Doom 3 - goodness

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Heres a little something from the UK PCGamer:

We can report that Doom III's 4-way combat is tremondously impressive, if a far cry from Quake, or the large-scale team gams that have become a staple diet in recent years. Central to the experience is the return of the 'beserk' power-up, familiar to players who had their first taste of FPS action in the origanal Doom. Getting hold of this transforms a player into a flaming, screaming, high-speed instant death machine. It's sure to be one of those experiences that defines gaming in the next few years. Fans of trick-style movement will also be pleased to hear that while movement is slower in D3, strafe jump and some astonishing rocket physics have made it into the game. Doom 3 should come as a refreshing change from games of the past yaer, with shadowy interiors and a handy flashlight for you to batter people around the head with. And it really will be around the head this time: Doom 3 has per-polygon hit-dectection, so location damage will be a reality at last. Combine this with a physics engine that sees bodies bouncing off walls and crashing through glass windows and you have one of the most evocative multi-player enviroments ever seen. This really is next-generation stuff.

doesn't it sound great :)
hmm lets hope it wont eat your whole computer :)
To be does sound great!!! I cant wait for Doom3 actually, that games going to totally kick ass!
I'd love to see a teamplay game/mod with Doom 3 Engine, would be really cool clearing out a dark room with some team mates, the cool looking flashlights moving all over the walls with bullets flying all over the place.
...and you have one of the most evocative multi-player enviroments ever seen
They are technically correct, we havent seen Half Life 2 MP yet :)
yeah... but this has given all those D3-mp bashers something to think about... what say you? Shall I post more of the article... some of its about Q4... and something that is probably Trinity :) ?
Yes please...altho i love halflife 2, there are other eqaully brilliant games out there:D
Doom 3 is going to be incredible. The alpha by itself was amazing as-is. I just pray to god they can stabilize the framerate for my 9600Pro (they probably will).

Anywhoo, the multiplayer sounds really great. A tactical MP match where people hide in the shadows and suprise each other sounds like good fun, suits my tastes better than the UT2003 style.
Originally posted by Dux
I'd love to see a teamplay game/mod with Doom 3 Engine,

Considering MP can only handle 4 players at a time you are talking 2 vs 2 teamplay. So your options are limited.. maybe a Super Heroes mod..

Batman and Robin vs Joker and Penquin
Superman and Wonderwoman vs Lex Luther and Fragmaster
Central to the experience is the return of the 'beserk' power-up, familiar to players who had their first taste of FPS action in the origanal Doom. Getting hold of this transforms a player into a flaming, screaming, high-speed instant death machine. It's sure to be one of those experiences that defines gaming in the next few years.
Ok this is the most ridiculous statement about any game that I have heard so far. Don't want to offend or annoy people who are waiting for Doom 3, but I wouldn't touch that game if it was the only one that would come out in the next 3 years. And imho the graphics (I mean the artwork) look totally ugly, not scary, just ugly, but ok thats just my point of view.
About that specific article, tell me one single thing in it that could impress you only a little bit. Ok, per polygon hit detection, thats it (HL2 has it too, against some rumours). Everything else is a) not new and b) not improving the gameplay. Ah great a powerup that makes you go berserk, how very creative, has never been done before, it will surely define gaming for the next years, wtf.
Originally posted by alehm
Considering MP can only handle 4 players at a time you are talking 2 vs 2 teamplay. So your options are limited.. maybe a Super Heroes mod..

Batman and Robin vs Joker and Penquin
Superman and Wonderwoman vs Lex Luther and Fragmaster

I've read that the Engine can handle more than 4 player Deathmatch.
It can handle more than four.

Changing the number of players in a map is as easily done as opening a cfg file and editing some numbers. Its a design decision to have 4 player as default in DoomIII MP.

"On the multiplayer side for Doom III, it's not bigger in terms of number of players, doesn't have more game types, but our goal is to have fun and have it be uniquely Doom. " - Todd H.
A design desicion? I am sorry but it sounds more and more like Carmack is going through his Fat Elvis period. The more I hear about Doom 3 the less it sounds Carmack is in tune with what gamers want:

* John Carmack says he likes the current trend of shorter single player games with more content crammed into it. I am sorry but do GAMERS like short single player games? I don't think so.
* John Carmack has also hinted at a limited save for D3. Again, every PC game that has come out with a limited save has eventually had to release a patch to get rid of it because gamers loath it. Whoever invented this playing format needs to get beat with a 3DFX Voodoo 5 PCB. IMO, I think a limited save is just an artificial way to make a short game seem longer.
* John Carmack was dissing rag doll physics before HL2 was shown at E3. Since then D3 is being delayed due to tweaking in game physics. Coincidence? You speculate.
* Having only 4 players in MP is a design descision? Is this a new form of MP called Retro-Multiplayer? I had plenty of fun with 4 player MP years ago with Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. It is now a new century.. a new millenium for goodness sakes. Leave the past in the past. It seems to me the reason this is a design descision is because most systems can't handle more than 4 players without getting 5 fps in 800x600.
* Trent Reznor backs out after most of the music and sound effects are completed. What was that falling out all about?
I like small DMes...

but not certain about Doom3....
* John Carmack says he likes the current trend of shorter single player games with more content crammed into it. I am sorry but do GAMERS like short single player games? I don't think so.

