Doom 3 Stealing Music From Tool!!

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Has anyone heard Doom 3's theme song? It sounds just like Lateralis by the band Tool. Go to Doom 3 in the media section and download a clip of the Doom 3 theme song, then get Lateralis by Tool and tell me if the Chorus's sound the same. The thing is, Tool didn't write Doom 3's theme song, some other band did.

Just something I noticed.

It is basically impossible to write music now that is completely original, no matter what you hear it will always sound like something else all ready out there.

I won't listen to the music though (dial-up) but I suspect that what I just said above is what will apply here.
I believe the music was written by the drummer from NiN.
There has been alot of rumor that Tool is working on Doom3 so it is a little early to say Doom3 ripped off Tool.
The Mullinator said:
It is basically impossible to write music now that is completely original, no matter what you hear it will always sound like something else all ready out there.

I won't listen to the music though (dial-up) but I suspect that what I just said above is what will apply here.

Nope. Tweaker effectively ripped off the opening guitar riffs and general pace and rhythm of Tool's "Lateralus" for a portion of the song. The first word that came into my head when I heard the sample was Lateralus. They're almost identical. Whether Tool were involved or not we don't know. In fact, anyone familiar with Tool were convinced that they were the ones who wrote the song, until of course the full song was released under the name of Chris Vrenna's band Tweaker (ex NIN drummer).
How come Doom's music has always been a rip-off of other music?
Where can I get the Doom 3 song?

EDIT I know it was on Tweakers myspace site but it wasn't there by the time I got to check out the link.

Edit 2: Nevermind. Found it.
it definately sounds like something made by tool, but i guess its far enough from lateralus for him to get away with.

Is there a way i can get the whole theme song rather than just a clip of it?
Don't artists remix music?

A lot of garage bands get started by playing hit songs like "Stariway To Heaven" and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (just to name some).

As long as they don't just rip the theme from the Tool CD and claim it as their own, can't they theoretcally copy everything line-for -line as long as they are the one's making the music?

Laws are funny in that way.
Please listen to both songs then comment, it's painfully obvious that Lateralis was influential in the making of this song intentionally or not. The main guitar part is almost identical.
A True Canadian said:
Don't artists remix music?

A lot of garage bands get started by playing hit songs like "Stariway To Heaven" and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (just to name some).

As long as they don't just rip the theme from the Tool CD and claim it as their own, can't they theoretcally copy everything line-for -line as long as they are the one's making the music?

Laws are funny in that way.

I think you are referring to covers and for bands to release them they need to get permission from record companies and suchlike.

Anyway, The songs are very similar but not the same. I've heard lots of songs that sound the same.
yep undeniably TOOL, thought the exact same when I first listened to it.. lets hope TOOL are indeed working on it.
Chris Vrenna doesnt impress me much.... I LOVE TRENT however.
nothing beats NIN when it comes to audio bliss.
wish he still was onboard for the soundtrack for Doom3, *shrugs* bright side is we will see the new NIN album sooner :)
The Doom series has a history of ripping themes. They are just keeping the tradition going. :)
ShadowFox said:
The Doom series has a history of ripping themes. They are just keeping the tradition going. :)

Yeah, I was suprised how much the original ripped off Pantera. I'm suprised they didn't get into trouble for it. :)
The "rythm" in Lateralus by Tool is completely different to the Doom3 theme. The chorus in the Doom3 theme is in 5/8,5/8,5/8,6/8 , Lateralus is in 9/8 and something. I don't know exactly (must check it out).
MMhardKy said:
The "rythm" in Lateralus by Tool is completely different to the Doom3 theme. The chorus in the Doom3 theme is in 5/8,5/8,5/8,6/8 , Lateralus is in 9/8 and something. I don't know exactly (must check it out).

It's 9/8 8/8 7/8. But the the way the guitar works with the drums makes it sound very similar to lateralus. Obviously not the same from a technical standpoint, but still, you can sense a huge amount of similarity.
they're not that similar.

i mean, come on, i'm sure they used it as inspiration, but the two songs aren't similar enough to say that doom3 is ripping off tool's music.

both mad songs though
Errr, if I remember NiN said that Tool got the job for the theme...
Top Secret said:
Errr, if I remember NiN said that Tool got the job for the theme...

