Don't know about you, but the climate is getting fu...d up!


Aug 6, 2004
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It has been snowing for almost 2 weeks, temperature is from -2C to -12+C!

Heres the neat stuff:

-i live in a costal mediteraniann city (1km from the sea, and we swim in it during the summer->25-30C water temperature)
-our average winter (until now) temperature is 5-10C
-our avereage summer temperature is 27-33C, this summer it was constantly 35-40+C
-twice in my life i witnessed (light) snow in this area
-its at the end of winter

Don't know if its just a anomaly but it's preety bad, if something alike happens this year then something must be really wrong!

Other interesting stuff:

-in northen germany the temperature fell to -44C!
-winter causes hundredes of deaths in afganistan
-in the south of Italy theres snow-storms
-.....i'm sure you can find more on the net...
Don't know if its just a anomaly but it's preety bad, if something alike happens this year then something must be really wrong!

Probably just normal fluctuations of the weather cycle.
Would be nice if we got snow over here in New Mexico.
there is a trend going on in weather, it's effects are somwhat surprising (learn more about it here many people think global warming leads only to increased heat, in the long run that is actually not true. As glaciers and ice caps melt they increase the volume of the oceans making it take them longer to cool down and heat up. This leads to odd weather patterns, depending on conditions they usually even out but the past 30 years has shown some alarming trends illustrated in the afforemenrtioned website.
Norther Germany, is that Scandinavia? :p

Up in Luleå it was -55°C. That's the lowest temperature there. Ever. But we had relative hot wather in December and January, so I wouldn't worry too much.
, it's effects are somwhat surprising (learn more about it here many people think global warming leads only to increased heat

There is no scientific evidence to support global warming.

As glaciers and ice caps melt

Yet they are growing.

This leads to odd weather patterns, depending on conditions they usually even out but the past 30 years has shown some alarming trends illustrated in the afforemenrtioned website.

If global warming were to actually occur, it would actually decrease extreme weather events and result in a benefit for most of the planet. In short it would be a good thing.
Yes it is strange, but its just because there is a particular air mass hanging around at the moment and its not going anywhere... or something like that weather is my weakest subject in geography :(.

edit- oh and ghostfox, don't start discussing a topic you obviously know nothing about, research it and you will find that if global warming does occur it will be hell throughout the entire globe!
edit- oh and ghostfox, don't start discussing a topic you obviously know nothing about, research it and you will find that if global warming does occur it will be hell throughout the entire globe!

Fat Tony, please don't discuss a topic you know nothing about. In the last 150 years, most weather stations have shown a decline in tempature, not an increase. The threat of global warming is a myth perpatrated by enviromentalists. DDT will give you cancer too, right?
It hasn't been this cold in my area of Sweden in 40 years..
The earth undergoes a major ice age roughly every 100,000 years, and a mini ice age every 20,000 years.

Last mini ice age? About 20,000 years ago.

However the effects we are seeing now are more likely caused by normal fluctuations in the weather pattern (the most common is a roughly 50 year cycle) as opposed to signs of an impending ice age.
1) I wasn't saying Global warming was going to happen I was saying that if it did happen there would be serious problems around the world, FACT. A small change in temperature will mean more evaporation and will change the speed of winds throughout the globe therefore with a domino effect of changing environments, we should be able to cope if we are prepared since it will just mean a change in climate mainly but a lot of people will not be able to manage the change and will die.
2) I don't know where you got your statistics about temperature dropping, most likely rumours, temperatures are rising slowly and in the recent years it has been the hottest in a long long time, anyway no point arguing about this since your obviously stuck to your opinion. Either way you cannot argue about this until you know the facts and neither of us do, unless you have some sort of degree in Geography or meteorlogy
GhostFox said:
There is no scientific evidence to support global warming.

Yet they are growing.

If global warming were to actually occur, it would actually decrease extreme weather events and result in a benefit for most of the planet. In short it would be a good thing.
Pretty much everything you said there goes against every single article written by a legitimate source that I have ever read. Show me where you got that information.

