Don't Do It!

hmm, this game is easier to get out of then I thought. :(

D: Level 8 is weird...there's a hammer..and a nail...and you move doggie dies~
I got to level seven... That was just too damn long.
Hahah, there was a "Skip Level" button at the bottom, and instinctively I went to it.
Kinda funny, but also kind of a waste of 9 minutes and 40 seconds. (Total time spent not shooting the puppy.)
I shot it to stop it experiencing eternal suffering :(
I won. it took 10 minutes 7 seconds for me.

The one where you click on it, and it still shows the button as if you didn't click on it... had me CRACKING UP, cause I knew people were going to click it. Me, being eternally intelligent, yet dismally retarded for going through to the end, didn't click on it a second time.
This is a tricky game. How many levels?

LVL 10 was a bitch. Went all black. Hah.

WHAT THE HELL! I lost.. I didn't move my thing. Whatever.
Pwnt by level 3. D:

It took every ounce of my will power to leave the puppy in one piece. There were times during the game where the puppy really needed to die, but I couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger.
An absolute heart pounding game with thrills around every corner. Highly recommended.

Oh and... was I the only one expecting something to pop up and scare the living shit out us?

Made it to level 9... that damn nail and hammer...
Beat it... There are 15 levels. I expected the "You win!" screen to be fake... but I waited a couple minutes and it wasn't.

He should have made it fake and made more levels. It can't be very hard to make levels.
i dont get it, as soon as i start the game it shots, how do i prevent it?

EDIT: i found out....
Ravioli said:
i dont get it, as soon as i start the game it shots, how do i prevent it?

EDIT: i found out....

you just click it and do not move your mouse, or the gun will shoot.
xlucidx said:
Pwnt by level 3. D:


Oh and... was I the only one expecting something to pop up and scare the living shit out us?

your not the only one... i felt the same
Teta_Bonita said:
lol level 11 pwned me
yeah me too :( We lost because we thought we didn't click first time, and it was a trick to click again? I hope it was that cos i'm not sure what i did wrong :(
Ikerous said:
Great concept poorly executed
Eh? I thought it was nice. The visual simplicity was good for it. What could have been better? (Besides more levels..)
Did anyone else just shoot the gun like mad when the puppy went behind it?
ríomhaire said:
Did anyone else just shoot the gun like mad when the puppy went behind it?

Yeah, I felt like screaming a tad. :| Sad that such a pointless game can have that effect on me.
Level 12 was a bitch. Can't be ****ed going any further.
Just alt+tab at the start of every level and watch the fun whilst doing something else...
You can browse other stuff by going ALT-F-New Tab in Opera, dunno what it is in FF but it's probably something similar.
funny to see my sisters face when puppy got shot...she was torn on that "eternal suffering" level too :eek:
sabre0001 said:
funny to see my sisters face when puppy got shot...she was torn on that "eternal suffering" level too :eek:

Ahahaha... Poor girl.
Ikerous said:
Great concept poorly executed

Exactly, although level 12 nearly got me

Time Spent Not Shooting the Puppy: 9 min 59 sec