Does music ever mentally affect you?


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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Whenever I listen to a certain song, or band for a while when doing something or feeling a certain way... then the song or band always makes me feel like that later.

For example, I used to listen to Oleander when I played Soul Reaver on the ps2. Now whenever I hear them, or play them on my computer it makes me want to play the game again. Really Really badly.

Example 2: My alarm clock is set to play a CD when it goes off in the morning. The first song is The District Sleeps Alone tonight by The Postal Service. Now whenever I hear this song I always feel tired and as if I just woke up. In fact, the reason i thought to make this thread is that I am listening on Pandora right now, and that song came on. I had to skip it, because I seriously felt like i was going to fall asleep.

Now that its not playing, I feel fine.

Does this happen to any of you?

EDIT: GRAWR... posted in wrong section, sorry. Can somebody move it for me please?
Nope. Songs make me really nostalgic though.
"I Don't Feel Like Dancing" makes me feel... like dancing.
Yes. I sometimes put specific albums on for specific games, and the association is burned in forever - I still remember whacky wheels being played to this leanne rhymes CD my sister put on incessantly for a couple of months.

Songs that remind me of driving up to the coast in the summer, songs I've hooked up to, songs that we used to invariably listen to coming back from the surf - a lot of them I'm sure will be there forever, the events intrinsically linked to the track.
Anything by Goldfinger makes me want to play that flash game "N" about the ninja. So annoying.

Also I imagine music videos (made by moi in my head) when I listen to Boom Like That - Dire Straits, Your own worst enemy - King Prawn, and Should have known better - Nickel Creek.

No songs inspire me, however. I find I can't write anything substantial and listen to audio at the same time.
Completely. Music completley changes me.

I can be a shy and bored person with "random band here".
while.... play some music I dislike.
I can be an overly outgoing person on why the music sucks.
play "random band here"
I will be happy, not thinking at all, really relaxed.
Some songs make me sad, depressed, etc..
Some songs make me think a lot about random shit.
They even change what cloth and hair styles I like.

Music all in all, defines everything about me.
Why is this in the art section? I thought the thread was going to be about music as inspiration for art. Which by the way, it very much is for me.

But a strong 'yes' for this question as well. Hearing the song "Autobahn" by Kraftwerk gives me this strange feeling of sadness and "cheering up", it's a good feeling all around but it's complex. This is caused by the fact that I was introduced to this song by a friend the day my parrot flew away... It helped cheer me up, and that memory will stick with that song forever.
I always figured the point of music was to mentally affect you. It's strange that the question should be phrased because that's music's intent, to get you to feel certain emotions.

But if you're talking just linking experiences to certain tracks, then yes. There are almost no songs that I've listened to on a regular basis that aren't connected with some other activity or memory, because I tend to stick certain songs on repeat while doing something. Example, I used to play Sting's Desert Rose when I played TFC. Now whenever I hear the song I feel like playing TFC, or if I'm playing TFC I'll be listening to the song in my head.

Sometimes when I write I'll create a "soundtrack" of songs I feel reflect the story, and I use those as sort of an emotional well; if I need to feel a very particular emotion to write, I'll put the track on repeat, draw up the feeling, then write.

I also do that music video thing Dekstar said.
Alright, apparently I'm retarded, because I was thinking of something else completely.

Short answer, songs do in fact affect me.
^^Don't feel bad, I think I'm retarded too. Must be something in the water...
Yeah. They do. Whenever I hear "Behind Blue Eyes," I remember the long grinds in FFXI. I hate the song to this day.
^^Don't feel bad, I think I'm retarded too. Must be something in the water...
Thank you for your interest. It is now clear to me that Parepin is a completely safe and effective agent developed to protect us from bio-terrorism. The Administration is acting purely in the best interests of its citizens; to suggest otherwise was irresponsible and I deeply regret it.

I'm drinking the water. So should you.
It's strange that the question should be phrased because that's music's intent, to get you to feel certain emotions.

But if you're talking just linking experiences to certain tracks, then yes.

Yeah, I phrased it wrong. I get all the emotions that is normal with music... but I meant what you said. Like when Oleander comes on, im always thinking "Shit, I should be playing Soul Reaver." and when the Postal Service song comes on, im always thinking "Shit, I should be sleeping.

So yeah. "Do you ever link experiences or strange feelings to certain tracks?" is what i meant to ask.
The Cream album "Wheels of Fire" makes me extremely depressed.

In a good way though. Like, the music radiates this depressed emotion that rubs off on me, and I start feeling sluggish and moody.

Lovely album.

Sometimes when i'm unable to listen to songs, I just go fuggin crazy (as Asus can attest to :P).
Also I imagine music videos (made by moi in my head) when I listen to Boom Like That - Dire Straits, Your own worst enemy - King Prawn, and Should have known better - Nickel Creek.

No songs inspire me, however. I find I can't write anything substantial and listen to audio at the same time.

Yes, I always prefer to listen Hans Zimmer theme and try to imagine the videos (films) in which his theme were used it's really full of gravity, especially Black Hawk Down and Gladiator.

IMO music creates lot of situation depends on which type of music are you listening, Themes let me feel that I'm in that current situation, Rock especially energizes me, Rap lets me argue better etc.

