Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
Is it, me or is the expansion (hyperbolelol) infinitely better than Doom 3? It isn't fantastic, it isn't leaps and bounds ahead of D3 and it certainly doesn't measure up to some of the higher calibre shooters out there but its pretty damn fun. Aside from the fact that its story and premise is pure slop, it does have some variety here and there and proves far less frustrating in terms of repetitiveness.

It takes a stab at other gameplay scenarios. Wearing the hazmat suit in the waste disposal chutes, or the better use of the outdoor areas...its also a great deal more bearable than Doom 3, as in, I'm more inclined to keep going, and don't find myself with my head on the keyboard 20 minutes in.
I enjoyed the boss fights, particularly the 3rd hunter, and greatly enjoyed the double-barrelled shotgun as well as Grabber, despite how much of a rip off it was. Actually, enjoyed is a bit over the top. It was ok, but considering some of the areas are so tight it’s not really worth using it.

Not a great game, but a fun(ish) one.
I got it. I think its cool. Nothing crazy. I liked that heart you have.
I liked it a lot too. I think I still liked Doom 3 a little bit more though.
Hmm. I got it, and thus far I actually don't like it as much as D3. It doesn't have the pacing or atmosphere of Doom 3 :/
Was very much enjoyable.

My opinion was that a lot of the elements in ROE should have been in Doom 3, ie. the Artifact, double-barrel, and grabber. They introduced so much that should have been there to begin with. It could have made Doom 3 that much better. The expansion(s) should have been more along the lines of "Hell on Earth".
I thought ROE was a fair improvement over D3. Its interesting to note that D3 was developed by Nerve Software, not Id. So, by that indication alone, I knew it would be either better (or worse) than the original. Also, expansions are more "condensed" in the gameplay department and usually have less filler. After ROE, I almost wished there would be another expansion, to further improve on the D3 gameplay.
Is it, me or is the expansion (hyperbolelol) infinitely better than Doom 3? It isn't fantastic, it isn't leaps and bounds ahead of D3 and it certainly doesn't measure up to some of the higher calibre shooters out there but its pretty damn fun. Aside from the fact that its story and premise is pure slop, it does have some variety here and there and proves far less frustrating in terms of repetitiveness.

It takes a stab at other gameplay scenarios. Wearing the hazmat suit in the waste disposal chutes, or the better use of the outdoor areas...its also a great deal more bearable than Doom 3, as in, I'm more inclined to keep going, and don't find myself with my head on the keyboard 20 minutes in.
I enjoyed the boss fights, particularly the 3rd hunter, and greatly enjoyed the double-barrelled shotgun as well as Grabber, despite how much of a rip off it was. Actually, enjoyed is a bit over the top. It was ok, but considering some of the areas are so tight it’s not really worth using it.

Not a great game, but a fun(ish) one.

hmm really? i never really felt arsed to get the expansion as i didnt think i was missing much *intrigued*
Don't go in expecting a radical improvement on Doom 3. Its more of the same, just better, and more fun. At least, I think so.
The slime suit area was fantastic and my favorite part. Lots of fun. Other than that it was way too short, and kind of disappointing.

I bought it so I have more toys and ideas for my sandbox (for my Doom 3 mod) and for that, I wasn't disappointed. My modified double barrel shotgun is definitely the weapon that is the most fun to use.

I also liked the nice touches like the headlamp on the Hazmat zombies, and the Vulgar (the crawly thing with green 'fireballs' that generally replaces the imp in RoE) is the most incredible alien design I have ever seen anywhere. The Bruiser (TV screen showing it's mouth) is pretty cool. There are lots of cool freaky touches like skeletons appearing and disappearing and things like that. Overall it's a decent expansion, but didn't really improve the game any whatsoever, and I guess I expected it to. I guess what I'm saying is that I didn't find it very fun. At least it is really inexpensive, however.

The Grabber is cool, and obviously a copy of Half-Life 2's gravity gun just as much as HL 2, Episode2's portal game is obviously a copy of Prey's portals. So, who said Prey's portals weren't innovative? When people copy your game ideas, you know they are innovative. I appreciate when they see a good thing and put their own twists and ideas into it, so I have no problem with it. I do have a bit of a problem with games like Fatal Fury directly copying Street Fighter II (lawsuit) and Saints Row directly copying GTA.

I liked Doom 3 way better than RoE.

I liked that heart you have.
Yea, the ancient. RoE introduced new gameplay ideas with the grabber and the ancient. All of the new weapons are great. I don't know, I just thought it should have been improved further and been longer.
How is Portal a copy of Prey's portals? Prey's portals are pretty much static, they always appear at the same place and same time and move only in a scripted way. They serve the same purpose as doors. Portal's portals (lol) are created by the player on any surface and are used to solve puzzles. It's true that older versions of Prey had portals like this, but they got cut, and if you don't actually release it you don't get credit for being first. If anything it's a copy of Narbacular Drop, but you can't say that because those guys got hired by Valve, and are probably actually the ones making Portal.

Anyway, I didn't like RoE as much as Doom 3. The Vulgar all but replaced the Imp and I didn't like it as much, the gold teleport and blue fireballs looked more heavenly than hellish, and it had more HP which made it annoying because it felt like your guns were weaker. There was also less atmosphere and hardly any PDAs with voice entries (two of my favorite parts of Doom 3). The double-barreled shotgun was awesome though, and the bosses were how Doom 3's bosses should have been. But the Grabber sucked, it was useless compared to the Gravity Gun.
The Grabber is cool, and obviously a copy of Half-Life 2's gravity gun just as much as HL 2, Episode2's portal game is obviously a copy of Prey's portals.

