Doom 3 VS Halo 2

Which game is better?

  • Doom 3

    Votes: 66 64.7%
  • Halo 2

    Votes: 18 17.6%
  • Neutral (Like Switzerland)

    Votes: 18 17.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Ok now i want this to be a clean thread, no flaming and no l337 talk.

What game do you think is going to be better and why?

1. No stupid posts like "BECAUSE ITS DOOM 3/HALO 2!!!"
2. Don't bring HL2 into the argument, its really tedious

Anyway i'm not sure which game will be better, they both look absolutely awesome.

One's very cinematic (Halo 2)
and the other is extremely atmospheric (D3).

One has old school multiplayer action
The other has new school multiplayer action, but it requires Xbox live and another 70 bucks to play online

I can't decide personally

(By the way i know this has probably been done before, but whenever someone resurrects an old thread everyone starts flaming the person who ressurrected it and then it gets closed forever).
Why do we need another VS thread?

They always end up in a shit flinging contest.
Well HL2 isn't involved so hopefully nothing will happen
Doom3 is my pick. I'm a graphics whore, and D3 will fit that need quite well. As for halo2,
never really liked the first that much, got a bit repetitive imo, so i haven't really been keeping up with all the hype surrouding the sequal.

on a side note: why must this thread be started, is it like a boxing match for you and you want to see who wins? Each game will look good in the eye of the beholder.
doom3 by INFINITE miles.

have you seen the 26 new scans?

The frigging insanity.
I belive Halo 2 will be better since, Halo was far far better than Doom and Doom II.
aye, Doom 3.

Because Doom 3 looks revolutionary in terms of graphics and lighting. Halo looks good, but its starting to hyperventilate from too much pushing :p
link to scans? lmao..too late. just about every site is shut down.

however try my thread in 3d realms forum it might still be up
The_Monkey said:
I belive Halo 2 will be better since, Halo was far far better than Doom and Doom II.

if this is sarcasm in reference to my post, doom3's differences between its predecessor are far greater than halo 2's differences from its predecessor.

if not than Halo and doom1/doom2 are hardly comparable.
Halo 2 for me.

Doom 3 looks excellent, but i'm more into challenge than atmoshpere. Doom 3, like most pc shooters infact, will probably be very easy - a quicksave-athon (Has anyone else noticed this - what was the last pc shooter that actually required any skill to finish??) The experience should be fantastic while it lasts, though :)

If Halo 2 offers the level of difficulty the original did i'll be happily playing for the best part of a year. The multiplayer should also shit all over Doom 3's (which I do think looks very good btw - there's just a limit to how long DM can remain exciting)

It's a close call. I think Doom 3 will offer more enjoyment in the short term, with Halo 2 enjoying a far longer lifespan and superior multiplayer.
Warbie said:
Halo 2 for me.

Doom 3 looks excellent, but i'm more into challenge than atmoshpere. Doom 3, like most pc shooters infact, will probably be very easy - a quicksave-athon (Has anyone else noticed this - what was the last pc shooter that actually required any skill to finish??) The experience should be fantastic while it lasts, though :)

If Halo 2 offers the level of difficulty the original did i'll be happily playing for the best part of a year. The multiplayer should also shit all over Doom 3's (which I do think looks very good btw - there's just a limit to how long DM can remain exciting)

It's a close call. I think Doom 3 will offer more enjoyment in the short term, with Halo 2 enjoying a far longer lifespan and superior multiplayer.

I agree. Halo 2 looks just like halo in gameplay, which means it's going to kick ass. It's just a joy to play these games - the atmospheric music, squad combat, balanced weapons with their own strength/weaknesses and quite literally personality. Add that with one of the best vehicles ever created in the game (and more coming up which look even more good), halo 2 is just going to be a fun experience.

I totally agree with the last comment - D3 will be fun in the short term but not as much as halo 2. I love SP squad combat games - so HL2 and Halo 2 are on top of my list. None the less, D3 will be one of my favourtite games too .

I beautiful cinematic flair Bungie has given to Halo/ halo 2 is something I love in their games. It's the kind of thing that even valve has implemented to HL2 - and it's going to be great.
No doubt, its Doom 3 but halo2 dosent look bad either, Doom3 just looks better.
lans said:
I agree. Halo 2 looks just like halo in gameplay, which means it's going to kick ass. It's just a joy to play these games - the atmospheric music, squad combat, balanced weapons with their own strength/weaknesses and quite literally personality. Add that with one of the best vehicles ever created in the game (and more coming up which look even more good), halo 2 is just going to be a fun experience.

