does Half Life 2 look any better on xbox 360?

Last One In

Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone tried to play half life 2 on the xbox 360? I wonder if it is capable of playing the game in its full glory with all the bells and wistles.
I'd like to know also.

Higher resolution and less loading is always welcome. I expect the emulation will deliver that much at least
What resolutions will the Xbox deliver? (What resolutions will HL2 support, both platforms?)
I'm guessing when Valve designed the game it was for the original Xbox, therefore it only offered the graphics which the xbox was capable of producing, no more, no less.

So assumeing anything will improve on the Xbox 360 (within reason, I'm guessing High Definition would help) I think would be wrong.
Mythbusters! I heard the Xbox won't support HD, then I heard that some will, some won't. What's the scoop? What's the highest resolution you can get the game to play at if your system will drive it?
HDTV gives you 16:9 thats a better picture when compared to NTSC. I'm not sure how HL2 would run on a 360.
Adabiviak said:
Mythbusters! I heard the Xbox won't support HD, then I heard that some will, some won't. What's the scoop? What's the highest resolution you can get the game to play at if your system will drive it?

oh it definately supports High Def. Every game is required to support it.

It does not play HD DVD format movies (You can't even buy these for about 10 months becuase they haven't been released yet)

Playing pre-rendered cut scenes (HD movie CG's) use a lot of space on the x360's dual layer DVD disc but are possible. Games that choose to use a lot of HD movie scenes will likely need more than 1 disc.

High Def GPU/CPU rendered cut scenes(like the scenes with Alyx and Barney in HL-2) are no problems for 360

I don't know much about exact resolutions that x360 games run at. It's high resolution.
I wonder if it will run it with higher AA and AF though what with the "superior" power of the 360.
The Xbox 360 doesn't boast higher antialiasing or anisotropic filtering, in fact, it is LOWER than what computers are capable of.
Would the original Doom look any better on cutting edge hardware? No. Does/will the Xbox 1 version of HL2 look any better on the 360? No.
DoctorBonz said:
The Xbox 360 doesn't boast higher antialiasing or anisotropic filtering, in fact, it is LOWER than what computers are capable of.
its lower only by virtue of that fact that it isnt necessary on what they are meant to be played on - TV's. 8/16 AA/FSAA would be unnoticeable, tbh.

the xbox360 can deliver FSAA, with little to no framerate hit.

many games (such as halo) are presented in (if you have it) HD, and many games are given this anti aliasing. so yes, hl2 would probably look better on the xbox 360 as lon gas the above two are present.
Yatta said:
Would the original Doom look any better on cutting edge hardware? No. Does/will the Xbox 1 version of HL2 look any better on the 360? No.
yatta has no idea what they are talking about.

7. Will there be any benefit from running Xbox games on the Xbox 360?

Yes, ALL Xbox games will be able to run at 720p (1280x720) with full screen anti-aliasing (FSAA) on the Xbox 360.

If someone who has actually played the game on the 360 tells me this, I will be convinced. until then, im holding to the opinion that the 360 can play it with higher AA, rez, AF, the works.
Last One In said:
If someone who has actually played the game on the 360 tells me this, I will be convinced. until then, im holding to the opinion that the 360 can play it with higher AA, rez, AF, the works.
it will look better on the 360 i guarantee you. ill check it out for you later.
gh0st said:
yatta has no idea what they are talking about.
I believe I do. Would you care to elaborate your statement?
Yatta said:
I believe I do. Would you care to elaborate your statement?
i did.
yatta has no idea what they are talking about.

7. Will there be any benefit from running Xbox games on the Xbox 360?

Yes, ALL Xbox games will be able to run at 720p (1280x720) with full screen anti-aliasing (FSAA) on the Xbox 360.


the common sense reaction one would have to reading that is that the games would look better.
FSAA, AA, and resolution are not the game in its "full glory with all the bells and whistles." More polygons and higher resolution textures however are, because the Xbox version has been severely cut down to run on the console.
Yatta said:
FSAA, AA, and resolution are not the game in its "full glory with all the bells and whistles." More polygons and higher resolution textures however are, because the Xbox version has been severely cut down to run on the console.
you said it wont look ANY better, when it will. it wont look as well as on a PC because its designed for the last generation but it will still look better. granted you are right.
Granted the Xbox 360 automatically applies FSAA and AA to the game. And I think that would depend on the game itself rather than the console, because developers may turn off AA to push more polygons and higher resolution textures in newer games that may challenge console hardware. There should also be existing support for higher resolutions or it will look the same on the 360 as it does on the original Xbox.
Yatta said:
Granted the Xbox 360 automatically applies FSAA and AA to the game. And I think that would depend on the game itself rather than the console, because developers may turn off AA to push more polygons and higher resolution textures in newer games that may challenge console hardware. There should also be existing support for higher resolutions or it will look the same on the 360 as it does on the original Xbox.
resolution isnt changed via the software, its done by upscaling through emulation.

how AA works is interesting. im not sure if its applied through emulation or if it has to be present but ill check it out.
By higher resolutions I meant 480p, 720p, etc. The game needs to support it.
Yatta said:
By higher resolutions I meant 480p, 720p, etc. The game needs to support it.
uuummmm no. Will there be any benefits to playing original Xbox games on my Xbox 360 console?

Todd: Absolutely. One of the great things about gaming on Xbox 360 is the satisfaction of knowing that every game will be playable in high definition. We are now proud to reveal that this extends to the original Xbox games as well. Every original Xbox game will be upscaled to 720p and 1080i, and will take advantage of Xbox 360’s anti-aliasing capabilities, delivering a picture that is clearer and crisper than anything available on Xbox.
A friend with the 360 tested a couple of his games, several of them ran WORSE on the 360, with several slowdowns etc, on several there were things like sound skipping, among'em were HL2, which also ran worse.
The 2 games he tried that ran better and had upgraded textures or w/e were Halo 1 and 2.

This pisses me off tho, some games even freeze and can't be played.

Microsoft, if you're gonna add a game into the backwards compatibility, do it right you bastards!
It's work in process. Over time more games will work on the 360 and improvements will be made to how well they run.

A little patience guys.
Are updates downloaded through the XBox Live service or something?
mortiz said:
Are updates downloaded through the XBox Live service or something?

Unless I'm mistaken, you can get the updates throiugh Xbox Live Silver, which is free.
I still don't understand why Valve couldn't wait until the 360 came out and just developed it on that. It would've been wonderful.
They could have even put multiplayer on it because they wouldn't have had to spend all their time creating a practically new engine.
I said no at first...but..I dunno, no proof..I still believe no :P

DeusExMachinia said:
I still don't understand why Valve couldn't wait until the 360 came out and just developed it on that. It would've been wonderful.

Because Gabe is afraid to make a game that needs to use what the 360 uses. Hell, it's a programmers nightmare unless you have alot of people working on it alone.. I believe he said that himself...can't be arsed to look for a quote though.
Last One In said:
So has anyone gotten the chance to try this yet?

Yeah, I was playing it today at my freinds house. I played through the end of Water Hazard up to the start of Ravenholm. Just to the part where you first meet Father Gregory. I honestly couldn't notice any difference. This could be because I really couln't care one bit about the teeny, weeny minor things that 'change the game from the PC version ommm', but then again, I didn't play through the game in its top form on my PC.

Still felt good to play it again, though.