Wrong. Valve picked up the portal people back when Prey wasn't even expected to get released.
That's not what I meant. They saw that it was a good idea and got a team to put it in their episode. Do you think that if it weren't for Prey they would all the sudden have this Portal game coming?
Wrong. Valve picked up the portal people back when Prey wasn't even expected to get released.
Doesn't matter if Prey was released yet.
How is Portal a copy of Prey's portals? Prey's portals are pretty much static, they always appear at the same place and same time and move only in a scripted way.
What are you talking about? You can put a portal wherever you want with the wrench's alt fire. :)

Anyway, I didn't like RoE as much as Doom 3. The Vulgar all but replaced the Imp and I didn't like it as much, the gold teleport and blue fireballs looked more heavenly than hellish, and it had more HP which made it annoying because it felt like your guns were weaker. There was also less atmosphere and hardly any PDAs with voice entries (two of my favorite parts of Doom 3). The double-barreled shotgun was awesome though, and the bosses were how Doom 3's bosses should have been. But the Grabber sucked, it was useless compared to the Gravity Gun.

I agree with most of that word for word. I didn't like RoE as much either. I wish they had more Imps and less Vulgars. I liked the gold disintegrate (not teleport) the green teleport_in and fireballs I'm on the fence about.. whatever. I also thought it was stupid that they gave the vulgar more HP. It's got more HP, it's faster, and has higher splash area. Why would they make them more dangerous and then also give them more health is dumb if they are going to use it as a replacement. Now your amazing Double barrel can't even take them out, and they are annoying as hell to fight since they are fast and have so much health. They do look awesome, like I said previously, they are probably the coolest alien (actually a demon I guess) design I've ever seen. I also missed the voice entries. The double barrel should have had a secondary trigger. It would have made it so much better. It's not hard to do in the script, and real double barrel shotguns have 2 triggers.
No. Listen. Portal was originally Narbacular Drop, which was released well before anybody had any idea what would be in Prey - infact, nobody thought Prey would be released nor had any idea what it was about.

Valve picked this team up and went from there. It has nothing to do with Prey.
It's a good expansion pack, the heart is a neat tool and the gravity gun is a nice twist on the damn imps throwing fireballs at you. It had a rather poor ending (like doom 3) and the story through the PDA was completely non existant compared to D3. They also recycled a few D3 levels but I guess that's ok. There were a few spots where my computer struggled to run the game at 4fps, the end fight was one of them and was completely unbearable no matter what settings so I cheated :/
Same. The skybox caused a whole world of trouble for me, and I simply couldn't hit Betruger with any of my weapons as he jitterred around the arena.
No. Listen. Portal was originally Narbacular Drop, which was released well before anybody had any idea what would be in Prey - infact, nobody thought Prey would be released nor had any idea what it was about.

Valve picked this team up and went from there. It has nothing to do with Prey.

OK, Prey copied Narbacular drop then!

I haven't seen that Narb drop or Portal yet for that matter. I just know someone copied someone. What came first, the Coke or Pepsi?
No. Listen. Portal was originally Narbacular Drop, which was released well before anybody had any idea what would be in Prey - infact, nobody thought Prey would be released nor had any idea what it was about.

Nonsense, Prey showed dynamically created portals quite clearly in a 1998 video:

And the argument that ROE's grabber was a gravity gun rip-off would be stronger if Doom 3 hadn't had g_dragentity (grabber, without the gun) since at least 2002. (The devs talked about how they could simply go in and grab things and throw them around instead of manually placing and rotating them)
Know that about Prey, I did not. Still, smoofons - Portal clearly looks to take it to a level Prey never bothered reach. Besides, it doesn't mean they copied.
Know that about Prey, I did not. Still, smoofons - Portal clearly looks to take it to a level Prey never bothered reach. Besides, it doesn't mean they copied.

Certainly...I just watched the Portal video and they thought up some really great stuff. Whether they copied or not, I don't really still kicks ass. In fact, I'm feeling inspired to make a portal gun (better than the portal wrench) in Prey now...
I do have a bit of a problem with games like Fatal Fury directly copying Street Fighter II (lawsuit) and Saints Row directly copying GTA.
I have to correct myself here, it wasn't SNK's Fatal Fury that was involved in a lawsuit, but Data East's Fighters History. It's been about 13 years.

Fighter's History is a 2D fighting game released by Data East. It was first released in arcades in 1993 but a home port for the Super NES followed in 1994.

Fighter's History was well-known for being a straight clone of other fighting games. Aside from the gimmick that an opponent can be dizzied if he or she is hit repeatedly in a specified spot, its fighting engine and many elements of the game, such as sound effects and fighter backgrounds, were extremely similar to those of Street Fighter II.
Fighter's History had an almost identical game engine there. The barrels at the edges of the stage that can be broken, just like SF2, the dizzy, the 6 button configuration, the same moves like down, down-forward, forward, punch, and the infamous dragon punch and fireball type moves. Every move was copied, even some of the punching sound effects sound like direct recordings of Capcom's SF2. If they would have improved the game some-what, it would have got the nod, but instead it copied everything, but didn't improve anything or add any of it's own ideas, and was actually inferior in every way, despite coming out years later. Capcom sued Data East but lost. So what capcom did was copy them right back, and took all the fighting moves from Lee and put them in that guy with the baseball hat - Yun, from Street Fighter Alpha 3. Hahaha. :p
As such, Capcom sued Data East but lost the case in the end. Despite Data East successfully defending itself in the lawsuit, Fighter's History was not rid of its reputation of "shameless Street Fighter rip-off" and went ignored by many gamers. Its sequels, which added little to the series, helped cement this reputation.

In a bit of payback, Capcom added most of the moves of the character of Lee into the character of Yun in Street Fighter 3.