Don't expect a new XBox anytime soon


Aug 17, 2006
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I don't need a new xbox, I just need one THAT DOESN't BREAK TWICE A YEAR LIKE MOTHER****ING CLOCKWORK WHAT THE ****.
They dont need a new generation yet, the current one is still seeing massive growth, personaly im all for slowing down on the hardware side, it brings innovation in the software, I mean the most recent 360 games are alot more impressive than the early ones, they are learning the hardware and using it better, the same will probbally happen for the PS3 over time.

The side effect is that PC development takes a breather to, as most developers want their game to be console ready these days, you most likely wont see another PC only risk like Crysis for a while, even ID's tech 5 stuff is built to run on consoles, but like I said I think its a good thing, as people focus more on the areas of games that are somtimes neglected in favor of graphics, such as interesting gameplay. (Well we can hope).
Now we just need PC gaming to slow down a little as well.
id like to thank the Wii for bringing games back 10 years.
good. I'd like to see a reiteration of the Wii with (at the very least) a sufficient HDD, though.
I would say that we can probably expect the next consoles in 2 years or so (I say XMas 2010 at the earliest)
Originally Posted by Iced_Eagle
I would say that we can probably expect the next consoles in 2 years or so (I say XMas 2010 at the earliest)

Why? The current consoles are fine and still pretty new. I say no new consoles from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo for at least five more years.
5? No way. Businesses don't work like that. I say 2 or so.
I say two or more for the Wii, 5 or more for the 360 and 7 or more for the PS3

I'm not saying this because I am a fanboy, I'm just going by hardware.
I now agree with Leto, mostly because I like his avatar but also because I think it makes sense.
This is good news, means I wont have to dish out a few hundred more for a new one.
Why? The current consoles are fine and still pretty new. I say no new consoles from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo for at least five more years.

Well, that's why I said or so.

Nintendo currently has no reason to upgrade while their console is still selling like hotcakes. Once sales start slowing, then they should come back again with the Wii 2.

Sony just can't afford launching another one right now, but at the same time they really need it. The PS3 is a sinking ship. Not even Blu-Ray player on it is looking as great as standalone players. Hell, I'm even selling my PS3 right now (blatant advertising: PM if interested) as I no longer see the value in the system.

MS though was starting to look a bit stale with old dash. The NXE put new life into the tank, which I believe can last for two years or so. It looks great, feels great, easily customizable and they can do updates on it whenever they want. It didn't upgrade any of the hardware, just the software, so eventually developers are going to hit the 360's hardware ceiling where it's like "We can't get it looking any better". MS also said they want to be first out of the gate again, which is why I think it may happen where they come out a year ahead of others.

However, it will be interesting to see how MS views the NXE. Maybe they are expecting another 4 years out of the box, who knows! Whenever MS launches their next box, I'll be there to buy it. :) Maybe not day one, but I was really impressed with them this gen. Plus, I'm sure they are hardware testing the crap out of their next box to ensure no more RROD's or similar fates!
The sun never sets on the 360 empire.

The way I see it, the ps3 is still on the rise. I think Sony realized that as long as the same games are being released on both the 360 and the ps3, people are more likely to buy the cheaper console to play them, i.e. the 360. This is why games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance, and Little Big Planet are only on the ps3. You'd think MS would be more willing to give the TF2 updates for free on the 360 to combat sony's strategy, since ps3 won't be getting them.
You'd think MS would be more willing to give the TF2 updates for free on the 360 to combat sony's strategy, since ps3 won't be getting them.

Well it's actually more like people have only one place to get it, so MS is just going to charge.

Plus, it's not a decision per-say, but rather it's more of a policy issue. The thing is that Valve is also adding achievements and such too, and since it's pretty substantial patch which requires lots of QA and also means it will use a lot of bandwidth, they basically have to charge to cover all of the costs.
Actually, I'm surprised to hear so many people complain about the 360 breaking so much. Mine hasn't broken yet, and I've had it over a year now.
The PS3 is selling very well, and has been for quite a while. It's also a damn fine Blu-ray player. Best ?300 i'v spent in ages.
And...lemme get this straight, this is from a PC World article?