I totally agree with the last comment - D3 will be fun in the short term but not as much as halo 2. I love SP squad combat games - so HL2 and Halo 2 are on top of my list. None the less, D3 will be one of my favourtite games too .

But a squad combat SP game can easily be worse then a normal SP game. It all depends on the quality of gameplay and how atmospheric a game can be.
I never really liked Halo, but nice game though. DooM 3 is gonna rock just like the previous DooM's :)
Doom3 because i found the gameplay in Halo (PC) very repetitive... there were levels later on where they just reused the exact same tunnels... and rooms.... and doorways... it just p****d me off... and Halo2 is going to be more of the same... a moderate FPS (but its the best teh xbox can get) and a poor quality conversion...

Doom3 All the way ;)

Shuzer said:
'cause I don't have an XBox, and I'm not a Halo fan :D

excellent reasoning! :E

i never really got into the Halo series...don't like the weapons in it.. so i dunno if i will bother with Halo2.. who knows..

anyway Doom3 for many reasons.. #1 being its the series i grew up playing.. so it has sentimental value to me :p
crabcakes66 said:
Why do we need another VS thread?

They always end up in a shit flinging contest.
Yeah always flinging shit around.
Sparta said:
Well HL2 isn't involved so hopefully nothing will happen
But it has Halo and it's a shit magnet.

Doom1+2 were da best games eva, besides Wolf3D and HL.

I will enjoy D3 very much over Halo2 since I have a PC and not an Xbox.
I voted swiss though cause that comment just deserves a vote.
Doom 3 - Halo 2 media didn't even impress me remotely. Also Halo is very over-rated IMO.
doom3 b/c i liked id's choice on not having a demonstration this year at e3, and disliked bungi's choice of having a demonstration but with a really dumb announcer with a really annoying voice who made really bad jokes, thus doom3 is a better game then halo2 :E
Doom3 because I can get my hands on it first, it looks spectacular and it is coming out for my godlike PC.

Halo2 looks excellent and I will buy it when it comes out, if for nothing more than the co-op play with my bro. (we played/still play the shit outta coop legendary mode on halo)
I will rent doom3 for Xbox, and if it is cool I will probably buy it (for the coop play)

Sai said:
doom3 b/c i liked id's choice on not having a demonstration this year at e3, and disliked bungi's choice of having a demonstration but with a really dumb announcer with a really annoying voice who made really bad jokes, thus doom3 is a better game then halo2 :E

he wasnt that bad.. the announcer is the guy who did a lot of voices for both Halos (the grunts in particular - small whiny aliens), his acting was a little over-bearing to begin with but hey we got to see halo2 in action :D
Halo 2 hasn't shown me anything original, besides kicking people off of flying hovercraft. I'm not saying it will be a bad game though.

Doom 3 will be better.
Halo 2 because I like halo and I think all doom games suck :O. I would try and explain why but id just get confused ;)
Doom 3, because even the 10 year old Doom games are better than the original Halo.
ElFuhrer said:
Doom 3, because even the 10 year old Doom games are better than the original Halo.

Of course they are ;)

Now come back and sit by the fire. There's a blanket waiting and a nice cup of soup.
I've been playing the JDoom conversions for the past few days, and they're great (jumping kinda ruins things though). I've forgotten how fun and challenging Doom actually is. It makes me want Doom 3 even more!
Sparta said:
The other has new school multiplayer action, but it requires Xbox live and another 70 bucks to play online

Not necessarily. With Halo now you can play You just need to take a few extra steps.

Make sure your xbox is connected to a hub/router along with your computer to the internet.
Get the client.
Sign up and log in.
Keep your Halo game in the System Link screen where it looks for games [If you're hosting, just make a game]

That simple. My friends and I have played Halo online so much...I expect the same sort of thing to work with Halo 2 as long as they don't remove System Link play (I highly doubt they will).

Halo 2 gets my vote. MP with much more replayability. ID has constantly said they wanted to get the best SP experience. I'm more interested in MP.