Doom 3 question?

Jun 24, 2004
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Even the most pessimistic gamer who is not into horror games cannot escape the doom craze (damn you ID studios) :)

Look at this screenshot (this is the newest I think):

Now there is a fire just behind the monster, but I just realized the right side of the moster is burner (especially his shoulder). Now is this kind of monster always burned (ie: always one model) or can Doom 3 actually change the texturing on character models to such an extend to allow for such complex burnmarks. (FarCry you could see bloody patches where you shot them, but they were not that impressive).

If you can actually burn the monsters I do have a new found respect for ID studios.

PS: Imagine the Fire Thrower (if there is one).
My guess is its a base model. Dynamically deforming models would be rather taxing for current hardware
its called burnie, and it always looks like this..
Yeah "just" a zombie model, set on fire - Go see the G4tech icons video and you'll get a 4 sec clip of it in motion :)
Awwww, and I got all exited, damn why'd they have to put fire just behind the monster :)
Well actually he is on fire - the video clip shows this, its just a coincedence that the screenshot of him has a burning gas tube of sorts behind him.
If you look closly at the G4 video, when he shoots a pinky demon, Immediatly following its death it smolders into ash. I nearly craped my pants when i saw that.
yeah, the disintigration thing is cool.. way cooler then the HL² strider effect :o
Yup the way they die is cool...i thought of Blade when i saw it first time but none the less...Blade > anyone :E

Edit/ I also got kinda scared when they stopped at the door in the 2nd or 3rd vid and you hear a voice calling out something like "wheres my baby" ? Man, it was only a vid..imagine what the game is gunna do to me when im actually playing it :hmph:
emm, not to be picky but it's id software, not studios :P. Actually, all the succesful devs keep software - ya know: id software, valve software, rareware, e.t.c. Of course there are exceptions.

Just my rant, ignore it. :P
You can also burn flesh off with the plasma gun, so there is mark variations on bodies - bullet holes as well as flesh burns.
lans said:
emm, not to be picky but it's id software, not studios :P. Actually, all the succesful devs keep software - ya know: id software, valve software, rareware, e.t.c. Of course there are exceptions.

Just my rant, ignore it. :P
As requested
/me ignores lans rant