Does Hammer II...


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
... still support texture lighting? Certainly beats point based lighting!

And does it still work with lights.rad?
I am not sure about the problem you're having (sorry), but it's not "Hammer II"
It's Hammer 4.0.
It is simply a case of editing a text file with the properties of the texture, then compiling them both into a material, theres plenty of examples, and alot of effects that can be done.
You still have texlights, you just need to specify the folder too, instead of only the texture name, example:

de_test/amazinglight 255 255 255 400
K, thnx :cheers:

'nother question: does the func_detail cast lightmap shadows? I assume so, that would be great.

Explanation: func_detail is used for complex brushes that intersect with other brushwork, normally, the brush that it intersects with, gets subdevided, with func_detail, it doesn't. In HL1 mapping, to prevent high poly counts made you place things like pillars 1 unit abobe the floor or make them entities (which made you lose the shadows).
func_detail does cast shadows, if that's what you're asking
Argyll said:
func_detail does cast shadows, if that's what you're asking

Yeah, I mean lightmap shadows, created when the map is compiled with VRAD.