dont do a 360 with your 360

Hey guess what? If you don't want your disk scratched don't pick your 360 up while your playing a game and flip it around! WOA!!! What a revolutionary idea. Most people tend not to flip their 360 around for this thread is useless unless your a dumbass and flip your 360 while theres a disk in it. BTW not all 360s do this...mine doesn't. I tested it with a blank cd and it didn't do crap.
What if you knock it down while playing?

Why does it not bother you that this is a problem? You could take a gamecube and THROW IT OUT OF A CAR and it will still work. I like nintendo, they always make quality stuff. The x-box bothers me in this accout because its not secure. Stuff happens. No matter how smart you are, there is a chance something will happen, and the console has to be rugged enough to survive it. Heck, if it cant handle being flipped on its side, then it probobly wont survive being dropped.
Javes said:
For the record, those are stronger than normal burned DVDs, but commercial discs are usually even more resistent (at least in my experience).
Javes said:
hahaha what a loser! He actually went out to try and help Microsoft, because they really need it!
wow, way to go ugly lemming, here, let me say 'm$' for you.
Puzzlemaker said:
What if you knock it down while playing?

Why does it not bother you that this is a problem? You could take a gamecube and THROW IT OUT OF A CAR and it will still work. I like nintendo, they always make quality stuff. The x-box bothers me in this accout because its not secure. Stuff happens. No matter how smart you are, there is a chance something will happen, and the console has to be rugged enough to survive it. Heck, if it cant handle being flipped on its side, then it probobly wont survive being dropped.
I think this warrants THIS VIDEO I was actually really suprised with the results, pleasantly suprised