Doom 3 overtakes HL2


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
I know we are all major HL2 junkies, myself included. I also agree based on what id and Valve has released, HL2 looks much more impressive. But I would certainly laugh if they are both released and Doom 3 is much better. It surprises us with lifelike physics, a great story and amazing visuals to boot.

Or maybe HL2 will pwn all and Doom 3 will be an afterthought. :borg:
We don't even have to worry about that because HL2 comes out first, and D3 will be judged by it's standards, not the other way around.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
We don't even have to worry about that because HL2 comes out first, and D3 will be judged by it's standards, not the other way around.

Well spoken. :cheers:
erm but the fact is that this is impossible becasue for one:

1. Does D3 have much community support for mods as Valve does?
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
erm but the fact is that this is impossible becasue for one:

1. Does D3 have much community support for mods as Valve does?

Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
erm but the fact is that this is impossible becasue for one:

1. Does D3 have much community support for mods as Valve does?

Im sure its not as large as HL2, but theres already nearly 10 full maps for the DIII Alpha. And mods are already being made for it.

The DIII mod community already has a jump start on the HL2 mod community.

Not that it matters. HL2 will be better imo. But I will be getting both games anyway.
I'm really excited about DX2: IW, but the movies I've seen of it (Gamespot) are kinda disappointing. One was so dull that it should have been titled "Deus Ex: Lightswitch Inspector!" While it has real-time shadows and a physics system, they don't look to have really integrated it into the game. Like in DeusEx 1, most of the objects are just random stuff you can pick up for no real purpose at all (oh, a broom! Wow, it fell over.... time to flick the lightswitch off). The characters don't look anywhere near as detailed and expressive as HL2 either.

However, I doubt anything will beat DX2 for an involved, branching, and complex story.
im expecting a lot from both games, they actually arnt even in the same catagory in my book. :dozey:
id software is known for making great games ENGINES, not for terribly great gameplay.

Despite that i'm looking forward to playing both doom3 and hl2. Doom3 looks really scary and hl2 looks like a great adventure.
i cant wait to pick up a huge sheet of metal and hold it in front of me, then run straight at the enemy :(
the only thing doom3 doesnt has is a light version of XSI.

doom3 has a intergrated level editor in the game itself. you dont need to compile anything because everything is in realtime. doom3 provides the tools to make the sound, plugins to make the normal maps etc. I think doom3 has asmuch mod support as hl2 has. id has much more experience in the mod community then valve.
All three are gonna own.
But somehow,it'll be hard to compare deus ex 2 with the other two games. it's just too complex, and well... good.

Of all three games I think deus ex 2 will have the best and deepest sp experience, and the best story.
doom 3 is gonna own somehow anyway, maybe just because of the graphics and the shock moments, but thats already enough to have fun with.

And hl2, well, it's going to be simply a great playing experience. but i more look out to what the mod-community is going to do with the new source. imagine a deus ex style mod with hl2-engine!

who cares, all three are gonna be great. I'll buy all of them.
id has much more experience in the mod community then valve.

Valve almost single handedly cultivated the modern mod community. Before Half-Life and Valve, large scale organized mods were almost unheard of, and no mod had ever gone commercial. ID may have been around longer, but Valve definiitely has the experience.
Doom 3? Great story? I'm surprised the words "Doom" and "story" were in the same sentence without the words "complete lack of any" or "irrelevant"

And is it just me or is Doom3 really not so great looking? I mean, all the shots I've seen show very competent high-poly models, sure, but in terms of textures, they're rubbish and they have that waxy unrealistic rendered look that Valve have managed to steer clear of. I'm sure the lighting etc. is just great and in motion it'll look good but I'm gonna take some convincing. Also, I've only seen one shot of a weapon and it looked like a berretta except not as good. All the HL weapons I've seen so far look pretty cool (except that weird red one that made the dude set on fire. That was rubbish).
Doom (and Doom II and Quake and Quake II) had a premise which many people mistake for a story. Half-Life started with a similiar premise but crafted an actual story around it.