"And I guess Tool did the theme song" is what Trent said. Meaning, he didn't know but it sounded like Tool.
HAHAHAHAHAHA tha'ts ****in hilarious if it was his old drummer doing the music and he didn't know. lol yeah, i liked 1995. hate to break it to you guys, but his music hasn't evolved all that other words...IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON, cause either you've been listening to them this whole time, and you need to broaden your horizons and listen to something new (or older), or they are new to you, in which case I can assure you they are not the be all and end all of (lol) "Industrial". Besides if you were going to listen to old stuff, why not some of the REAL originators of industrial, like Throbbing Gristle or Einsturzende Neubauten?
I also thought it sounded like tool. Very much, in fact.
But I also don't consider that to be a bad thing because tool is a very good band.
KagePrototype said:
Yeah, I was suprised how much the original ripped off Pantera. I'm suprised they didn't get into trouble for it. :)

yea. AND alice and chains. it fit in really well though in doom
Musicians rip off of each other all the time. Take that guy in England who is
popular atm he has only done crappy cover versions of great songs like Doors:light my fire and also took a song from a danish guy called Tim Christensen and all the englishmen think he made it himself :x
Bleeder said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA tha'ts ****in hilarious if it was his old drummer doing the music and he didn't know. lol yeah, i liked 1995. hate to break it to you guys, but his music hasn't evolved all that other words...IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON, cause either you've been listening to them this whole time, and you need to broaden your horizons and listen to something new (or older), or they are new to you, in which case I can assure you they are not the be all and end all of (lol) "Industrial". Besides if you were going to listen to old stuff, why not some of the REAL originators of industrial, like Throbbing Gristle or Einsturzende Neubauten?

Sorry, the "You have Bad Taste In Music" thread is over there. :P
Bleeder said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA tha'ts ****in hilarious if it was his old drummer doing the music and he didn't know. lol yeah, i liked 1995. hate to break it to you guys, but his music hasn't evolved all that other words...IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON, cause either you've been listening to them this whole time, and you need to broaden your horizons and listen to something new (or older), or they are new to you, in which case I can assure you they are not the be all and end all of (lol) "Industrial". Besides if you were going to listen to old stuff, why not some of the REAL originators of industrial, like Throbbing Gristle or Einsturzende Neubauten?

what do you like then?
someone always has something to say about someone elses taste, simply becuase they dont have the same tastes to begin with.

I been listening to NIN for years (since I came to America in 1996, we didnt get anything but pop like "I saw the sign" and "Dr. Alban" in South Africa)
I listen to tons of music, only thing I cant stand is Country.... however if I had to pick one band that remained consistent in awesome quality, and something I can always listen to, it would be NIN.
depends how you look at it i guess....they're either consistent, or stagnant.
Bleeder said:
depends how you look at it i guess....they're either consistent, or stagnant.

Wait, I'm not sure what you are referring to? Are you saying that all three NIN albums sound the same?
I'm not sure how you could even call NIN consistent or stagnant, as their sound just won't keep still. They've only had 5 major releases over their career:

1. Pretty Hate Machine, which was almost synth-pop with guitars

2. Broken EP, which was thrash with a drum machine

3. The Downward Spiral, which was incredibly dark industrial music with a little bit of a funk influence in places

4. The Fragile, which was a 1970s/80s art rock infulenced fuzzy-synth-fest spread across 2 discs.

5. Still EP, which was piano-led ambient versions of old songs, with a few instrumentals thrown in. Almost like NIN unplugged.

If you're talking lyric-wise, fair enough, Trent Reznor was never much of a lyricist in the first place. But musically, I'm not sure how you could call them stagnant or consistent with their sound bouncing around in all of these different directions. One of the many reasons I enjoy listening to NIN on a regular basis. :)
Bleeder said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA tha'ts ****in hilarious if it was his old drummer doing the music and he didn't know. lol yeah, i liked 1995. hate to break it to you guys, but his music hasn't evolved all that other words...IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON, cause either you've been listening to them this whole time, and you need to broaden your horizons and listen to something new (or older), or they are new to you, in which case I can assure you they are not the be all and end all of (lol) "Industrial". Besides if you were going to listen to old stuff, why not some of the REAL originators of industrial, like Throbbing Gristle or Einsturzende Neubauten?

What's wrong with listening to an album more than once? Are we not allowed to like a band through out time, or are we supposed to listen to an album once, then go onto another album.

You left out Skinny Puppy.
I said NIN are consistent in that they always are pleasing to listen to. (aka "consistent in awesome quality" read!!!)

not in their sound.

