Doom III beta testing going very well...


Sep 11, 2003
Reaction score
While boasting about his Armadillo space project, John Carmack threw in some very interesting tidbits regarding their upcoming game. Slashdot reports:

For those of you that are underwhelmed by the 310 pound vehicle, do note that the big vehicle (1500 lbs) that can actually carry people is also flying. Look back in the Armadillo updates around April 19 for testing video. We have since reworked the propulsion system to follow what has worked so well on the subscale vehicle, and should be testing it this weekend. If it works well, we will be repeating the boosted hop with the big vehicle next week.

The flight time is currently limited by federal law to 15 seconds of rocket burn time. We have a waiver coming to extend that to 120 seconds, but beyond that we will need a full launch license.

The significance of all this is that the vehicles are intended to fly up, come back down and land right where they took off from, all without ablating, expending, or separating anything. It should be possible to have turn around times under one hour even for quite large vehicles.

BTW, Doom beta testing is going very well.

John Carmack

just so you know :smoking:
Yeah, my anticipation meter for this game is sky-high.
Release Doom III soon, id.
concept -> development --> alpha ---> beta --*d3 is here*--> gold -----> release
and everyone just ignores his comments on the rocket.
I'll probably upgrade my PC a week before it's due for release. I hope prices on some of the latest hardware have dropped by then (including the A64 3800+).

Woo 666 posts, and on a DooM based thread as well!!!!!

Time to create another account.
their vehicle only goes straight up and back down? I thought it would be like a really high altitude airplane or something...

/me drools :cheese:

first the HL2 tidbit about it possibly going gold in August and now this :thumbs:

edit: can one of the staff members fix the /me command? PLEASE? :)