dont tellme that malcon is going to be a cartoon?


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just saw a adverstisent (what ever is called) that is about "the new fox sundays" and is called "animation abonitation" or some crap like that and it show bits of the simpson and stuff but in one moment it showed something that looked like a cartoon version of malcon

please dont tell me that malcon is going to be a cartoon cuz it a very funny show and is if turned in a cartoon it will be retarded

and talking about retardenes the video of that adverstiment was the most retarded thing ever,cuz what the hell is all about the characters riding space ships and stuff like that? that looked like something from a channel to kids of 10 years old,and the series they showed are not kiddy things
so please tell me that fox is not doing that
That's exactly what they did to the Mr Bean series!
I think it is just one episode, if not fox is going to get a very angry letter from me....yup...very angry letter....full of hate.
A) It's Malcom not Malcon.

B) How long has the series been on now? It's been going for quite a while, and when child actors are involved theres a definite shelf life on how long they can continue the series and still keep it the same. Switching to a cartoon format solves that problem.
Whats Malcom? Do you mean Malcom in the Middle?
Harryz said:
Whats Malcom? Do you mean Malcom in the Middle?

yeah that one

in fox latin american is called just Malcom
They should bring back Futurama and push Malcom back to 9:30.

7 - King of the Hill
7:30 - Futurama
8 - The Simpsons
8:30 - Family Guy
9 - Amercian Dad

There's your "Animation Domination" bracket, and I can honestly say that I would sit through the whole 2 1/2 hours of it (I lost interest in Malcom a few years ago).
FOX isn't exactally known for making smart decesions...Either that or they are sado-masochists.