Don't you just hate it when your computer consists of small potatoes?

Wow, you really think you'd notice a thing like that. Not really the sort of thing that a store does accidentaly either. I've had my computer called small potatoes before, but as far as I know, potatoes have never been an essential componant. Phased out when the transistor was developed I suppose.

BTW, I have deleberatly avoided any cheap laughs by making a joke about computer chips. I did consider it though.
Irish computing at work.
(I'm allowed to make that joke since I'm Irish, so nyah :farmer:)
I wonder whether the CPU (Cooked Potato Unit) was by AMD or Intel.

I'll bet that the graphics card had an ATI potato chip, though.
That would be the only time when you could fry a component and be happy about it
What bothers me is how the guy actually thought they would get away with this! I suddenly feel the urge to go to PCWorld, ask a salesgeek to explain a computer, look serious and say: 'And how many small potatoes will the case hold?'. Then take a picture of them. Now that's entertainment. :)
Actually jabberwock, it's the guy who bought the computer that was trying to pull the scam...
Brian Damage said:
Actually jabberwock, it's the guy who bought the computer that was trying to pull the scam...

Above post edited to make you look wrong and lessen my embarresment. :P
lol, yeah but it would still be funny!

PCWORLD = Comedy itself.

Conversation when I was there shopping for the first time looking for some upgrade parts but forgot to look up my specs. (when I knew little about technology)

Q. Excuse me do you think you could find out which type of ram my motherboard supports?

A. Erm, sorry, I am Unfamiliar with that particular make of component. I'll ask the manager.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Q. Excuse me do you think you could find out which type of ram my motherboard supports?

A. Erm, sorry, I am Unfamiliar with that particular make of component. I'll ask the manager.

Wow, must not be too hard to get a job there.
Lol , yeah.. Nice scam..

CPU= Cooked Potato Unit , lmaorofl

CD= Cooking Device
PC = Potato Cooler
ERP= Engaging Rotten Potatoes
FTP=Finding Terrorist Potatoes
PGP=Potatoes Going Private (the only potato adult movie)
VON= Vegetables On Net

(all of those are originally real computer phrases)
Meh , those sucked..
Go make up your own, everyone!
Someone obviously told him there were a lot of chips in his computer.