For inspiration tries to listen Ballad theme, really it works.

I think title should be like How much music mentally affect you?
People hate the fact I listen to rap. they think it's really violent and chav-like. But I'm really into poetry, and I think rap is just poetry with a beat. The good stuff doesn't have to be violent. I like most of eminems stuff, because it's very emotionally charged, and obviously has a lot of effort and feeling put into it.
People hate the fact I listen to rap. they think it's really violent and chav-like. But I'm really into poetry, and I think rap is just poetry with a beat. The good stuff doesn't have to be violent. I like most of eminems stuff, because it's very emotionally charged, and obviously has a lot of effort and feeling put into it.

For sure, some of the stuff from Eminem, Doc Brown, Jurassic 5 etc. is really intelligent - I just wish the genre wasn't so steeped in shitty attitudes.
I get the shivers when I'm listening to an epic song, also get the feeling of nostalgia when a certain song triggers something in my memory that occurred years ago. Really cool stuff.
Usually if I'm in a REALLY bad mood, I can listen to some of my favorite Classic Rock, or some Mindless Self Indulgence, and I won't feel completely better, it helps some.

I generally fall asleep to most I hear what you're saying about it making you tired.
I have a rock playlist for every game I have, and whenever I hear a song off any one of those playlists I want to play the game it's for.

(Like wanting to play Starcraft because I heard the song "Man on a Mission")

Also, when I'm pissed, or down in the dumps I listen to "Top of the World" or Jackyl's "Heaven Don't want me"
Learn To Fly by the Foo Fighters reminds me of Christmas - it was the Christmas where I got my first CD player/radio, and when I tuned it to FM96, this was the first song to come up. It also reminds me of Lego because, when the song started, I busted out my new moon-base Lego set.
The Cream album "Wheels of Fire" makes me extremely depressed.

In a good way though. Like, the music radiates this depressed emotion that rubs off on me, and I start feeling sluggish and moody.

Lovely album.

Sometimes when i'm unable to listen to songs, I just go fuggin crazy (as Asus can attest to :P).

The worst thing about boot camp was no music, and I forgot all the lyrics and names of songs I used to listen too.
That sad short song of the HL2 soundtrack almost brings me to tears sometimes :(
The Fray - How To Save A Life

Possibly now in my top 5 (if not my number one) songs of all time. Why? Because it just...makes me feel good inside. I dont know what it is, it just makes me give off this great vibe to others when its on or if i hear it before i go out. Weird.
Music absolutely affects me mentally. Iron and Wine makes me sentimental in a wistful, happy way. Explosions in the Sky enhances whatever I'm feeling. Rage Against the Machine gets me pumped and angry. Sufjan Stevens makes me feel innocent and young. Music changes me completely.
Not sure about the music but, and this very random, eating chicken soup makes me want to watch Long Way Round!!!! I know, very strange!!!!:P
Listening to Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky, Red Sparrowe, Sufjan Stevens, Jack Johnson, Tilly and the Wall, or Tool usually puts me in a pot smoking mood... although they're actually my bands of choice to listen to while toking up.

Listening to bands like Fear Factory, Pantera, Slayer, or old Metallica of course tends to make me a bit aggressive and more ballsy than usual.

Although the song Burn Girl Prom Queen by Mogwai tends to make me extremely depressed for some reason.
And We're No Here puts me in a mood to just rock out.

God, Mogwai is just so awesome... they have a song for every mood.
whenever i hear B.Y.O.B by System of a Down i always think of when i used to play Runescape ages ago.......bad thing to link to such an awesome song

I'm curently trying to link it to G.O.W because it goes so well with the f*cking well
Yeah, I guess so. For me, I lump alot of music into categories, like 'Walking Music', or 'Cycling Music'. For example, I can't cycle somewhere listening to something slow and calm like Mogwai or Boards of Canada. I just... can't. I love to listen to them when I'm walking, but when I go for a cycle or a jog I put something like Hot Water Music, Mastodon, At the Drive-In... y'know, something powerfull, energetic, lively, etc.

When I'm sitting here, at this time of night (or morning, even) I like to listen to something quiet and calm. Right now I'm going through the Selected Ambient Works albums by Aphex Twin (was 'Schottkey 7th Path', now 'Rhubarb'), and before it was Future Sound of London. I can't listen to something I would when cycling this late because it just doesn't feel comfortable. I can sometimes, I guess, but I don't usually.

To be fair, I guess I can consider them same during the day sometimes. Like in college, if I'm just lazing around with some freinds I'll listen to something like the SAW albums or BOC because although slightly engrossed in the music, I can still concentrate on what's going on around me, whereas something more erratic would really distract me.

... but then, those albums/artists are so ridiculously good, I do tend to daze even with them. :| Hmmm.
i have some bizzare music attached to some bizzare memories. . . I bought the Dead Poetic cd New Medicines when i was in orlando on vaction with my family. To this day, i think of (and want to go to) Disney World/Quest whenever i pop that cd in...
But one cd that moves me to this day, is We Don't Need To Whisper by Angels and Airwaves. it just gives me this feeling like no matter how bad things are, they'll get better. It's just powerful Stuff.
And i think of my grinding days on WoW everytime i play Eisley. . which is annoying.