Does anyone think.....

May 24, 2003
Reaction score

Anyway. Does anyone think that its weird how our brains are so well adapted to reading? I was thinking about it today. And the fact that we have such a large volcabulary. The English language has half a million words or something like that now. Its just amazing what our brains are capable of.

Brain power is quite a cool thing. Just thinking about doing exercise has even been proven to increase muscle tone. Its like they say winning a race is 20% physical and 90% Mental.....Well that stupid ones do but seriously its just cool what amazing creations our brains are.

Just thought id say that.

Please do carry on.
Once again, Farrow makes a good, positive point about humankind :) (See 'Not Spam' [I think] )

He's right you know... and just think, we only use a third of our brains :eek:
My brain does really weird things that even I can't interpret. Like I'll be playing a CD and I'll suddenly look at the player and the song will be on 1:23 or 6:66 or an interesting combination. And it's every freakin time, like I interpreted it mentally or something, but I wasn't even looking at it directly, it was just in the corner of my eye or they were even closed. And I mean this has been going on for weeks now, I'm starting to test it to see how it works, but it only ever happens when I don't expect it.

Brains are cool :D
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
I HOPE you are f'ing joking dude.. seriously..

Thanks for the encouragement there. Was there really any point in you posting in this thread. I was just saying how cool something was and you say something like that. Well done!


Bad Hat i always do things like that too. Then theres stuff like when you are watching the TV and you start thinking about the advert that comes on next, before it comes on.
Yeah I do that too :D Never works tho...

I get alot of other things like this, just like passively thinking something will happen riiiiight in the back of my head just out of reach of consious thought and then a split second later it'll happen. Or maybe it's already happened and I'm just slow ^^ who knows.
another strange thread by farrowlesparrow :( lol. only joking :p
yea ure right there just think wot we could do if we used all of our brain!
Argh, to much thinking...

But think even deeper ;)

What is the brain, really? Its just a network of cells sending electrical impulses all around the place... The brain isnt an organ. We are the brain, the body is the organ around it. There is nothing else. Everything just supports the brain... Quite odd really. Why would the brain need hands? Or legs? Why does it need to walk? It cant be THAT evolved, as it would have found another way to survive (just sunlight? :)). But instead it builds itself into a complex exoskeleton of bones and skin, to support an equally complex network of veins to supply it with blood (we shall not mention how it forces the body to survive by constantly absorbing energy).

A very odd thing if you really think on it. Your body is just a biological extension eqvivalent of a modern robot with a slimy blob tightly secure in your head, surrounded by thick armor and floating around in fluid that does all the thinking and orders your body around.
The one thing that I find really amazing about our brains is how far ahead it went of all other organisms on this earth. We are a VERY young species, we started as just another species of mammals when suddenly we literally took off. We went so far ahead in the way of brain power in a very short time on an evolutionary scale that absolutly nothing on this planet has ever been able to come even close to us in brain power.

As for what the brain is capable of, it is something that for as long as we have been self conscience as a species we have been unable to understand what our brains are, and how they work. We don't even know the true potential of the human brain. The main purpose of every living thing (IMO) is to survive long enough to reproduce so as to allow the species to continue surviving. We have gone FAR beyond that, survival is really no longer something we even need to think about.

Another thing that is really cool to think about is that a human being is not 1 living thing. A human is actually several billion tiny living things that all work together, feeding each other, keeping each other alive. The same goes with the brain, its an entity made up of millions of other cells that all work together. We feel that we are simply one living thing when in reality we are infact billions of different living things all working together.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
The one thing that I find really amazing about our brains is how far ahead it went of all other organisms on this earth. We are a VERY young species, we started as just another species of mammals when suddenly we literally took off. We went so far ahead in the way of brain power in a very short time on an evolutionary scale that absolutly nothing on this planet has ever been able to come even close to us in brain power.

As for what the brain is capable of, it is something that for as long as we have been self conscience as a species we have been unable to understand what our brains are, and how they work. We don't even know the true potential of the human brain. The main purpose of every living thing (IMO) is to survive long enough to reproduce so as to allow the species to continue surviving. We have gone FAR beyond that, survival is really no longer something we even need to think about.

Aye, but you cant stop thinking survival no matter what you do (you dont notice it normally).

I think its a conspiracy. All brains are really alien parasites (real human brain is in the butt, it can become dominant in rare occasions, for instance when the parasite is disabled when drinking alot (that's why you cant remember, its so primitive)) and they have strived throughout history to return to the stars and their homeplanet, that's why we have the need to explore! They are playing us like puppets people!!!!!