As for Doom III, I'm interested in the technology, but the gameplay sounds ass to me.
well another turn off of DOOM III is the lack of interactivity useing an action button (there will not be one) doors either auto open or dont and things like searching a cabinet and stuff will be non existent this was announced by carmack himself who then went on to boast about how the game is supposed to revolve around immersion and "feel" scares me but I think carmacks a genious so im not that worried
For all of us who were able to run the DOOM3 alpha, I think we can safely say that that "waxy" look being reffered to is only present on zombies and other appropriate enemies, what should look like flesh does look like flesh, and the lighting is unbelieveable.I will say that the textures and bump maps seemed decidedly low res, but again, all you've seen so far has been running an alpha build of the game. HL2 looks like the more innovative title by far, but a game doesn't always have to be innovative (the gameplay in Silent Hill was pants but you just had to keep going because it gripped you in it's rotting sweat yblood soaked fingers and wouldn't let go). Personally I hope and think Id will go the Q3 way in terms of mod development, and make the DOOM3 engine a great tool for single player focused mod teams. The source engine will be great for both single player and multiplay, and will prolly bring about the greatest innovation...that building made of wood sounds like a wonderfully disastrous idea(nervous giggle).
Originally posted by Apos
I'm really excited about DX2: IW, but the movies I've seen of it (Gamespot) are kinda disappointing. One was so dull that it should have been titled "Deus Ex: Lightswitch Inspector!" While it has real-time shadows and a physics system, they don't look to have really integrated it into the game. Like in DeusEx 1, most of the objects are just random stuff you can pick up for no real purpose at all (oh, a broom! Wow, it fell over.... time to flick the lightswitch off). The characters don't look anywhere near as detailed and expressive as HL2 either.

However, I doubt anything will beat DX2 for an involved, branching, and complex story.

Yeah, but Ion still have a lot to work on. I have full faith in them to make a polished, fluid and exciting sequel. I doubt it'll make a 2003 release, unfortunately :/
i downloaded the deus ex demo, but the graphics were so bad i just quit it
Originally posted by csmighty
i downloaded the deus ex demo, but the graphics were so bad i just quit it

That's because the game was made just after Half-Life. It's old, but still a classic. Try looking past the graphics, and into the deep and involving gameplay and plot. It's excellent stuff.
i think what pple forget is.. when Doom3 was originally announced, ID also mentioned that their focus is on the single player part of the game... thats not to say there won't be a mult-player for it but considering the amount of time they say they were going to spend on single player, why is anyone shivering at the thought of a multi-player that may or may not be as good as HL2's multi?

now by the time Doom3 releases.. its quite possible that it will have a great SP, and at least respectable MP... but lets not jump the gun and start worrying about mods for Doom3.

as far as graphics looking bad for Doom3 or HL2, pple just need to chill out.. these are screen shots of alpha's and such and last i remember, alphas are not finished products.. wait for the finished product, then discuss how good/bad the graphics are :p
DooM III could be better than Half-Life 2.

Roasted pigs could fly right into my mouth.
Originally posted by X-Vector
DooM III could be better than Half-Life 2.

Roasted pigs could fly right into my mouth.
we can argue over and over and over and over. HL2 could be better than Doom III :rolleyes:
I'm not here to argue.

I'm here to laugh at the very notion that HL2 *won't* make DooM III look like something that was mysteriously transported through time from the Stone Age.
Doom 3 will be a great shooter, Deus Ex :IW will have a great story... All will have great graphics but HL2 will have everything great, including Multiplayer and the mods.. neither Doom 3 and Deus Ex will have the staying power as will HL2. Look at HL1, it's still around after 5 years with it's mods CS, DOD and TF... when was the last time you played a mod for Doom2? Or even played multiplayer in Deus EX (yes it was released, but never really caught on).

HL2 will be the game of the year for the next 5 years IMPO, because it will have spawned many excellent mods, and definately more then the original HL did.
doom 3 = 4 person multiplayer

Hl2 = 32 multiplayer with the option to go higher later through hl2 patches if valve deems it necassary and the people want it
Damn, havnen't heard this much redundant banter since the PS2 and X-box were in pre-release state.