GhostFox said:
Fat Tony, please don't discuss a topic you know nothing about. In the last 150 years, most weather stations have shown a decline in tempature, not an increase. The threat of global warming is a myth perpatrated by enviromentalists. DDT will give you cancer too, right?
Same with this. Where the hell did you find some place saying the average temperature has been dropping?
Global warming isn't as deffinate as you think it is. Don't just say Ghost is making stuff up because hes a lot closer to the truth than you think.
It's fun, isn't it? I've made 30+ posts taday, and all of them have been ignored.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Global warming isn't as deffinate as you think it is. Don't just say Ghost is making stuff up because hes a lot closer to the truth than you think.
Perhaps its not conclusive but from everything I have ever read the Icecaps are shrinking, the average temperature has risen (especially in northern parts of the world), there is plenty of evidence to support global warming (Its just not conclusive yet), and if global warming is occuring it WILL result in more extreme weather.

The_Monkey said:
It's fun, isn't it? I've made 30+ posts taday, and all of them have been ignored.
Happy now? :p
Pretty much everything you said there goes against every single article written by a legitimate source that I have ever read. Show me where you got that information.

You read reports from enviromentalists.

Same with this. Where the hell did you find some place saying the average temperature has been dropping?

It has been.

There is nothing to argue here. The scientific data is out there for all to read. If you really want to know the truth, you will do your own reserch and find all the information you need. If you would like a good starting point, I would suggest reading "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. He uses hundreds of sources from prominent scientists and reams of research. The reason I like to recommend this book is because it is full of graphs that nicely illustrate the point, much easier for your average person to understand then charts full of numbers.
GhostFox said:
You read reports from enviromentalists.

It has been.

There is nothing to argue here. The scientific data is out there for all to read. If you really want to know the truth, you will do your own reserch and find all the information you need. If you would like a good starting point, I would suggest reading "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. He uses hundreds of sources from prominent scientists and reams of research. The reason I like to recommend this book is because it is full of graphs that nicely illustrate the point, much easier for your average person to understand then charts full of numbers.

It's common knowlage that the temprature rise is a bad thing. If it continue like it has done now, southern europe will be a desert in 50 years.

The Mullinator said:
Happy now? :p
Thanks ;)
but from everything I have ever read the Icecaps are shrinking

Where? Anartica has 90% of the worlds ice, and it has been increasing in thickness. Greenland has another 6%. That leaves 4% left. So yes, there has been some shrinkage in North America, but even if that is accurate it represents a minute amount of the ice in the world. There are 497 glaciers in California alone. Do you know how many have lost any size? 16. With such overwhelming figures as this you must be on to something.

and if global warming is occuring it WILL result in more extreme weather.

Incorrect. Increased tempature on a world scale would reduce severe storms like Hurricanes, thunderstorms, etc. Global warming would be a stablizing factor and would benefit more of the planet.
GhostFox said:
You read reports from enviromentalists.

It has been.

There is nothing to argue here. The scientific data is out there for all to read. If you really want to know the truth, you will do your own reserch and find all the information you need. If you would like a good starting point, I would suggest reading "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. He uses hundreds of sources from prominent scientists and reams of research. The reason I like to recommend this book is because it is full of graphs that nicely illustrate the point, much easier for your average person to understand then charts full of numbers.
No I read reports from scientists:

This is what most scientists seem to be swinging towards. I dont think the newscientist links are working right now but they are good articles to read once they are back up.
It's common knowlage that the temprature rise is a bad thing.

It used to be common knowladge that eugenics would destroy society, the sun revolved around the earth etc. I can site hundreds of examples of "common knowladge". Most of them are wrong. Common people aren't experts. Why would you listen to them?
No I read reports from scientists

I'm sure you can find some scientists saying that DDT causes cancer too. Doesn't make it true. 50 million people have died because DDT was banned. These enviromentalists are anything but harmless.
GhostFox said:
I'm sure you can find some scientists saying that DDT causes cancer too. Doesn't make it true. 50 million people have died because DDT was banned. These enviromentalists are anything but harmless.
Ok if you think that most scientists disagree with the existance of global warming then please show me evidence of that. I have provided articles that show the opinions of MANY respectable scientists. Now please kindly show your evidence.
For godness sake, have you been living under a rock? Everyting indicates that increasing temperature will lead to more hurricans, more floods, more drought. Can you shown me one credible source that backs up your statements?
Letters said:
Hahaha, where's that stupid quotes thread?!
"Why dont you help yourself to a f***ing science textbook, because your talking like a f***ing retard!"

