Doom 3 Problems


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
I had no idea where to put this, so if this is in the wrong place I apologise. I'm having alot of trouble with Doom 3 - It runs absolutely awful on any graphics settings or resolution - If i put it at 1600x1200 Ultra High it runs exactly the same as it does on 800x600 on Low (both crap) but the image quality is alot better on ultra high as you'd think. Any ideas whats causing this? All the specs I know are:

Athlon 2200+ at 2.0Ghz
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

Could it just be the processor? But that doesn't explain why the performance never changes. Any help would be appreciated.
You've got a very decent rig there, it should run pretty well. It's weird that changing resolutions and settingd doesn't affect performance at all. You have the latest drivers for the 9800 Pro? What kind of FPS are you actually getting?
You got some killer ram!!!!!!11111%¤/@#"¤%11½1!!

You might want to upgrade your processor, but it looks pretty decent as it is to me!
You should at least be able to pull a 30-35 fps on 1024 and high in the time demo.
THey said that if your gfx card is oc you might have problems.
upgrade drivers and try the performance mod
have you gotten the ATI 4.9 drivers, and cs9.0c?
I noticed a F/R jump of about 10-15 fps, when I upgraded.
And the drivers just might fix some AMD or chipset issue your having.

My little ole 9600xt can run D3 in 1024x768 Ultra Quality, with bumbmapping and specular (no AA/AF) at about 20-30 fps.

Thats on a p4 2.4/800fsb, 1G ram, i865g box.
I've got the latest drivers for the card - kurly whast cc9.0c? speaking of which will DX9.0c make a difference? in some areas in get 30-50fps (when i say some I mean in tight corridors about 2meters long) but in most places it's around 5-15fps with big moments of freeze. What gets me is the fps stays exactly the same no matter which settings.
kurly said:
My little ole 9600xt can run D3 in 1024x768 Ultra Quality, with bumbmapping and specular (no AA/AF) at about 20-30 fps.

Thats on a p4 2.4/800fsb, 1G ram, i865g box.

Try the 4.9 beta's, they might help. But I think the real problem could be if you don't have direct x 9.0c, get it.

iamaelephant said:

Actually a 256mb 9600xt could run 1024x768 ultra, 20-30fps without bump mapping and specular. Turning off bump mapping and specular would give it a big performance boost. So yeah it's possible.
JiMmEh said:
I've got the latest drivers for the card - kurly whast cc9.0c? speaking of which will DX9.0c make a difference? in some areas in get 30-50fps (when i say some I mean in tight corridors about 2meters long) but in most places it's around 5-15fps with big moments of freeze. What gets me is the fps stays exactly the same no matter which settings.
cc9.0c is you phat thumbing my cs9.0c, which is me phat thumbing dx9.0c.

I get slow parts too 15-25 fps, but no freezes, and thats with a card thats 2 steps down from yours.

My only other outta-my-@$$ guess would be, if your OCing, cut it out. I had AGP timing issues when I tried to OC on an Abit MB. And they are suposed to be great for that sort of abuse.
iamaelephant said:
Well, you made me doubt. I was just saying what I thawt I remebered Frapps displaying. So I just replayed the Hellgate level.

Video Quality - Ultra Quality
Screen Size - 1024x768
High Quality Special Affects - No
Enable Shadows - No
Enable Specular - Yes
Enable Bumpmapping - Yes
Verticle Sync - No
Antialiasing - Off

With my Abit 9600xt 256mb, the frame rate bounced around between 28 and 45.

Maybe the Gig of RAM I have helps.

btw, this game Kicks-ASS!
... but my heart belongs to HL2
It's not ultra quality if you take off high quality effects and shadows dick head. What the hell is the point in playing Doom 3 with no shadows? :rolleyes:
Well I can assure nothing is OC'ed but tbh I think it's just the computer. My bro built it a few months back and it's been playing up alot and it probably is a dodgy build. Still bloody annoying though. Doom 3 runs tonnes better on the same settings on my P4 2.6ghz 512mb RAM and an ol' Ti4200.
Make sure you don't have the hard drive on the same IDE cord as a cd rom or dvd rom. If you do it will slow down your hard drive like crazy.
Yeah Doom 3 without shadows and bump-mapping is definitely not good looking.
iamaelephant said:
It's not ultra quality if you take off high quality effects and shadows dick head. What the hell is the point in playing Doom 3 with no shadows? :rolleyes:

Do you have some sort of anger management problem? That was completely uncalled for.
Well, I just wiped off the HD and it seems fine now, that always seems to do the trick. It's perfectly playable at 1280x1024 High quality with no AA or AF. Thanks for the help anyway ;)
i ran it on med with 800x600 with my old prosessor 1.7 ghz
iamaelephant said:
It's not ultra quality if you take off high quality effects and shadows dick head. What the hell is the point in playing Doom 3 with no shadows? :rolleyes:
Was it really necessary to call someone a dick head?

I can see that we'll be losing a few members shortly when we put some new rules into place. It's getting out of hand.
iamaelephant has always been an annoying guy who, well, likes to annoy people. it's hard to find a post of his that's not filled with either negativity or insulting or degrading words. Looking forward to getting stricter rules actually!