Trent is an audio-engeneering god, and you know it.
Mr. Redundant said:
I said NIN are consistent in that they always are pleasing to listen to. (aka "consistent in awesome quality" read!!!)

not in their sound.

Trent is an audio-engeneering god, and you know it.

I was actually replying to Bleeder, I didn't realise he was referring to something in your post. I thought he was just making a general statement. :)
KagePrototype said:
I was actually replying to Bleeder, I didn't realise he was referring to something in your post. I thought he was just making a general statement. :)
I was replying to Bleeder too :P
yay! if this was a highway i would have just caused a three car pile-up! lol, but anyways.....don't mind me, i was just in a bad mood earlier....i just really hate people who have just discovered NiN and think they are the total authority on all things trent reznor (not any of you guys, i'm just explaining where my misdirected anger is coming from). That, and i've also sat there and listened to so called "industrial experts" dressed like extras from a made for T.V. Columbine movie, with NiN patches on everything but their eyeballs try to tell me that NiN are the originators of industrial. I just think that out of the spectrum of industrial that they have a tendancy to attract the most clueless fans.

I'm not saying that they have no artistic merit either, just that they aren't the be all and end all of industrial bands, and that everyone who likes their music should do a little research because you will find way more bands with way less "mainstream" stigma, that are (imo) way better.

and as far as Trents skills go.....did anyone else see that video of them in the studio where a pre make-up marilyn manson was playing wasn't exactly just trent at the comp.....there was like 10 other guys in there making his music for him, and i really hate when the frontman ends up getting credit for everything. I hate to break it to you, it's not JUST trent making the music....hell it's not even trent making the majority of it, and that's this day and age everyone uses studio musicians, I just think that you guys should acknowledge that fact. And in closing i would just like to say sorry for this rant, and when it comes down to it you guys have the freedom to like what ever you want to and that's ok, this is all just my opinion.
Bleeder said:
and as far as Trents skills go.....did anyone else see that video of them in the studio where a pre make-up marilyn manson was playing wasn't exactly just trent at the comp.....there was like 10 other guys in there making his music for him, and i really hate when the frontman ends up getting credit for everything. I hate to break it to you, it's not JUST trent making the music....hell it's not even trent making the majority of it, and that's this day and age everyone uses studio musicians, I just think that you guys should acknowledge that fact. And in closing i would just like to say sorry for this rant, and when it comes down to it you guys have the freedom to like what ever you want to and that's ok, this is all just my opinion.

I'm going to have to argue with that. The video for Gave Up is meant to be pseudo live. Althought Trent may have wrote the music, you wouldn't expect him to play all the instruments at once would you?. You wouldn't say that Beethoven obviously didn't write his fifth Symphony because if you see it live, there's an orchestra playing it.

As for studio musicians, I think noone denies that Trent gets people to play instruments for him. But just because someone plays something on a track doesn't mean that they actually wrote it. Actually looking at your example of Gave Up, if I looked at the ep credits. "All songs written, performed and produced by Trent Reznor, except 2, 3 and 6, produced by flood and Trent Reznor." So you can see that Trent at the very least wrote and performed that song.

Also, A guy playing a guitar for one bit of the track is not "The Majority". Trent does write the majority of the songs.

Even if he didn't write all the songs? (Some of the music is definately written by someone else, depending on the track; especially on The Fragile). Would it matter? Would it make the music worse in some way? If you don't like the songs, fair enough, but no reason to make stuff up to make Trent seem like some kind of faker.

And the media gets it wrong about a lot of stuff. Don't go getting angry because it says Nine Inch Nails started Industrial. I watched a programme that called Trent Reznor the "Blair Witch of Pop".

Just because someone in the album credits is given
I hear only a slight similarity. It's similar, but still very different.
no, you are misunderstanding me....i never said i didn't like their music, and i also never said that him not writing all of it would be bad. Also, i wasn't refering to marilyn manson, i was refering to all the other guys on comps and keyboards.....i just don't think he's a genius is what it boils down to. Talented? yes. Genius? no. Quality purveyor of industrial music? yes. Quality originator of industrial? noooooo. bottom line.....they are ok, but that's about it imho.
it's no coincidence...

it is tool. there was mention of it before that they were working on a song for the game. my friend is helping me find it now. chris vrenna helped, but it's a tool song.
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