Dont chew juicy fruit...


May 22, 2003
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I was chewying the same piece of juicy fruit all day long at school(starting after lunch) on friday and at 8th period i was chewying my gum and all of a sudden it turned to liquid. This was the most disgusting thing i have ever tasted. The whole piece of gum turned to a runy paste. I had to walk out of the class without saying any thing and spit it out in the bathroom. Never chew juicy fruit...
Originally posted by Ridic
I was chewying the same piece of juicy fruit all day long at school(starting after lunch) on friday and at 8th period i was chewying my gum and all of a sudden it turned to liquid. This was the most disgusting thing i have ever tasted. The whole piece of gum turned to a runy paste. I had to walk out of the class without saying any thing and spit it out in the bathroom. Never chew juicy fruit...

OMG the same thing happens to me everytime. After 1-2 hours of chewing it suddenly disintegrates and fills up your mouth with these weird liquid and small particles. You can't talk and have to go spit it out immidiatelly. (I noticed this only happens with the blue/yellow pack, not the vend pack)

I would recommend Freedent, it's pretty good and doesn't disintegrate at all.

(The only reason I chew the blue/yellow juicy fruit is cause it's my gf's favorite .. reminds me of her. You have spit immidiately once it starts decomposing though)
yeah, it was never happened to me before with any
I never hold onto gum for like 2 hours I've never noticed.
I cant stand gum after a couple of minutes. Most of the mint ones loose their flavar and get all bitter. And I dont like many other kinds...........Exept for bubleishous watermelone......that one kicks ass!
LOL one time I was chewing a mint gum (Trident I think) and then she gave me a piece of Jucy Fruit and instead of spitting it out I put both of them in my mouth producing this nasty goo ...:x

I wanted to vomit afterwards ... ;(
How can you eat a gum more than 1 hour? It loses its taste and makes you hungry. Although once I also chewd gum for more then 1 day(I lived in Ukraine then, gums were a scare), but it turned into very soft homogeneous substance, not liquid.

About gums in Ukraine(and former soviet union). Back then they were scare, so kids used to chew the same piece of gum in companies. For example, someone got a gum, he chews it for some time, then gives it to his friend and so on.
Originally posted by Loshadka
How can you eat a gum more than 1 hour? It loses its taste and makes you hungry. Although once I also chewd gum for more then 1 day(I lived in Ukraine then, gums were a scare), but it turned into very soft homogeneous substance, not liquid.

About gums in Ukraine(and former soviet union). Back then they were scare, so kids used to chew the same piece of gum in companies. For example, someone got a gum, he chews it for some time, then gives it to his friend and so on.

well liquid is the next step. When i was chewing it was regular than for about 2 min it was like a thin, soft piece of gum. It would break up in your mouth and get stuck on teeth etc..then if you keep chewing it seems like its just going away, then you realize its creating a puddle in your mouth.
Originally posted by Loshadka
About gums in Ukraine(and former soviet union). Back then they were scare, so kids used to chew the same piece of gum in companies. For example, someone got a gum, he chews it for some time, then gives it to his friend and so on.

Oh yes I remember that .. I lived in Belarus. I never really chewed gum after other people though, but they did ask for mine after I was done. Sometimes people would actually pick up gum of the ground if it still looked 'fresh' .. Ugh
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Sometimes people would actually pick up gum of the ground if it still looked 'fresh' .. Ugh
Well, in Ukraine despair didn't go that far... :cheese: He-he.:E
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Oh yes I remember that .. I lived in Belarus. I never really chewed gum after other people though, but they did ask for mine after I was done. Sometimes people would actually pick up gum of the ground if it still looked 'fresh' .. Ugh

That's horrible! No wonder the Soviet Union fell. j/k I'd chew gum after a girlfriend, but that's probably it. I can't chew gum long because it tends to get way too hard after about 30 minutes. Then it starts to hurt my jaws. Although I find it hard to believe that Juicy Fruit will turn to liquid so I want to try.
Yeah gum was really popular those days along with bananas (that's right bananas). If you ever brought a banana outside, everyone would ask for a piece.

And also people collected those wrappers that came inside the gum. In US we don't have them I think. Bazooka Joe might be the only one.

Fascinating, yes ...?
Different strokes for different folks...

Bazooka Joe, do they still make that stuff? I used to love the little comics it came with.
Originally posted by dis
Different strokes for different folks...

Bazooka Joe, do they still make that stuff? I used to love the little comics it came with.

I think so .. at least I have seen them in stores a few years ago.

In Russia people would rank the various types gum (usually by the size of the wrapper inside or how expensive it is) and trade accordingly. The best one was called "Turbo" and featured fairly large pictures of sports/concept cars inside. I think at one point I had like 60 of them.

Man I can't believe I did weird shit like that once .. LOL
What is a bitch is eating a Softmint while chewing some Extra gum. The stuff it makes is stronger than superglue
For long-lasting chewability, take a piece of Wrigley's JuicyFruit and, once it has lost all flavour, fold a teaspoon of sugar into it. Lasts for ever if you keep doing it.

EDIT: Well, it did last time I tried it, anyway.
Originally posted by Murray_H
What is a bitch is eating a Softmint while chewing some Extra gum. The stuff it makes is stronger than superglue

:eek: I remember that... everyone loved Softmints in Year 7 of my school, they were like Bananas :p (that's so cool Lone, I wish I lived in Russia... I know it might have been horrible...but still :) ) and once I tried Extra and a Softmint... hehe stuck my teeth together for ages :(
I chew one piece of bubblegum for like 4-5 hours 'til it gets turned into either liquid or some kind of powder.. Yuck..
I have to say, the liquid thing happend to me recently, i always choo gum in a car journey so i dont get sick, and i had a 3 hour drive with one gum, and it melted and tasted of sick and then i nearly choked on it,