Dont forget shepherd



Hey guys like most of you ive just finished hl2 wif a big omg wtf look on my face so i started looking for information and came across this forum.
Anyway has anyone considered the return of Corpral Shepherd in hl3 I think it would be awesome to see if he helps out Gordan with a near impossiable task or somthin like that because he does hold praise with gman and he is just left out there in space.
Maybe g-man would send you to find him.
Im just thinking of the possibilites.
Now this may go off the to the deep end a bit but with shepherds input it could lead to a coop means of game play how ever i doubt that very much.
Anyways i reli like this speculation forum k kewl lata.
I've considered the return of Corporal Shepherd in an expansion, but only considered.
NO no no!!!! the half life games HAVE to be gordon freeman!!!!!! the expansions are shepard and barney etc. it would ruin the game to have the main title as another character!
No he never, gman simply placed him where he cant be touched, cant escape or cant talk to anyone
Shepherd's popularity is bizarrely high for a guy who never once says anything. The character itself is a combination of 1. The guy on the loading screen, 2. The Hand holding the gun in the FPS view and 3. You. The person who played the game.

I think it's a testament to how good the Half-Life games are at getting people to role play that a character solely composed of a player's experiences would be wanted back for a second innings.

I think a Shepherd expansion would be great, but I wouldn't pass it over for a glance at an Alyx or Barney pre HL2 backstory, or a proper "Opposing Force 2", where you play as a combine soldier (Perhaps one who gets sentanced to have a permanent off-world assignment due to Mission Failure at Nova Prospekt?). I also think that an Opposing Force 2 from a combine perspective would work well in ways that Op4 1 never worked: ie. you could actually be an enemy, fighting against Resistance forces (where the original was just the same side of the story as the first game, because you befriended the scientests you were supposed to kill).
The best Opposing Force expansion would be GMan dropping him into the middle of a battle alongside his fellow Marines during the "7 hours war," only for him to be captured and transformed into a Combine soldier, only to later rebel and destroy another portal or even jump through it and give us a glimpse of the combine universe in the process. That way, it really would be "Opposing Force 2."
There gonna let you play as alex in hl3. Some swedish fools leaked it.
I didnt mean to have shepared as a main player but someone who would like help you at the end sort of like Barney it could be close to the very end and could be a near impossiable task you have to do so you need help from Shepard who shows as much if not more potential then Freeman thats all i was thinking.
I wouldnt want him to be playable reay because Half-life 3 should be 100% only Gordan none of this here you will be Alex and in this part you will be barney
I am wondering how could shepard survive? G-man left him in the middle of nowhere with no supplies and no weapons.
I suspect that Gman left him in a slow teleport or time warp like he did with Gordon at the end of HL1. After all, what's the point of keeping someone alive and imprisoning him only to have him starve to death when you could have just left him where he was so he would get killed by the nuke going off.
btw they put Shepared away so he could tell no one about xen and what happened at black mesa.
But now everyone knows so there is no real reason to keep him traped
Yes! We really SHOULD press Valve with lots of e-mails to create an expansion with Adrian Shephard!
jesus christ these name typos start to annoy me. It's Alyx, not alex and it's Gordon not Gordan FFS
Playing the 7 hour war would suck because it's absolutely one-sided and you know how it'll end.
Just because we know that we "lost" the war, doesn't mean we know EXACTLY HOW it'll end. Maybe it could end explaining how exactly Breen became so powerful, and how the Lambda Resistance started... there are many things we could see.
RAMBO-PM said:
Just because we know that we "lost" the war, doesn't mean we know EXACTLY HOW it'll end. Maybe it could end explaining how exactly Breen became so powerful, and how the Lambda Resistance started... there are many things we could see.
Breen became powerful by surrendering on behalf of humanity.

And even if we find out a few more details a war that took 7 hours to win doesn't have much balance if played IMO, which would make it pretty boring.

I'd rather find out more 7-hour war details with a mod set shortly after it about the founding of the resistance, possibly from a Barney PoV.
Eejit said:
Breen became powerful by surrendering on behalf of humanity..

That's just vague... how can someone surrender on behalf of mankind, without being elected responsible by mankind itself? He must have gathered some power to do so.
Mankind came in with Mr. Socko and told Breen to do it. You dont mess with a guy who's wearing a hannibal mask and a sock puppet.