Linking to an earlier post, we are due another ice age, anyone know what effect global warming would have on it if or when it came?
Hehe...I'm ready to listen, but I'm not going to get anything out of those graphs without the help of a telescope. :D
Hehe...I'm ready to listen, but I'm not going to get anything out of those graphs without the help of a telescope

Sorry about that. Photbucket really shrunk them. If you notice there is a solid line running through the graph that shows a median average. Left hand side is the start date, right hand end date.

The date from them is this
McGill, NV 1913-2000 Net change -1 degrees F
Cherokee, OK 1930-2000 Net change -1.5 degrees F
Boulder, CO 1930-1997 Net change -.7 degrees F
Truman, MO 1931-2000 Net change -2.2 degrees F
Greenville, SC 1930-2000 Net change -1.5 degrees F
Ann Arbor, MI 1930-2000 Net change -1 degrees F
Poughkepsee, Albany, Oswego, NY 1930-2000 Net change -1 degrees F
Springs, Australia 1879-2003 Net change 0 degrees C
Clyde, NWT 1943-2004 Net change -1 degrees C
Rome, Italy 1811-1989 Net change 0 degrees C
Paris, Le Bourget 1757-1995 Net change -.5 degrees C
Milano-Linate 1763-1986 Net change -.2 degrees C
Stuttgart, Germany 1792-2004 Net change -.5 degrees C
Navacerrada, Spain 1941-2004 Net change -.4 degrees C
Goteburg, Sweden 1951-2004 Net change 0 degrees C
Berkley, CA 1930-2000 Net change +.2 degrees F
Death Valley, CA 1930-2000 Net change +.1 degrees F

Anyone scared about Global Warming now?
GhostFox said:
Theres some graphs showing it rising. Also if the temperatures in all those locations in your graphs really have been dropping like those graphs have shown then it really doesn't matter. You are showing graphs of local climate drops (some even show local rises in temperature), we are talking about GLOBAL climate change. Incase you havn't read recently most of the temperature increases have been occuring in the polar regions which is also where they will prove the most dangerous.
Theres some graphs showing it rising.

Your graphs are taking into account tempature change based on land usage. A city raises the tempature a few degrees. The more it expands, the higher the tempature rises.

Yet another deliberate misinterpration by enviromentalists. Got anything else?
Incase you havn't read recently most of the temperature increases have been occuring in the polar regions which is also where they will prove the most dangerous.

Ahh...I see. Now you have changed your argument so that somehow greenhouse gases, trapped in the atmosphere, which covers the whole planet, only warm specific regions. They somehow cool the rest of the planet.

Are you listening to yourself? If you don't want to know the truth you are free to walk away. If you keep this up you will just look foolish.
Central florida is pretty freakin cold also.

@Ghost fox: Don't use bmp to upload. .bmp means .blimp
GhostFox said:
Your graphs are taking into account tempature change based on land usage. A city raises the tempature a few degrees. The more it expands, the higher the tempature rises.

Yet another deliberate misinterpration by enviromentalists. Got anything else?
How do you know they are taking into account temperature change based on land usage? I don't even know if they are. Also like I said in my edit, your graphs only take into account select local changes while mine take into account the entire globe.

GhostFox said:
Ahh...I see. Now you have changed your argument so that somehow greenhouse gases, trapped in the atmosphere, which covers the whole planet, only warm specific regions. They somehow cool the rest of the planet.

