje wasn't lying, I just checked mine, and take a look :D