Does My Cpu Bottleneck My Video Card


Aug 27, 2004
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I have a 2.4C Pentium 4, and I'm wondering if it bottleneck's my Video Card (Ati Radeon 9800 Pro). If it does how much do u think I should overclock it, my max overclock is 3.3Ghz without changing the voltage and Temp's never going higher than 35C.

Thanks In Advance!
It probably does to a certain extent.

I don't know too much about oc'ing though.
It shouldn't bottleneck it, it's a C Pentium 4, with the 800fsb and HT technology. It's a good processor. But if you can overclock that thing to 3.3ghz and the temp doesn't go over 35C, by all means keep it overclocked to 3.3ghz, that's a big performance increase
There should be no bottleneck problems with a 9800 Pro.

For overclocking, make sure you run Prime 95 for 10-12 hours to make sure your CPU is truely stable at that overclock speed. Since you are overclocking your CPU, also overclock your RAM. P4's love additional memory bandwith.
It is just me or is the whole bottlenecking issue blown out of proportion. Does a bottleneck (I'm talking reasonable bottlenecks, not like X800 on 128MB of RAM), really cause that high of an decrease of framerates?
Whats BottleNeck is that when your Video Card Over does its job?
Bottlenecking is pretty much.
Ok this is how your CPU can bottleneck your video card.
Your gfx card is going so fast that your cpu cant keep up with it.
Limiting your gfx card true potential.
Dosn't this also lag your processor? Im not sure..
Bottlenecking is a pretty big deal.
Your not getting the full potential out of your expensive hardware, so you might as well buy cheap stuff?

and no, your not getting bottlenecked.
Well i have 2.0 GHz so my card probably doesnt bottleneck.
whats the lowest athlon cpu before an x8xt gets bottleknecked? just curious
BaNDiT said:
whats the lowest athlon cpu before an x8xt gets bottleknecked? just curious

Depends on what game you're playing. Some games are more CPU intense and less Vid-card intense.