As opposed to very long games with small amounts of content spread throughout. Such games get very boring very fast. I agree with him on this point, its the content that matters. DoomIII wont be overly short. It will take about 20 hours on average to beat. The game is designed so that how long it takes to play through it is up to you. There is a lot of things you could choose to do into more if you wanted to spend time on it, or you could skip it and rush through some parts. It depends on your playing style.

* John Carmack was dissing rag doll physics before HL2 was shown at E3. Since then D3 is being delayed due to tweaking in game physics. Coincidence? You speculate.

Well, this is very revealing. Your one of those who think everything good about DoomIII was just ripped off from valve when they showed hl2. Heres a few simple facts for you.

The developers of DoomIII have stated that they would impliemnt an advanced physics engine long before hl2 was shown. They even created their own because they said they shopped around and didnt see anything out there(like havok) that was capable enough to do everything they wanted to do.

Also, DoomIII wasnt delayed. No release date was ever given. Way back in 2002 they estimated that it would be out some time in 2003, but that was in no way a firm release date. Many things happen during game developpmet, especially this early in the development cycle, that would end up taking longer than expected.

And lastly, about dissing ragdolls until they saw hl2. Carmack wasnt all for ragdoll because in his opinion it was gimmicky, and didnt enhance gameplay much. But Jan Paul felt it should be in, so he went ahead and implimented it. When Carmack saw it he agreed it was a crowd pleaser and should stay in the game. ALL of this took place just after e3 2002, way before hl2 was shown.

* Having only 4 players in MP is a design descision? Is this a new form of MP called Retro-Multiplayer? I had plenty of fun with 4 player MP years ago with Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. It is now a new century.. a new millenium for goodness sakes. Leave the past in the past

As you said, you had plenty of fun with it. How is fun a thing of the past? The Id team set out to make an awesome SP game, they are just putting MP in there for the fans. But they arent focusing on MP to the point that it takes time and focus away from their main goal, SP. This is wh ythey hired out the MP mapping to another team. They didnt set out to do anything revoluitionary, just to make something fun.

If they make a fun MP, which according to ALL of the quakecon reports they are doing just that, then i dont care how many players it is by default.

Also, keep in mind they have made it very easy to edit the ammount of players in a map. Infact, most of the games basic functions are easly editable by opening a simple text file.

* Trent Reznor backs out after most of the music and sound effects are completed. What was that falling out all about?

It is rumored that Trent left because he wanted to work on his next almbum and doomIII was taking longer than he had planned. This hasnt been confirmed by either Id or Trent, and should only be taken as a rumor nothing more. There was no falling out, Trent is very much a fan of Ids games and the doom series.

This hostility towards doomIII is rediculous, especially when coming from such uninformed people. Why do you hate something that you dont know much about?
Me too, but my peice of shit computer wont run it.

Oh well, I can wait 10 years until it becomes abandonware and will run on any computer
Originally posted by SheepFactory

This hostility towards doomIII is rediculous, especially when coming from such uninformed people. Why do you hate something that you dont know much about?

Well, next time I will talk to you instead of reading Carmack quotes. LOL
Have fun with limited saves.
Doom 3 + Half-Life 2 = nirvana

(edit) Though it kinda sucks that Trent won't be doing the music ;( I was looking forward to a killer soundtrack.
Have fun with limited saves.

"The team is debating the way that DOOM 3's save system will work... it may be significantly different from what players have seen in previous id games." John Carmack - e3 2003

Doesnt sound as if anything is set in stone to me.

And notice they are ALL discussing it, not just Carmack. Whatever they decide will be a joint decision, and im totally confident that whatever Id chooses to do will be the right thing for their game. They arent amateurs, they know what they are doing.
Originally posted by not28
Though it kinda sucks that Trent won't be doing the music ;( I was looking forward to a killer soundtrack.
Yeah his soundtrack was a huge part of Doom for me, I really hope they found a suitable replacement.
Originally posted by SheepFactory
It is rumored that Trent left because he wanted to work on his next almbum and doomIII was taking longer than he had planned. This hasnt been confirmed by either Id or Trent, and should only be taken as a rumor nothing more. There was no falling out, Trent is very much a fan of Ids games and the doom series.

As a Nine Inch Nails fan the fact that Trent would back out of a project because it was taking longer than he planned is really funny. This is the guy who takes 5 years to release an album.

I personally believe that he backed out because his musical style has changed recently and he probably thought it wouldn't fit into the game as well as the Quake music did for Quake.

Originally posted by SheepFactory
This hostility towards doomIII is rediculous, especially when coming from such uninformed people. Why do you hate something that you dont know much about?

In any discussion, people see the need to take sides. You, yourself are kinda guilty of this. I know that I'm just as bad.

