I just finnished Beeting HL2 (aprox 3 - 4 hours a day, I liked to look arround) and it was missing allot i had see from Bink vidios and seen from people that had the leaked parts. I had seen the Docks Bink vidio and found that it was not in the game. God damn it made me really mad that i didnt get to play that part. And also the Hydra wasnt in it (there is a bink vidio of it with you and Alix) i was also looking forward to that. And a weapon. a guy that i was watching with the leaked part had a gun that u could weld barrels together and to your buggy. and also pick up people and other things and put them were u want (control distance away from you). there was a part were barrels would go through a pinball type thing on the wall. NONE OF THESE WERE IN THE GAME! :flame: it is really pissing me off cause i bought the game for the whole experiance and what i saw before hand. so thanks valve :sniper: for beeing so gay. By the way, this is my first post so plz be nice