Does Gordon have an issue?


Sep 20, 2004
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;( From his black horn rim glasses, pocket protector, high water pants, goatee beard, and metro manicure, I have come to the conclusion that Gordon Freeman has a gender issue. Even the way he is addressed by other characters in the game suggests that he leans toward the effeminate side. I applaud Valve for breaking down barriers and introducing a female partner to head up the "he man" aspect of HL2 and complete the role reversal. This game is going to rock no matter what your preferences are!
LOL yeah now thats a good way to look at HL2 lol i dont think i will ever look at gordon the same way again
He may be on to something... Valve are replacing the crowbar with a pink handbag in HL2 ...
Are you kidding. Gordon be pimping it with Alyx and Gina. Wait a minute. What kind of name is Alyx. OMG he's right.
Since when is stereotypical nerd attire mean a person is a transvestite?
lol its all becoming clear now in gordons motives maybe he gets some sort of kinky alien sex change could u imagen lol i think it would b a rather good twist on things

:LOL: ............... :naughty:
Ballsaccio said:
It was never inferred that gordon was a tranny.

Well you said he had gender issues from the way he dressed. I take this to mean that his clothes gave the impression of being feminine and a man dressing in feminine clothing is usually considered to be a transvestite.

But if not, then what were you inferring?
guys ... since when did wearing stereotypical nerd attire mean someone was homosexual or feminine??? He looks like a nerd maybe ... but i dont see the whole gender issue ... what are you even talking about ???? :| :| :| :| :| :| :|
i dunno i thought i would chuck that in there just to sturr things up abit lol
Well, he's one hell of an asskicking homosexual. He got through an alien invasion, killed a lot of Marines, and managed to blow up the Nihilanth.
yeah he is GOOD at Blowing this o yeah he BLOWS well mmm yeah

Oh yeah??? **** your theory!!! :smoking:
And he looked like a dashing metro sexual the whole time. Lets face it, the goatee gives it all away.
Ballsaccio said:
;( From his black horn rim glasses, pocket protector, high water pants, goatee beard, and metro manicure, I have come to the conclusion that Gordon Freeman has a gender issue.

I fail to see how any of these characteristics qualify as "effeminate."

And where did you find an image of his hands and his metro manicure?
O u can just tell from the way he walks and acts he so silent lol maybe he's still in the closet but i dont mind is hes a fudge packer
How true... Valve made up for it with Blue Shift. Barney had no gender issues.
Ballsaccio, it's not Gordon. It's you.
Why? Because you're meant to feel that you are Gordon Freeman when you're playing the game, they try to help this on the way a lot with all kinds of things(for instance, you won't see the reflection of Gordon on ice and such in HL2).
Make no mistake Sharrd, I have no delusions of actually being "in" the game. It is a game, nothing more. And Gordon seems to have a issue with his sexuality.
hes SOO embarrassed he wont even look at him self in water poor thing prolly just needs a nice strapping good looking younge man to look after him make him sime jasmin tea and have a nice long talk about it........then maybe after get upto somthing else hey
i thought the whole point about being metro-sexual was that u _didn't_ have-gender-issues/sleep-with-m.o.t.s.s (members of the same sex) - u just took advantage of it's current popularity as a way to pull chicks.

gordon has outsmarted everyone again... after aliens have liquified all the hot women on earth he knows the few remaining hot girls wouldn't go near a hetero man with a bag full of weapons if they care to keep their honour.... so he's evolved a new tactic
Ballsaccio said:
Make no mistake Sharrd, I have no delusions of actually being "in" the game. It is a game, nothing more. And Gordon seems to have a issue with his sexuality.

It was a satiric joke, meant to say "this is just ridiculous".
And I'm sure Gordon smokes clove cigarettes, sleeps on a futon and wears silk jammies.
hummm maybe i still like the idea that hes cross dressing man loving butt cheek bashing brown nosing kinda of guy
this thread is very gay, but i don't think ballsaccio would have it any other way.
Well YOU are Gordon, so if you have problems with your gender, then so will Gordon. But don't worry, we won't judge you by your preferences..... you queer fruit cake.