DON'T READ IF U ARE NOT DONE! Just me, or was HL2 Missing allot?


Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
I just finnished Beeting HL2 (aprox 3 - 4 hours a day, I liked to look arround) and it was missing allot i had see from Bink vidios and seen from people that had the leaked parts. I had seen the Docks Bink vidio and found that it was not in the game. God damn it made me really mad that i didnt get to play that part. And also the Hydra wasnt in it (there is a bink vidio of it with you and Alix) i was also looking forward to that. And a weapon. a guy that i was watching with the leaked part had a gun that u could weld barrels together and to your buggy. and also pick up people and other things and put them were u want (control distance away from you). there was a part were barrels would go through a pinball type thing on the wall. NONE OF THESE WERE IN THE GAME! :flame: it is really pissing me off cause i bought the game for the whole experiance and what i saw before hand. so thanks valve :sniper: for beeing so gay. By the way, this is my first post so plz be nice :)
There probably has never been nor will there ever be a game that will have finalized content a year before it is released.

Every game gets stuff cut, no game gets stuff added during the development phase. It was just unlucky for you that the things cut happened to be something that you could play in the stolen version.

Ya Valve was "gay" for deciding to take things out that they saw probably weren't working or would have forced them to delay the game longer. :upstare:
I also don't remember seeing the dumpster trap in the game that I had seen in the videos, these among many other things don't bother me at all since hl2 is the best game I have ever played to date.
Soooo, here we have the most realistic, fantastic, free-style game I have ever seen and you dis Valve because you didn't get EVERYTHING you saw in an illegal copy.. Sheech....
ok but it just seems wierd that they cut out alot of what the previews showed.

obviously some things will get cut but it almost seems like they put those things in the preview on purpose. dont know why...
im also haveing a really bad audio problem... is enyone elce having the same thing? (a really bad problem)
Nubzcore said:
im also haveing a really bad audio problem... is enyone elce having the same thing? (a really bad problem)
Do you mean bad as in the audio studdering and making the game freeze for a second? If so, Valve is releasing a patch tomorrow to fix that.
I'm glad some of those things were cut. I'm not a huge fan of swimming levels or zombie survival games, so i'm glad the docks was taken out (although you still swim -_-) But the other level your talking about was a test (the one with the barrels and "pinball") it was never intended to be in the game, bu tto just show-off the physics.
If you talk about the traptown level, it was just a custom map made to display as much of the physics it could in a very little time.

you get to see crowes (or ravens?) zombies, beta combines and a lot of what you can expect from physics. (throwing barrels, blocking doors..) It was released over a year before the game was finished.
The part that looks the more like it is in Ravenholm.
Why should people be nice to someone who's being so positively un-nice? Like people said-- content changes over time, and some of those bink videos are a year and a half old. What Valve have done is refine the content to make HL2 the lean, mean, fun game that it is. Unlike some other developers, they've had the courage to remove content that wasn't working.

My only disappointment is that the Strider levels in the final game seem a bit less dynamic and a bit more cramped than what was shown in the bink. But I trust Valve that the change was neccessary for whatever reason.

And don't use "gay" as an insult-- it makes you look like an ignorant 12-year old (which you may well be, but you still don't want to look like one).

Thank you and good day.
maybe if you werent playing an illegal copy valve wouldnt have cut that stuff.

pirate! :frown: :frown: