Doom3 getting a gravity gun !?


Oct 1, 2004
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The Holiday issue of Computer Gaming World magazine is now out in stores and has some of the first official details and screenshots (thanks PlanetDoom) about Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, the upcoming expansion pack to id Software's first person shooter remake.
Single Player:
11 new levels

Vulgars - The same as Imps only faster and they do a lot more wall crawling.
Bruisers - Half mecahnical monsters with computer monitors for there mouth, they have a tendency to hide as wall monitors and then bust through the walls after you.
The Forgotten - Same as the Lost Souls in Classic Doom
Hell Hunters - Like Floating legless HellKnights, these monsters have the ability to warp time.

New Weapons/Items:
The Double Barrel Shotgun - Goes Boom.
The Grabber - Gravity Gun.
The Artifact - Allows the player to manipulate time by slowing the world down, also increases damage and makes you invincible.
Environment suits - They will have flashlights mounted on them.

New MultiPlayer Features:
Four new MP maps - Two are in Hell, one in the ancient civilization, then another base type map. It was also mentioned that the Maps will be considerably larger than DOOM 3's.
8 Player limit
Doom3 has an unnoficial gravity gun, it's just a mod, but it's a weapon inspired by HL2. Sounds cool, I'll be getting the expansion pack.
Don't think this belongs in HL2 Discussion, though, but nice find.
Let 'em have it. Its going to take a hell of a lot more then that for them to compete with HL2.
Hey.. that's pretty cheap. Oh.. Well.. It is very hard to be original sometimes. And Half Life 1 actually seems to "borrow" some of Doom's ideas.

Now, I wonder how "The Grabber" would work for Doom 3, since the physics in Doom 3 is pretty bad. Can we cut Imps like we cut zombies in Ravenholm?
wow now we can pick up those 3 barrels and a chair ! rock on !
Aah doom 3...

I am sure everyone is familiar saying "Immitation is the highest form of flattery." Well, iD guys must've played some half life.
alpha_crusis said:
Hey.. that's pretty cheap. Oh.. Well.. It is very hard to be original sometimes. And Half Life 1 actually seems to "borrow" some of Doom's ideas.

Now, I wonder how "The Grabber" would work for Doom 3, since the physics in Doom 3 is pretty bad. Can we cut Imps like we cut zombies in Ravenholm?

physics in doom3 seemed fine, just barely used
Dont care if they copyed anything. Still getting it :)
alpha_crusis said:
Now, I wonder how "The Grabber" would work for Doom 3, since the physics in Doom 3 is pretty bad. Can we cut Imps like we cut zombies in Ravenholm?
Nothin to do with physics. Notice how the zombies always cut in the same place,. they have a 'break point'. This is coded into the model. Unfortunatly dynamic break points are a thing of the future.
That's cheap indeed.. but oh well..

Id software is not as good as valve in making games so they must be copying some stuff I guess
Now we can pick 2 barrels in a very small dark room with scripted monsters and a bad AI. It isn't even fun! :imu:

HL2 outrun Doom3 on almost every aspect!
Lobster said:
wow now we can pick up those 3 barrels and a chair ! rock on !

well there is 11 new levels, i think with more things to play with..
redpoints said:
Aah doom 3...

I am sure everyone is familiar saying "Immitation is the highest form of flattery." Well, iD guys must've played some half life.

welcome to the forums.. :|

Valve guys copied the DOOM "story".
You idiots don't even know history. Half-Life wasn't the first FPS. Doom will always be more influential and significant than Half-Life, and there's Jack and shit you can do about that. Every FPS borrows from Doom, more or less. And here's some trivia for you: Half-Life runs on an engine made by id Software.
Spartan said:
You idiots don't even know history. Half-Life wasn't the first FPS. Doom will always be more influential and significant than Half-Life, and there's Jack and shit you can do about that. Every FPS borrows from Doom, more or less. And here's some trivia for you: Half-Life runs on an engine made by id Software.

No, it wasnt the first FPS, but there are those of us who believe Half-life 1 and 2 is far better than anything ID has chunked out. There's only really one ID game I have absolutely loved, and that was Quake 1.
EVERY fps "borrows" from doom3. Just being in a 3d enviroment borrows from doom3.

