Don't you love computers?

Nov 16, 2005
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-Psycho- Asked:
Don't you love computers? :P
Which inspired me to create this thread:

Should we treat computers as our significant other?

What Gender (If we must) should we treat computers as: Mr or Ms? A Man or a Woman?

Here is what a French Language teacher asked some of her students: Are computers men or women?

The answer pretty much lay along the gender line.

Boys: Computers are women, because:

1) No one but their creator understands their internal logic

2) The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else

3) Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later reasoning

4) As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.

Girls: Computers are men, because:

1) In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on.

2) They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves

3) They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem.

4) As soon as you commit to one, you realise that if you had waited a little longer you could have gotten a better one.

My answer: Computers are women, because:

1) They're picky about what they wear.

2) They demand constant clean, though they're the one attracting dust to begin with.

3) As soon as they know you're in hurry they want to talk about problems.

4) They love the uppermost security level, yet they always leave doors open.

5) They cant empty their own trashcan.

5) They store a long list of the things you use and play with frequently; to mess you with it.

6) Your friend's computer always looks better than yours.

7) They most likely will never tell you what's wrong.

8) They always loose your vitals by mistake.

9) One day they will refuse to be turned on, even though they were fine the day before.

I don't know how many female members here at, but I would love to see female responders.

Please, share your opinions.

Take Care.

Damn, tough crowd. And who brought the cricket?

I thought this thread would be like those infinities, the ones which you never reach the end. and Hectic Glenn or Asus is forced to open a new ones.
;( This is going to hurt my social-promotion.
I treat it as a she, because my PC never listens to me, just like my girlfriend.
I hope my pc isnt a woman because she would be a 2 bit whore whose insides constantly get changed yet has a covering of dust whever her top is taken off

my pc is a tool like any other ..except it's like a swiss army knife: a tool for every occasion ..or more like 1000 swiss army knives taped together to make one uber-knife

Damn, tough crowd. And who brought the cricket?

I thought this thread would be like those infinities, the ones which you never reach the end. and Hectic Glenn or Asus is forced to open a new ones.
;( This is going to hurt my social-promotion.

Hahaha i loved your post. Made me :D
Please Stern, the politics forum is dead.
GO back!
We need you!
That's more like it. Thanks for your heart felt charities fellas, Now I feel good about myself.

My wife asked me the other day "Do I love my computer more than her?" And I actually paused, took a deep breath and thought about it. She literally caught on fire.
Vista would be like a girl, 'cause you always have to run it by her everytime you do something.
Vista would be like a girl, 'cause you always have to run it by her everytime you do something.

Oh! mean the confirmation dialog?
I hated that, actually that was reason #1 why I switched back to XP. I don't know if Gates fixed it with a patch, which gives you the option to disabled it, but its too late for me, I'm already turned off by it.
As far as I know, you can't turn it off. They only think I like about it is the design for it. Other than that, I don't like


It was so hard to look up "turn off Universal Account Control." You think my first action upon installing it wasn't was turning that crap off...or any other Vista user?


It was so hard to look up "turn off Universal Account Control." You think my first action upon installing it wasn't was turning that crap off...or any other Vista user?

There really was an option called "Universal account control turn off" in Vista?
I actually read this in an e-mail someone sent me before.

I especially loved this:

Boys: Computers are women, because:

1) No one but their creator understands their internal logic