Doom 3 Open Co-op beta 4


May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Its a mod for doom 3 that lets you play all the single player levels with up to 3 other people. I've been having a lot of fun with, shame there arn't many servers.

I know it's still in beta stages but it is a really good mod. I recommend anyone with doom 3 to install it and give it a go. (I'm not advertising, just expressing my opinion :P)

You need the latest patch for doom 3 (1.3) too.
downloading....i remember downloading a coop mod for doom3 and it ran AWFUL. i hope this works better
Probably a stupid question but you can do this on a LAN right? Can you currently play all the levels? What makes it Beta quality? Any noticeable bugs?
Hey, maybe it works better than that one that was thrown together when Doom 3 came out, that was hardly more than a CD key stealer :)

I'd love the concept of a co-op mod for the game. The flashlights will be so much more useful!
There arn'y any noticable bugs, and yes, you can play it on a lan alright. You can't do every level though, only up to hell.