Does anyone else's Hammer Editor crash more then normal?


Nov 21, 2004
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Hammer has been crashing on me more than the norm. I have had it crash for something as simple as bringing up the properties of a LIGHT. (The map works fine, btw, no problems with it, just the editor.) Has anyone else had these problems? Anyone else have a solution? This is driving me nuts. Having to save after each entity/change is a little annoying.


This isn't THAT new of thing to Hammer either. It's always been buggy. But this is bordering on insane.
XP. 512.

(Maybe it was just a bad boot up, it behaved after I restarted...)

Cause NOW my map crashes (though Hammer doesn't spot any problems.) I was doing the rotating becon thing for police lights. Set up the two func_rotatings (red1/blue1) and the four point_spotlights (not named, but twin reds and twin blues for their respective side of the rack- parented to red1/blue1) and let them run from start. Well if you don't know that makes them overlap and i got a fuscia light. So I angled one rotating to start at 270 and the other at 0. Saved, loaded map and got the error that I'll elaborate on in a moment. So I killed the blue rotating (the one I set to 270) and put in a darkened blue texture for a "dead" light. (Since the car is shot up anyway an only has one headlight, it didn't look that odd.) So I did that, loaded- map worked fine. The map was really dark, so I went to lighten up the edges-- I put in four lights on a grey blue color with brightness to 400. I walked out of the hut (used to keep the map from crashing from the dynamic light problem earlier) and looked to my left. Light was fine, though too bright because it made a mark on the ground... looked to my right- same. Turned towards the squad car which hadn't been edited since the last WORKING map-- and it crashed...AGAIN. I do not think that this has to do with the cop car's beacon. Either something is messed up on my computer or I have too many lights in too small an area or 400 brightness is just not a good setting for a light.

Number of lights: 15
(four "edge" 400's. four "moon" 100's near center. one "beam" 50 dead-center. one "fire" 75 near truck. twin reds on the cop car, and it's headlight. and the "hut" 100.)
And the error I got both times was:
"Windows has encountered an error... [blah blah blah]


...If you've recently installed new software... [which I haven't]

...please reboot in Safe Mode...

I have an Nvidia card, so I'm wondering if its something to do with one of the drivers or something? Any ideas?
well if you dont have the newest drivers i would recomend upgrading just cause but the drivers shouldnt affect this
Yeah... I don't even know if they're outdated. But if I played through HL2 without it crashing, I wouldn't think that would affect this. Guess I might as well check, it won't hurt anything... lol.
I got it crashing often when im copy / paste something really annoying .. especially if you havnt saved.
Does anyone else's Hammer Editor crash more then normal?

Heh, that made me chuckle.

Don't know what your problem is though, it's either a messed up setting in the lights or just game/hardware problems. Good luck fixing it.
now i got a better question...

my compiler is having a problem compiling since the last update. No one helped me after it came out so maybe now, it says my vrad.dll could not be executed
and its making me mad because i spent a lot of time over my spring break (I live a boring life) working on this map and now i can't finish it
mine will crash from time to time, quite the pissoff, save often!