Anyway, you are wrong on that main purpose. My purpose in life is to play Half Life 2, then wait the next game. I cant stop it!! Its... The... Parasite...GAAAAAAAARGHARGHUFFFKKKKKRKKKSSSZZZZ!

No wait, I'm... I mean IT is not a parasite, the theory is all wrong, no worry, everything is ok here, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! Oh wait, did the darn fingers write that? Note to self: Reroute finger control.

Thought I'd throw this out:
Its a common myth that humans only use 1/3 or 10% or whatever of their brain. In reality everyone is always capable of using 100% (barring that they're asleep, drunk, etc). That doesn't mean you're using it well, or correctly though, so theirs still room for improvement.
I think what is meant when it was said that we only use 10% of our brain is that we only use 10% of our brain in our actual conscience thinking. ie you are given a math question, you will use 10% of your brains capacity to answer the question, the rest of your brain is not sitting idly by however. Its chugging along on different things, its doing work on things that your conscience brain doesn't even realize its doing.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
The one thing that I find really amazing about our brains is how far ahead it went of all other organisms on this earth. We are a VERY young species, we started as just another species of mammals when suddenly we literally took off. We went so far ahead in the way of brain power in a very short time on an evolutionary scale that absolutly nothing on this planet has ever been able to come even close to us in brain power.

Our brain power hasn't really evolved. What we have has little to do with brain has to do with civilization. Civilization preserves knowledge and accomplishments and passes it on to the next. Without we don't move forward and can even regress (dark ages). Civilization is what you are looking at. Man is no "smarter" than he was 2,000 years ago. However we are standing on the shoulders of giants before us. All the accomplishments and understanding of the last 800 years have brought us to today...not man's brain power.

If civilization fell apart what do you really know how to do??
Could you build a generator to create electricity? Could you wire up a house to provide outlets, lights? Build a light bulb? Your computer.... hell some people here haven't put one together..what hope could we have a build a computer except out of preexsiting parts. Anyone familiar with circuits and building memory boards. Could you build a compressor and create refrigeration? How do you make ink to write with?

The lack of knowledge within us is gargantuan. Without civilization to support us we would be ignorant and have to learn to create fire, hunt, grow food, keep food, build shelter. I don't believe our brains are any better in the last 10,000 years.
Originally posted by RoyalEF
Our brain power hasn't really evolved. What we have has little to do with brain has to do with civilization. Civilization preserves knowledge and accomplishments and passes it on to the next. Without we don't move forward and can even regress (dark ages). Civilization is what you are looking at. Man is no "smarter" than he was 2,000 years ago. However we are standing on the shoulders of giants before us. All the accomplishments and understanding of the last 800 years have brought us to today...not man's brain power.
What I meant was our brains have evolved on an evolutionary time scale (several millions of years) im not talking about the history of civilization, your absolutly right about how we have achieved all we have today through civilization. What I meant was that the first humans had brains that were by far more superior to any other animal on this planet.
Your computer.... hell some people here haven't put one together..what hope could we have a build a computer except out of preexsiting parts. Anyone familiar with circuits and building memory boards.
Anyone familiar with manual handcarving of a CPU? :D

Anyway, we have evolved, if one follow Darwins principle. Evolution never stops, even if technology does. Whether its good or bad doesnt matter, but our minds ARE different than from 2000 years ago, doubt its measurable though (0.00000000000000000000001% different maybe).

Without civilization to support us we would be ignorant and have to learn to create fire, hunt, grow food, keep food, build shelter
That's why you have boyscouts!

You have Half Life because... Uhm... Well, if you ever got stuck in a military complex with extra dimensional aliens, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!! HA! Think on all the knowledge we have instead. We know exactly what to expect from normal aliens ("We come in peace" or massive lasers that levels our citys), we know how to fully utilize a M16 in short burst not to spread fire to much, we know how to conserve ammo, we know how to throw grenades, hell, we even know how to bunny jump! Our knowledge is IMMENSE!
And if we cant find a way to survive... WE CHEAT! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dawdler you are really starting to confuse the real world with the made up world. I think you may need a break from your computer.
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
dawdler u really shouldnt sniff glue
It isnt glue.

Err... I mean, I dont do anything like that.

Note to self: Dont mix Jolt Cola, Absolut Vodka and stay awake pills again.