Also, remember this is a Half-Life 2 fan forum (Even if it is in off topic), people are going to have automatic bias.
I actually enjoy 2v2's or 1v1v1v1's or 1v1v2's or 1v3's 'cause appearently, there is usually too much players and it gets annoying, I kill one guy, then another guy jumps me from the behind when I'm weakened.
I personally believe that he backed out because his musical style has changed recently and he probably thought it wouldn't fit into the game as well as the Quake music did for Quake.

That may be the case, but i can only go by what the fansite that reported his departure from the project had to say about it. They said he left because it was taking longer than he had planned to work on it and it would interfere with the work he wanted to do on his next album. There is no way of knowing if this is true until Trent himself gives a statement.

In any discussion, people see the need to take sides. You, yourself are kinda guilty of this.


Im just clearing up some misunderstandings so that the next guy who comes across this thread doesnt get the wrong idea about the game. Most people here spend their time following hl2, and so are not very informed when it comes to doom3. Im the opposite.
Sounds nice but... rocket physics? It shoots out, goes forward for a while and explodes :| What's to improve on?
Actually Alehm does seem pretty informed since everything he posted up is based on quotes and interviews (however with biased phrasing). He seems as informed as anyone else except with different interpretations.
And Sheep, there's only 2 or 3 people attacking Doom 3, it's pretty much a dead topic so you don't really need to go into defence mode.
Sounds nice but... rocket physics? It shoots out, goes forward for a while and explodes What's to improve on?

Since that was said in a sentence in which they were talking about trick jumping and movement, i assume they are referring to the physics associated with rocket jumping.
Actually Alehm does seem pretty informed since everything he posted up is based on quotes and interviews (however with biased phrasing). He seems as informed as anyone else except with different interpretations.


EVERYTHING he said was either based on wrong intereperetation of a quote, or was just plain wrong. All i did was correct it so that more people dont get the wrong idea.

Im not on the defence. Its not for me to defend doom3, im not connected to it in any way. But if someone posts information that is clearly bullshit( such as doom3 isnt capable of more than 4 players, Id is ripping off valves ragdolls, d3 will be uber short ect.), i will correct it.
Originally posted by WaSwAt
hmm lets hope it wont eat your whole computer :)

Half-Life 2 is going to eat my computer, spit it back up, then eat it again then growl: "You didn't meet the benchmark's requirements. Good day."
Originally posted by SheepFactory
As opposed to very long games with small amounts of content spread throughout. Such games get very boring very fast. I agree with him on this point, its the content that matters. DoomIII wont be overly short. It will take about 20 hours on average to beat. The game is designed so that how long it takes to play through it is up to you. There is a lot of things you could choose to do into more if you wanted to spend time on it, or you could skip it and rush through some parts. It depends on your playing style.

Yes content does matter, and John Carmack says he likes that trend but my point of view, this trend means going out and paying $40-$50 for a game to start playing in get into it is over in just over 10 hours (May Payne, Elite Force, ect). No I wouldn't want to play a long game with boring parts thrown in to make it longer, but I don't want to pay for a great game that lasts too short, especially with the amount of money I am shelling out it adds up quick. Games like Half life and Deus ex were long and were very ingrossing, lately games have seemed to be getting shorter but cost the same, I don't like this trend.
Originally posted by SheepFactory
As opposed to very long games with small amounts of content spread throughout. Such games get very boring very fast. I agree with him on this point, its the content that matters. DoomIII wont be overly short. It will take about 20 hours on average to beat. The game is designed so that how long it takes to play through it is up to you. There is a lot of things you could choose to do into more if you wanted to spend time on it, or you could skip it and rush through some parts. It depends on your playing style.

Yes content does matter, and John Carmack says he likes that trend but my point of view, this trend means going out and paying $40-$50 for a game to start playing in get into it is over in just over 10 hours (May Payne, Elite Force, ect). No I wouldn't want to play a long game with boring parts thrown in to make it longer, but I don't want to pay for a great game thats too short, especially with the amount of money I am shelling out it adds up quick. Games like Half life and Deus ex were long and were very ingrossing, lately games have seemed to be getting shorter but cost the same, I don't like this trend.
Originally posted by SheepFactory
This hostility towards doomIII is rediculous, especially when coming from such uninformed people. Why do you hate something that you dont know much about?
Good Lord - he just described the Right's entire point of view regarding computer games!
And rock music.
And rap music.
And anything that doesn't make a lot of money.
Originally posted by el Chi
Good Lord - he just described the Right's entire point of view regarding computer games!
And rock music.
And rap music.
And anything that doesn't make a lot of money.

? The right? Do you mean conservatives?
I just do HalfLife games, no other FPS. So I won't be enjoying the vomit inducing gore and macabre, nor the psychosis inducing action which will land one in ten players either on death row or in a mental asylum.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Maybe I should pick up a book and head to the park.:bounce:
Doom is just deathmatch classic but with better graphics and single player
The thing that D3 interests me is the scare factor. I really enjoyed System Shock 2 and haven't played a game that scared me as much since then (Alien vs Predator 2 :human mission came close) but this game could possibly succeed and is what I am hoping for.