Doom III out-presells Half Life 2...



According to, Doom III is ranked #14 among the Top Selling PC Games. While Half Life 2 is quite aways behind at #30. Doom III is even $5.00 more than Half Life 2!

Why do you think this is?...Is it too early to tell?...Do more people like Doom III over Half Life 2? Just curious.
Well, to be fair that's just Amazon, who knows how it is at other websites.As for me, I'm looking forward to Doom3 as much as if not a bit more than Hl2's single player. However, I can already foresee the Doom3 bashing this thread is going to have.
Well, all that really indicates is that more people are buying Doom 3 through amazon.
Mechagodzilla said:
Well, all that really indicates is that more people are buying Doom 3 through amazon.
And it also indicates that less people are buying Half Life 2 through amazon.
That's the problem with judging through this.
Does it tell us any other stores? Nope.
There's not enough information to make a conclusion off of and, even if it did, what's the difference?
Where do I access the best-selling PC games list on that site anyway
Most people who would have ore-ordered did so last year.
i preorderd hl2 at amazon last year.

But what does this tell us? nothing.

HL2 is certain to sell more than doom3 .....we can base that on minimum requirements ALONE.
Soundwave said:
Where do I access the best-selling PC games list on that site anyway
Go to
Choose Video Games from the drop down search bar
Click on Top Sellers near the top
Finally click on PC Games on the side bar
And Halo 2 has more pre orders then any other game.
Ill make a bet in the Doom3 sales Vs. HL2 sales department.

I will impose a self banning on myself, change my signature to read "im a tool D3 owns" and then axe my cable connection IF Doom3 sells more in its first 3 months than HL2 sells in its first 3 months.

I can tell you now that Every1 i know from other forums have said they think HL2 will be better.

and those are non biased forums...

Eg. The total war series forums and the Battlefield series forums.

So to recap If Doom3 sells more than HL2 in their first 3 months ill do the things detailed in the second paragraph.
Before the leak, HL2 had an amazing number of preorders, 80% of which were cancelled when the release date was passed.
mobA said:
Go to
Choose Video Games from the drop down search bar
Click on Top Sellers near the top
Finally click on PC Games on the side bar

yeah, I got the and videogames part on my own ;)

ty though
Dougy said:
Ill make a bet in the Doom3 sales Vs. HL2 sales department.

I will impose a self banning on myself, change my signature to read "im a tool D3 owns" and then axe my cable connection IF Doom3 sells more in its first 3 months than HL2 sells in its first 3 months.
Then the bet is on...
FictiousWill said:
Before the leak, HL2 had an amazing number of preorders, 80% of which were cancelled when the release date was passed.

I think that sums it up. The game was delayed and a lot of people got PISSED and canceled orders. I'm actually really suprised to see it as high as it is at this point.

It will grow and most likely outsell Doom3 (I will buy both).
c'mon its not even close,you can play hl2 on a pentium the math.
I am not going to buy Doom 3, I might pirate it but it doesn't look that good. I will beat it in 20 hours and have to desire to ever play it again.
Doom III has pre-order boxes in stores. Half-Life 2 does not. Ergo the disparity.
You can't tell if Doom III is getting more Per-orders that HL 2

Their is no way of finding out if Doom 3 as more Per-order sales then HL 2. I mean did you go to your local gaming store and asked what game is getting more per-oders they might tell you HL2 because it as been in their computers for so long.

Maybe, Doom 3 might be getting up because people know when a company like ID says there game is coming out its coming out. I mean after E3 and during E3 we know its coming out this summer but we don't know what date and I can wait to find out and I think they might tell us when in early June.
I think HL2 will outsell D3 just becuase of the audience the games are aimed at.

Comparing just the PC versions, the reqired hardware to run doom3 playably is much higer then HL2 (1 for HL2) Doom3 is a scary, atmosphereic, zombie shooter. That effectively narrows down the audience quite a bit, while Half Life 2 should be accessible to many more players becuase it has less of a scary attitude. (2 for HL2) Doom, however, may have a bit more background players, or people who played the originals and now want to see the game all over again. (Again, aimed at an older audience.)

