Doggie activist frees fellow inmates


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
awww this is soooo cute, smart too:

"For the last two weeks staff have been arriving every morning to a complete mess with dogs and food everywhere," she said.

"He [Red] only ever chooses his mates to let out, with Lucky the dog, who he was found with, being the first to be freed. "

free the puppies!
Awww I want that doggie. I could train him to do all sorts of neat things. I could make him the Sam Fischer of dogs.
Get the dog who shot his owner, this escape artist dog, train them to work as a team, and you could have your own personal assassins!
The Mullinator said:
Awww I want that doggie. I could train him to do all sorts of neat things. I could make him the Sam Fischer of dogs.


"your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate a cabal of puppy mills bent on world domination, this message will self-destruct in 5 wags of a tail"
qckbeam said:
Get the dog who shot his owner, this escape artist dog, train them to work as a team, and you could have your own personal assassins!

"kill my pretties, KILL!"
Give it a jetpack and NV gogs too. it's a superdog!