Lots of modern fps games borrowed from half-life (ie... the "damage" direction arrows when your hit, or the beginning of story unarmed)

for a small while in half-life 2 i was thinking of the matrix when i was in the citadel and those little pods with people in them

its a neverending cycle... and i think doom3 with a manipulator is dumb :-P... they'd hafta re-wrtie a lot of code to make it as fun as half-life 2

lol, and the "grabber" what a dumb name. "Zero point gun" or whatever its called is way cooler... although IMO i still call it a manipulator :)
She said:
Valve guys copied the DOOM "story".

Please, don't credit Doom with inventing the "an experiment is being conducted in a secret goverement lab... and then, something goes horribly wrong" cliche. In my opinion, Doom 3 was more influenced by HL then HL by Doom 1.
Yeah, Dooms story was very generic. They both copied from sci-fi films. Half-Life's plot is not in any way copied from Doom, although that's not to say its anything original either.

ID did "invent" the FPS, but not with Doom. Valve are the ones that took generic games where you mindlessly point and clicked into a plot oriented experience that actually made sense.
smwScott said:
Valve are the ones that took generic games where you mindlessly point and clicked into a plot oriented experience that actually made sense.

Well, I wouldn't say that either.:) Remember System Shock?
Didn't Wolfenstein 3d come out before Doom? And if so, wouldnt that have invented FPS, not Doom?
Wolfinstien was the first Real FPS that I can think of. The was Blake Stone which was a furturistic version of Wolfinstien. Then came Doom, Doom2, Quake, and all that.
story in hl2 is as dumb as in the most other fps. those conspiracy and alien stuff isn't really new, and this "you are directed by someone/something" / "you have no choices" sounds like matrix, the ending of hl2 strongly reminds me on max payne 1(the telephone scenes).

but they did the best to create a very tight atmosphere around a very thin story.

wasn't apogee/id behind wolfenstein 3d?
Darth Valium said:
story in hl2 is as dumb as in the most other fps. those conspiracy and alien stuff isn't really new, and this "you are directed by someone/something" / "you have no choices" sounds like matrix, the ending of hl2 strongly reminds me on max payne 1(the telephone scenes).

but they did the best to create a very tight atmosphere around a very thin story.

wasn't apogee/id behind wolfenstein 3d?

Yes, I believe ID made Wolfenstein 3d, but thats not what matters. What matters is Doom wasn't what definede the FPS genre. I loved Wolfenstein 3d much more than Doom.
just their futle attempt at getting a crappy game to be good and actually sell some more copies
Spasim was the first "real" fps....that was back in 1974.....the first influential FPS was wolfenstein...and the first popular FPS was Doom...everyone has the "doom" theme.....a lone marine who is destined to fight millions of aliens to save the world....insert half-life, doom, halo, duke nukem etc. etc. etc. here

We have some exciting info on a new weapon we can expect in Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil.

A new weapon called the Ionized Plasma Leviation gun makes excellent use of the physics engine. Allowing you to grab and launch any object in the game. See a box, target it, use it as a shield, and then launch a weapon.

Also revealed is your Space Marine character name Gordon Freidman!

haha nice comments
Spartan said:
Doom will always be more influential and significant than Half-Life.
No. I think Half-Life influenced far more developers points of view of what can be done with FPS games than Doom ever did.
perhaps most of the people disliking doom3 dont have the rig to play it in all its shinyness. i rarely mind about story in fps as long the action goes on. at least in d3 is a lot of story, but youll have to read those notes and emails you find.
Darth Valium said:
perhaps most of the people disliking doom3 dont have the rig to play it in all its shinyness.

The reason I don't like Doom 3 it was so predictable.. how many times did you know as soon as you killled everyone in a room and you turned the next corner suddenly OMG a MONSTER BEHIND ME!! WHERE DID IT COME FROM!!!11 OMG SPAWN!!!

Or how many times did you see a pile of ammo and picked it up then suddenly OMG MONSTER BEHIND ME AND MONSTER IN FRONT OF ME!!111

Yeah, it was scary the first 15 times it happened, but after awhile it is annoying.
Don't care if it's copying, EVERy game should have a gravity gun.



Even Tetris.
She said:
welcome to the forums.. :|

Valve guys copied the DOOM "story".