Are you listening to yourself? If you don't want to know the truth you are free to walk away. If you keep this up you will just look foolish.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that climate change in the polar regions will be greater than anywhere else on Earth. Arctic temperatures have risen by 5 °C over the past 100 years, and the extent of the annual sea ice has decreased by six per cent over the past 20 years. The sea ice decrease over the next 50 years is predicted to be 60 per cent.
Mullinator, I could give thousands of sources, and you could find plenty of ones yourself by scientists blindly promoting the global warming myth. No amount of information I give you will ever change your mind. Like I suggested before, start doing some research on your own. The truth is plainly out there. It's up to you if you want to accept it.
GhostFox said:
Mullinator, I could give thousands of sources, and you could find plenty of ones yourself by scientists blindly promoting the global warming myth. No amount of information I give you will ever change your mind. Like I suggested before, start doing some research on your own. The truth is plainly out there. It's up to you if you want to accept it.
Well if you won't believe scientists when it comes to a scientific field then who will you believe? Granted there are a large number of scientists who do not believe in global warming however their numbers are slowly dwindilling away.

I posted this in a previous climate change thread as well as in here already but I think these two articles deserve another look:

Here are the people who do not believe in climate change:

Here is a general article that sums up nicely the information both for and against climate change. It also has this quote:
Where does this leave us? Actually, with a surprising degree of consensus about the basic science of global warming - at least among scientists. As science historian Naomi Oreskes of the University of California, San Diego, wrote in Science late last year (vol 306, p 1686): "Politicians, economists, journalists and others may have the impression of confusion, disagreement or discord among climate scientists, but that impression is incorrect."

Her review of all 928 peer-reviewed papers on climate change published between 1993 and 2003 showed the consensus to be real and near universal. Even sceptical scientists now accept that we can expect some warming. They differ from the rest only in that they believe most climate models overestimate the positive feedback and underestimate the negative, and they predict that warming will be at the bottom end of the IPCC's scale
Global Warming isn't exactly what you'd call a simple problem. Even people in the field admit a certain amount of ignorance over certain causes and effects. It's certainly a world-wide problem thats not confined to particular locales, but it's effects are also apparently uneven over the worlds surface.
Remember here, when dealing with climate change and measurements you have variables in the equation ranging from cloud cover and wind direction to oceanic currents. This isn't as simple as the temperature raising a few degrees.
On the actual topic of this thread, the weather's been wicked around here, but its Connecticut so it's always been that way. We've always been known for having insane and nonsensical weather swings.
Who cares about the earth anyway, its just going to get incinerated by the sun in a few hundred billion years we might as well have fun while were alive.
Well the global warming topic is interesting.

Michael Crichton is a good read, and he is said to be quite a genius, but that's no substitute for scientific knowledge, from respected sources.

I am studying Atmospherical Physics, and we have done a lot of calculations (albeit crude) to agree with global warming trends, although the real results require supercomputers to refine it.

My professor is hardly an environmentalist, but he agrees there is a lot of evidence in favour of an "excessive global warming" to use the correct terminology. There is a lot of thermodynamics involved, and these "crazy environmentalists" couldn't get away with unsubstantiated speculation without being torn to shreds by the real scientists.
(the greenhouse effect is actually a good thing, it is the reason why we are alive today...but we don't want a "positive feedback process" where we get a runaway greenhouse effect and get an atmosphere like Venus...Venus should only be about 400K).

Also I am doing a project for a year called "Schumann Resonances", and one of the things in the theory of this is that it can be used as a global thermometer. According to many scientific journals records, a trend has been detected, showing some global warming has taken place since they were discovered in 1953.

Sure, natural variations take place, we have ice ages, throughout the earth - these historical variations were first found by the same kinds of scientist which later went on to research and provide evidence for global warming.

But that is not a good excuse to get complacent. We cannot throw the global warming arguement out of the window without further research. We cannot say that we are not impacting on the environment...and to be safe, we should make the assumption we are harming the environment.
Those bbc articles reference to sources with actually a very good reputation.

But I agree with ghostfox's posts on a seperate thread, don't all jump on the ethanol fuel bandwagon. Just because global warming has substantial evidence, that is not to say ethanol fuel has substantial evidence in its favour.
Beware of white elephants.