Doom 3 - Trent Reznor Sound Pack


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
This sound pack is highly recommended

Changes the sounds for the imp, the pinky, the zombie, the fat zombie, the zombie commando, the hell knight, the pistol, the shotgun, the machine gun, the chaingun, the player, that's it!
These are the sounds that Trent made for the game.
In my humble opinion, the final version sounds are quite a bit more atmospheric and less uncanny. Some of the weapons sounds in this pack are pretty good (pistol, chaingun) but thats all really.
Yes the sounds were ripped from the alpha and id dont want wep pages to spread it. So download now if you want it.
Zerox said:
These are the sounds that Trent made for the game.

Exactly. They're the ones that were in the alpha leak.

We got a whole lot of mail about this one. Gamespot is hosting a Doom 3 trent reznor sound pack, which from my understanding takes the (superior) sounds from the leaked E3 Alpha version of DoomIII, and allows them to be used in the commercial release of Doom3. This in itself isn't terribly newsworthy, considering the E3 leak is stolen copyrighted material, and people who've hosted that content in the past have had the smack laid down on them.

What makes it extra interesting is that the Voodoo Extreme 3 website claims "Even though Gamespot got it from Trent, id wasn't too jazzed with them posting it."

Well, truth be told, neither Trent Reznor nor anyone from Nothing sent those files to Gamespy. Quoting Reznor, "I would never do that and don't support it. Personally, I feel Christian Antkow and Ed Lima did a great job with the sound in the game."