Doom3 Coop on XBOX only!

I'm very mad! :flame: Let's launch a protest! :flame:
Wow, I just LOVE how only consoles get coop these days.....
I think I will get the console version, somthing to do with my xbox when Half-Life 2 is out.
Foxtrot said:
I think I will get the console version, somthing to do with my xbox when Half-Life 2 is out.

It's because of people like you I cry myself to sleep everynight .. ;(

So id caved in. Honestly, the xbox is freaking evil..... :/
Yeah...I wish these people would at least have a little integrity. Shame we can't but validation rules on people...

They seem to think that PC players dont caer about coop or something, yet its half the fun of most games. Take Hidden and Dangerous, it was a great game but in coop it was fantastic.
I want to kill bill... how bout you!?

I think the reason he does this to so many games is because he knows the X-Box sucks and it trying anything he can to keep it alive and kicking... so he uses his cash to screw us PC Gamers over... damnit bill... YOU WILL PAY!!!! :flame:
Farrowlesparrow said:
They seem to think that PC players dont caer about coop or something, yet its half the fun of most games. Take Hidden and Dangerous, it was a great game but in coop it was fantastic.

I'm sure id is well aware of how the PC crowd would love to have coop, but when you have a giant like MS controlling a version of your product that is going to rake in a LOT of cash....well, you tend to listen to them.
Id should have never created a version for the X-Box, I know it's great for those who don't have the latest technology, but let's be honest, Doom III is made to be played on the latest and greatest hardware. It's one of those games which forces people to ditch the GeForce 4 MX and grab a brand new card (or PC) moving technology along.
It's obvious that MS is going to try and force them to either make Doom III an X-Box exclusive, or design it for the X-Box first and foremost, with the PC as an afterthought. I mean, think about it, what is Doom III on the PC worth to MS? It doesn't use their DX API, so basically it is of no value to them. The PC version is competition, and we all know what MS does to competition.
I think the only good thing that will come out of this situation is that Microsoft are doing yet another thing to shoot themselves in the foot. At least in the long term. When you think about the amount of people they are alienating its madness. Companies are always so shortsighted. In the not so distant future when games become even more mainstream and things like Linux are much bigger, microsoft is really gonna start losing business from desicions like this.

Ive not doubt that someone will be able to mod it in, but they shouldnt have to when id could easilty put it in there...and in fact is doing for the xbox. In a game like Hl2 for instance, they dont have plan for coop in any form, console or no console so thats different and modding it in is just something people will do.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if coop in the PC version will be there and this is just a marketing gimmick done by Microsoft to try and convince more people to buy X-box's before the game ships.
man, that sucs. i dont want to be scared out of my mind alone....
qckbeam said:
So id caved in. Honestly, the xbox is freaking evil..... :/

I think it probably has more to so with technical limitations than with evil business practices. Look at Halo for the PC, they tried forever to get online coop in that sucker but it just never worked out. Maybe its just too much information to send over the net or something.
One day, Macs will take over the world. All they need is proper game support, and thats it.
mrBadger said:
One day, Macs will take over the world. All they need is proper game support, and thats it.
yes... and i really think apple are making a huge effort to put games onto the mac... [/sarcasm]
Macs are the stylish mans PC.
Meh, I think that they are much better than PCs even if I do have a rather stylin' black box of my own :)

Thing is DirectX is crushing the OS market :/ but Macs are great. They just WORK, so few crashes etc, they look pretty, their architechture is more efficient :)

etc :D
What is so bad about buying a PC game for the xbox? I can't play PC games all the time because I have 2 brothers that want to be on the computer all the time so I can't get on the PC that much.
You can't build your own custom mac though and they only have one mouse button, plus there speed to price ratio isn't brilliant.

Personally I think the lack of coop on PC might have more to do with technicle limitations than ID brown noseing M$, on the Xbox you have two players on the same box, on PC you have to network it which is more work than just inserting another player and camera into the game.

I would email somone at ID about this but I don't know there emails and I'm not sure they would reply to it.
If they can do death match then its not a technical limitation.

I think this news sucks ass..... :(
I hate macs. The thing that convinced me that they suck is that they only have one mouse button. WTF?! I mean where's the secondary fire? I just can't deal with it.
csmighty1 said:
I hate macs. The thing that convinced me that they suck is that they only have one mouse button. WTF?! I mean where's the secondary fire? I just can't deal with it.

You don't HAVE to use the default Mac mouse, you can use other mice, IE. MX700
marksmanHL2 :) said:
If they can do death match then its not a technical limitation.

I think this news sucks ass..... :(

Deathmatch and Singleplayer are very different beasts. There's pathfinding, scripting, AI, cutscenes, level size and many other things that are different. I distinctly remember the guys at Gearbox saying that co-op Halo over the internet just wasn't possible because of technical limitations.
Uhh... Sven Co-op does it quite well for HL, and that's just a mod. I think co-op over the internet is quite possible.
thehunter1320 said:
ya, definatley 5 FPS... maybe a FX5950 will do the trick!

5 FPS? Not with the Nvidia "special" path - it's just the original doom with the "plot", new weapons and monsters of Doom 3.......people will never know the difference......
DarkStar said:
I think it probably has more to so with technical limitations than with evil business practices. Look at Halo for the PC, they tried forever to get online coop in that sucker but it just never worked out. Maybe its just too much information to send over the net or something.

trust me my friend, it is NOT a technical limitation issue. It's a money thing.
csmighty1 said:
trust qckbeam, he knows my friend...he knows

damn right I do!! :D

Seriously though, all I meant is that it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination technology keeping id from incorporating coop play. It is not a hard thing to pull of technically, and honestly, this is id we are talking about here, they damn near invented coop in the first place. It's MS keeping them from putting it in. Coop is a nice incentive to pick up the X-Box version no?
mrBadger said:
Abom, yep, 5FPS on a G5 Dual 2.4ghz, with a GeForce FX5900

Yep, 5FPS :)

Uhh, I meant 5FPS less than my rig. Yeah ;)
Macs were designed by fancy designers for fancy designers... PCs are more for the people focused on actually using them instead of placing them somewhere on a table in a cunning ploy to understate their stylish loft..
You know PC's can look pretty damn stylish too. I don't really see what the big deal is about the Mac look, since I've seen some PC rigs which just blow Macs right out of the water.