Don't kiss without protection!


The Freeman
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
For your ears...
A young Chinese woman was left partially deaf following a passionate kiss from her boyfriend.

he incident prompted a series of articles in the local media warning of the dangers of excessive kissing.

"While kissing is normally very safe, doctors advise people to proceed with caution," wrote the China Daily.

"The kiss reduced the pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear."
This "boyfriend" wouldn't happen to be an industrial-size vacuum pump, would he?
There's plenty of pun material still there. I'm just holding back to give the others a chance as I'm the OP ;)
*kisses girl*


*eardrum explodes*
There's plenty of pun material still there. I'm just holding back to give the others a chance as I'm the OP ;)
Well if you want to call yourself an obnoxious prick...that's fine by me. Self flaming, it's the new thing around here...
I prefer it when you call me that, honey.
Sounded like that guy was getting ahead of himself.
AFAIK kissing is not about sucking air out of each other's mouths :?
I could have sworn this was posted before, but the lack of "OLD" comments makes me unsure.
Krynn I feel similarly. I definitely read about this a couple of days ago... not sure if it was here though.
I cant find it anywhere. I know ive read about it on a forum, but I havent been to any other one in a long time. It was something about it being a new Chinese secret weapon.
No, it was online. I think I just saw it on BBC or CNN.

Colbert rules though!


It all makes sense now!
In that case forums for the lonely gamer like this will become the last refuges from their deadly skills. :p

Feaqr not, we are safe.
In that case forums for the lonely gamer like this will become the last refuges from their deadly skills. :p

Feaqr not, we are safe.

Are you insane?!
This is! Our members get targeted by asian woman all the freakin time!
just get ready and when they get close you punch there tits and say no bad asian girls bad!
and if that dosnt work i find a roundhouse kick + a Elbow Drop works a treat :)
and Nuri knows all about crazy asian women i remember him hiding at my house until his Japanese stalker left the country ahh memories
Are you insane?!
This is! Our members get targeted by asian woman all the freakin time!

Oh shit, I totally forgot about that. :O

and Nuri knows all about crazy asian women i remember him hiding at my house until his Japanese stalker left the country ahh memories

I crashed at Reno's as well man, that was ****ed up lol.

Wasn't that when we watched advent children at his place?.