

Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
You guys know that dork that's been raiding our forums lately. Can't someone ban the dumbass? He flames us, the forums, and HL2, while claiming Doom 3 is better (rofl, that always makes me laugh).
Valve has teh pay 2 play thanG, theY ar tEh Pimpez! DooM III is the RoXoRZ!!! I oWneD myself.
In a round about way though, trolls are fun, you can flame them without getting in shit yourself
Rofl. I didn't know he was banned. Thank god. Stupid Doom3 trolls invading our turf now...shit...not on my watch.
I say we ban any Doom3 trolls that even try to sign up for thats my opinion.
Originally posted by Tr0n
I say we ban any Doom3 trolls that even try to sign up for thats my opinion.

You mean a script to check who signs up with a name containing doom3? cool 8)
I didn't know those chars are acceptable when registering. Oh well, it's just one click for the admins to ban him when he miss-behaves again.
Can't they just kick him again?

ahhhhhh.....what happend to my sig!!!!
As tredoslop said.....the war is far from over.
The battle for this thread is over.....the battle for the forums has begun...the trolls retribution will be quick....we must ready ourselfs for this upcoming battle we must all war!!!!!

Sorry I watched lord of the rings today...always get's me in this kinda mood..
So what was the purpose of banning him to reinstate him about an hour later?
Originally posted by DarkelP
As tredoslop said.....the war is far from over.
The battle for this thread is over.....the battle for the forums has begun...the trolls retribution will be quick....we must ready ourselfs for this upcoming battle we must all war!!!!!

Sorry I watched lord of the rings today...always get's me in this kinda mood..
kinky :cool:
Agains, people are pitting Hl2 and Doom 3 together. You don't know that Hl2 is better, it hasn't even came out yet.