Personally, I plan on preordering Doom3 through EB, becuase i have a gift card i gotta use, But i bought one of the ATI Half-Life 2 promotional cards through ebay, so it's effectively a preorder (for 15 bucks!)
I cancelled my pre-order, doesnt mean Im not buying the game... in fact Im getting the special edition AND the box with the G-man on for my lil bro. :)

so pre-sales dont really indicate how well a game will sell.... at least in my case.

I mean... the counter strike community alone.....
I will say this. If you talk to joe-bob and marry on the street corner and ask them if they can recall either of the titles "Doom" or "Half-Life", assuming that they are not video game buffs like we are, they will probably never have herd of Half-Life and know a tiny bit about Doom. Doom pissed a lot of pepole off, and therefore got so much more publicity than HL. Therefore, should someone that spends less than 100$ on video games a year go into a store and look for one to buy, he is more likely to buy D3 as opposed to HL2.

For this reason, and this reason only, D3 might outsell HL2 at the start. However, HL2 will most definately have more sells in the long run, although I doubt it will be quite as much as HL1 simply because of the player base out there (Most of the hard-core gaming community knows about half-life now. Most new sales will be those just coming into the community).

And, as I normally say when I spout a paragraph of processed information, does that make sense?
This is prob stupid, but can you pre-order the collectors online yet?
I predict more people that buy Doom3 will demand a refund when they learn there is no plot. :D
A2597 said:
I predict more people that buy Doom3 will demand a refund when they learn there is no plot. :D

and lack of decent multiplayer.

Whats the max no. of players again? 4. 8.?
Lmao, and the fact that doom3 was announced long before HL2 ever was. So the pure volume of preorders has to be more.

Although HL2 will outsell doom3, there are more cs and hl junkies than doom and quake junkies.
A2597 said:
I predict more people that buy Doom3 will demand a refund when they learn there is no plot. :D

There may not be a plot as deep as Half-Life 2, but there is a plot nonetheless.
Doom3 may sell more at the time because Id has given press release indicating the release date, what Valve hasn't yet.
SMT said:
Doom III has pre-order boxes in stores. Half-Life 2 does not. Ergo the disparity.

But these figures came from Amazon. I've never seen an amazon store...
bleh why does it matter if doom 3 sells better on amazon! As long as I can buy my copy at the local store, thats all that matters to me :p
I thought the top sellers were "at the current" time.

If Doom III sold 150 titles this month but HL2 sold 100 titles it would be higher

HL2 may very well have sold 20,000 and doom III have sold 15,000

At least thats how I thought it worked
Doom is an older franchise, more history. Older gamers who might have drifted out of gaming might of heard of doom III, the sucessor to their favorite game of all time Doom, and ordered it. Who knows?
well, here in canada i can see D3 selling tons more then HL2.
2 reasons for this:
-D3 already has pre-order boxes in all the big strores and is set to release soon.
-HL2 doesnt have anything in display, and last time i checked (saturday), it was scheduled for release in NOVEMBER 2004... and this is from several stores, if you want you can check it out here:
November 15th
crabcakes66 said:
i preorderd hl2 at amazon last year.

But what does this tell us? nothing.

HL2 is certain to sell more than doom3 .....we can base that on minimum requirements ALONE.

Are you not a bit annoyed at having to wait longer for your game? did you you have to pay for it all at once?
Dougy said:
Ill make a bet in the Doom3 sales Vs. HL2 sales department.

I will impose a self banning on myself, change my signature to read "im a tool D3 owns" and then axe my cable connection IF Doom3 sells more in its first 3 months than HL2 sells in its first 3 months.

Looks like you will have to get your axe out! because Doom3 will be awsome!
-remember doom was one of the main games at the forefront of first person shooter!!!!!

One game to rule them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget, HL2 will be available through Steam, what's to say that's not a big factor to pre-orders on

Going back tot the point, do the statistics mean much with pre-orders at I say they do matter quite a lot, as Amazon is the biggest online retailer bar none. However, I can say that they are split over quite a number of sites around the world, and therefore sales on the primary site are not reflective of world wide sales.