Oh, wait, Half Life 2? I was looking for my muffins.
I have a possible plot for an OpFor2 expansion: Adrian Shepard is released from stasis with a few words from the G-Man, who's trying to convince him to join his cause. He drops off Adrian at one of his old military bases, now totally destroyed from the 7-hours war. He attempts to link up with the rest of his unit only to find out that the government agency that sent them all to Black Mesa has been disbanded in favor of Breen's government. While stumbling around blind and confused, he's picked up and recruited by an ex-Marine resistance cell (who have been told of Adrian's presence by the G-Man). And, like Gordon, is sent off on a mission to take out (or do severe damage to) the citadel in their area (probably in the United States instead of Europe).

At the end, Adrian is fully recruited into the G-Man's "cause".
Jenga said:
Adrian Shepard is released from stasis with a few words from the G-Man, who's trying to convince him to join his cause.

I meant that the G-Man gives him another chance after missing the portal in OpFor. Oops :rolling:
i hope for sheprad hl2 expansion... but alyx abd barney will be in valve focus... well, thats not so bad.
I have a possible plot for an OpFor2 expansion: Adrian Shepard is released from stasis with a few words from the G-Man, who's trying to convince him to join his cause. He drops off Adrian at one of his old military bases, now totally destroyed from the 7-hours war. He attempts to link up with the rest of his unit only to find out that the government agency that sent them all to Black Mesa has been disbanded in favor of Breen's government. While stumbling around blind and confused, he's picked up and recruited by an ex-Marine resistance cell (who have been told of Adrian's presence by the G-Man). And, like Gordon, is sent off on a mission to take out (or do severe damage to) the citadel in their area (probably in the United States instead of Europe).

I guess its an ok idea, but again its a simple case of taking out the citadel like in half life 2. Besides i think there sonly one citadel and thats in C17...thats why its so special (unlike the original plot)

I also dont think gman needs to convince anyone...theyre already working for him :)
I think they should have made a reference to Shephard in HL2. For example, some resistance NPCs are talking, and one of them says "Yeah, we sent Shephard, he's on it."
Shepard could also be some undercover-agent for the resistance, with a fake combine mask like barneys. And then he could infiltrate the enemy from inside and you, the player, can find out intresting stuff about the story. Wouldn't that make more Sense ?
But ok, maybe that would fit in better in a barney expansion ...
Jenga said:
I have a possible plot for an OpFor2 expansion: Adrian Shepard is released from stasis with a few words from the G-Man, who's trying to convince him to join his cause. He drops off Adrian at one of his old military bases, now totally destroyed from the 7-hours war. He attempts to link up with the rest of his unit only to find out that the government agency that sent them all to Black Mesa has been disbanded in favor of Breen's government. While stumbling around blind and confused, he's picked up and recruited by an ex-Marine resistance cell (who have been told of Adrian's presence by the G-Man). And, like Gordon, is sent off on a mission to take out (or do severe damage to) the citadel in their area (probably in the United States instead of Europe).

At the end, Adrian is fully recruited into the G-Man's "cause".

nice idea! i'd like to see shepard, i'm more of a nostalgic person :rolleyes: ahh, i wouldn't like to play as alyx but barney yes!

HL3 expansion:
maybe shepard yould be put as a resistance leader by the g-man in another city, eventualy the resistance around the world would unite together fighting off the true combine, while gordon is fighting on their homeplanet trying to destroy the combine! then he could connect with Barney and Kleiner who managed to build a teleporter and send Adrian to the combine world to help Freeman bringing along some old friends! however Gordon managed to destroy the combine blowing them all up, or maybe g-man teleports them to earth and they all together celebrate victory! "Gordon and Shepard staring at each other without saing a word...then shepard shakes Gordons hand...turns around, put his weapon on his shoulder and confidently walks away...the end..."

ehh, it sucks :(
Well we can forget shepard, valve have no interest in reviving him..thank god as well
Samon said:
Well we can forget shepard, valve have no interest in reviving him..thank god as well

Where did you pull that from? :p
what do you gyus have against swedish people?
i mean c´mon im swedish its nothing wrong with it.
cheers :cheers:
a good place for an adrian shepherd expansion would be the week where gordon and alyx are in transit
even if g-man can go in the future and see that gordon comes out a week later, he could still have a task that needs doing in that week
soooo then he's gotta go to his backup man
I can imagane how Shepared will show up in expansion: Huge plane with Shepared crashes in middle of city full of combines..
jimmyjam said:
if he brings his barnacle gun then I'm all for it
Indeed. I imagine they could do something special with that... A sort of organic gravity gun? (The two fire modes latch onto the object and spit it out in turn. It would need to be a pretty quick tongue though ^^)
yes I had a similar idea, but what would keep the barnacle from eating whatever you suck into it? stomach staples? :D
I use to, and still HATE the barnicle gun, how could you put it on your arm? it'd still to your chest or somethin? I liked the electric-arm-cracb thing that you got but the barnicle thing was over the top!