Sorry SHE, but I gotta disagree with you here.... unless by copied Doom's story, you meant that they made a game with some guns, and some non-human things to shoot. Doom had: No Dialogue, No character interaction, and no allies turned enemies (a la the soldiers you thought were coming to save you, but in fact were there to wack you!). There are SIMILARITIES, in that it is a GAME, with GUNS, and PORTALS, but there is not much else. HL did not require keys to open things, only the right people. It also had dialogue, a real plot (there was not really much plot to Doom), and you were a SCIENTIST, not a "space" marine. Also, HalfLife was partly based on a book, not another game. Some of the original idea for HalfLife came from a Stephen King short story called "The Mist" about a research facility back east, that accidentally opened a portal (to another world, or another dimension... They never really specified), and all sorts of strange things started coming through, taking over the Earth. That sounds a lot closer to HalfLife than a space marine tasking on cyberdemons from hell. So no, I respectfully disagree with you, HalfLife did NOT copy Doom (I would not have liked it if it did).
On a side note:

Bruisers - Half mecahnical monsters with computer monitors for there mouth, they have a tendency to hide as wall monitors and then bust through the walls after you.

This is the first "erm... wtf?" type monster I'll see in a major game. Oh well, I think he'll fit right in with six-legged heads and half-insect babies.
MajorPayne, ignore She, he is just a troll.

I think this is a pretty low blow with the grabber gun, it is plainly a copy from hl2, games get "ideas" from each other all the time, but the grabber is a plain and simple copy. For shame on you ID.

Anyhoo... Im not too interested in the doom 3 addon, I just felt like posting my opinion.
Mr-Fusion said:
No. I think Half-Life influenced far more developers points of view of what can be done with FPS games than Doom ever did.

In your dreams.

MajorPayne said:
Sorry SHE, but I gotta disagree with you here.... unless by copied Doom's story, you meant that they made a game with some guns, and some non-human things to shoot. Doom had: No Dialogue, No character interaction, and no allies turned enemies (a la the soldiers you thought were coming to save you, but in fact were there to wack you!). There are SIMILARITIES, in that it is a GAME, with GUNS, and PORTALS, but there is not much else. HL did not require keys to open things, only the right people. It also had dialogue, a real plot (there was not really much plot to Doom), and you were a SCIENTIST, not a "space" marine. Also, HalfLife was partly based on a book, not another game. Some of the original idea for HalfLife came from a Stephen King short story called "The Mist" about a research facility back east, that accidentally opened a portal (to another world, or another dimension... They never really specified), and all sorts of strange things started coming through, taking over the Earth. That sounds a lot closer to HalfLife than a space marine tasking on cyberdemons from hell. So no, I respectfully disagree with you, HalfLife did NOT copy Doom (I would not have liked it if it did).

Doom: scientists do teleportation research. Research goes bad, demons come through portals and kill everyone. A lone soldier strikes back, and eventually goes to the demons' homeworld and kills the head demon.

Half-Life: scientists do teleportation research. Research goes bad, aliens come through portals and kill everyone. A lone scientist strikes back, and eventually goes to the aliens' homeworld and kills the head alien.

The basic premise is precisely the same. You can lecture about character interaction and plot twists as much as you want, the basic story is still the same. AND, Half-Life did copy Doom, just like every other FPS. Doom defined the genre (I don't personally think that Wolf 3D was the turning point, it was barely 2.5-dimensional).

It's really funny when HL2 fanboys get their dicks in a knot because Doom 3 copies an idea from HL2, as if HL2 is entirely based on Valve's work without any external influence.
Prince of China said:
I thought that She was a female.
She is a boy?

And I thought Ritz was a cracker! mmmm... crackers....
Spartan said:
In your dreams.

Doom: scientists do teleportation research. Research goes bad, demons come through portals and kill everyone. A lone soldier strikes back, and eventually goes to the demons' homeworld and kills the head demon.

Half-Life: scientists do teleportation research. Research goes bad, aliens come through portals and kill everyone. A lone scientist strikes back, and eventually goes to the aliens' homeworld and kills the head alien.

The basic premise is precisely the same. You can lecture about character interaction and plot twists as much as you want, the basic story is still the same. AND, Half-Life did copy Doom, just like every other FPS. Doom defined the genre (I don't personally think that Wolf 3D was the turning point, it was barely 2.5-dimensional).

It's really funny when HL2 fanboys get their dicks in a knot because Doom 3 copies an idea from HL2, as if HL2 is entirely based on Valve's work without any external influence.

Well first off, Doom wasn't 3d either, it was also 2.5d as well. Secondly, the aliens didn't kill everybody in Half-life. Many scientists were still alive, and the marines were getting the upperhand advantage or so it appeared for quite a while.