doom3 is even worse

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Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
ok just to make doom3 a worse game, they now ask you on their site wat ur birthday is (i thought it was some kind of contest), if u are under the age of 18 or w/e age is the M rating is for, then they will not view the content of the site. I am sorry but i played the game and there was nothing in the game or on the site that was so horific i could not even bear to look at the screen. Doom3 was not a scary game for me (that movie saw wasnt scary either i thought it was funny when the guy cut his foot off), doom3 just sucked and looked good sucking.
too many doom 3 threads already. Laws are in place for a reason.
Actually most games rated M ask you for your birthday. And again, how does it make Doom 3 any worse?
They have the ratings for a reason, you want to hear the amount of times parent's try to sue game developers after their sons shoot up schools or whatever, when they blame in on games like CS or a game like Doom3?

"I am sorry but i played the game and there was nothing in the game or on the site that was so horific i could not even bear to look at the screen."

Yeah this is something called your opinion, ESRB has something else to say. ESRB>you.
I think it's the fact that he wasn't impressed with the fact that doom 3 wasn't that great/scary and now their website wants to check your age and he thinks that is stupid but mehhhhh
If there was a line for stupidty you'd be calling from a different timezone.
And again, how does it make Doom 3 any worse?
Remember, it's cool not to like Doom 3. Whenever you see a really dark screenshot, you have to say something like "omg dats like doomm 3 lol."

Also try to relate random things like websites asking for age verification point back to Doom 3 sucking even more.
When you can code a better game, you are allowed to bash it. And not bloody until.
Well, those are some interesting ideas there. However, it was almost a chore to try to discern what you were actually trying to say though.

DOOM rocks!
xLostx said:
he wasn't impressed with the fact that doom 3 wasn't that great/scary

That's not a fact, thats an opinion. I enjoyed the game a lot and thats my opinion.
Kids will just enter a different birth date if they want to see the site bad enough. A minor quibble at best.
mikeandike22 said:
(that movie saw wasnt scary either i thought it was funny when the guy cut his foot off)

Way to go and ruin the movie!
FictiousWill said:
When you can code a better game, you are allowed to bash it. And not bloody until.

Do you apply that logic to everything?

"I don't like this red wine"
"When you can make a better wine, you're allowed to bash it!"

"I don't like Star Trek"
"When you can..."

And so on.

wow i didnt think i would get some many jackass replies in so short of a time, i thought it would at least take like 3hrs, and i am 16, i had hl1 when i was like 9 or 10 so ratings dont matter, and my parents never cared about that shit either. and i related doom3 to saw because they both stated that they were extremely scary where they werent at all. And i wouldnt care about a good game not letting me look at their site, cuz then i would just play it, but doom3 is something i would save for like a rainy day when u loose all your other games and are so bored u feel like walking in a dark hallway doing the same thing for like a half hour, after that i would be so damn bored
Jackass replies? Your post proves you my good man are a said jackass. Simply because the game didn't frighten you (what form of entertainment has ever frightened anyone these days?) and now entering you age (11 right?) on the site keeps you from viewing it, you think the game is worse. Wow. Get some logic up in that noggin of yours kthx.
mikeandike22 said:
wow i didnt think i would get some many jackass replies in so short of a time, i thought it would at least take like 3hrs, and i am 16, i had hl1 when i was like 9 or 10 so ratings dont matter, and my parents never cared about that shit either. and i related doom3 to saw because they both stated that they were extremely scary where they werent at all. And i wouldnt care about a good game not letting me look at their site, cuz then i would just play it, but doom3 is something i would save for like a rainy day when u loose all your other games and are so bored u feel like walking in a dark hallway doing the same thing for like a half hour, after that i would be so damn bored

Hmm, who's the one with the jackass comments? You're the one that posted a thread that did nothing else except bash a game. Did you expect everyone to agree with you?

Just because you didn't find it scary doesn't mean that no one else did.

So the DOOM 3 site asks for your age, so what? What's it to you anyways? There are other sites that ask for your age as well.

You've stated that you're 16. You obviously have a lot of maturing to do.

mikeandike22 said:
Wow I didn't think I would get some many jackass replies in so short of a time, I thought it would at least take like 3 hours. I am 16, I had Half-Life when was like 9 or 10 so ratings don't matter, and my parents never cared about that shit. I related Doom 3 to saw because they both stated that they were extremely scary where they weren't at all. I wouldn't care about a good game not letting me look at their site, because then I would just play it. But Doom 3 is something I would save for ,like a rainy day when you loose all your other games and are so bored you feel like walking in a dark hallway doing the same thing for like a half hour. After that I would be so damn bored

Learn to use the . key and shift key you ****ing cock head.
Doom 3 isn't the only website to ask for age upon entry, a few rappers websites I've gone to have asked what year I was born in. And there's those websites that say 18+ every where and have naked giiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrlllllllssssssssss :O
why so much people hate doom3?

I find it nice,not the best but satisfiyng
Oh I forgot to say, they ask about your age for legal reasons.
xLostx said:
Doom 3 isn't the only website to ask for age upon entry, a few rappers websites I've gone to have asked what year I was born in. And there's those websites that say 18+ every where and have naked giiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrlllllllssssssssss :O

Where might a fellow knowledge seeker find this site with the naked giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrlllllllllssssssssssssssssssssssssss?
DeusExMachinia said:
Where might a fellow knowledge seeker find this site with the naked giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrlllllllllssssssssssssssssssssssssss?

Google search.
Foxtrot said:

Learn to use the . key and shift key you ****ing cock head.

and you ppl say i am the jackass, and this entire section of the forums is devoted to threads things like, the worst games you have ever played, so dont call me out for bashing one game when there is a thread devoted to bashing over 100 games. just word your replies a little better and i wouldnt think you ppl were such jackasses, there is no reason for rudeness especially like that. Omfg my gramar is bad, who the hell cares it is a forum devoted to videogames. as for me being not able to code a game like doom3 idc, but if u check out the custom model section i am becoming better and better at modeling.
mikeandike22 said:
and you ppl say i am the jackass, and this entire section of the forums is devoted to threads things like, the worst games you have ever played, so dont call me out for bashing one game when there is a thread devoted to bashing over 100 games. just word your replies a little better and i wouldnt think you ppl were such jackasses, there is no reason for rudeness especially like that. Omfg my gramar is bad, who the hell cares it is a forum devoted to videogames. as for me being not able to code a game like doom3 idc, but if u check out the custom model section i am becoming better and better at modeling.
You would have been taken more seriously if you structured your sentences better, half the people had no idea what you were even trying to say. That and your argument was pretty flawed, you could have made the point about how ridiculous it is to expect people to be honest, but it is just there for legal reasons probably. Oh and my post wasn't suppose to be taken too seriously.
Foxtrot said:
Learn to use the . key and shift key you ****ing cock head.

Wahey! Nicely said. :bounce:

Being only 15, I must be maturing faster than most because I found those keys a long while ago :) In fact... I never succumbed to running my sentence into one huge ramble.

On-topic: Doom 3 is for those times when the narrative of HL2 gets too much. I personally love both, although haven't got around to buying D3 yet. All-in-all: Shut up, until you learn how to present an argument.
Hmm, I'm sorry but the fact that you are making threads like this shows that you aren't as 'grown up' as you would like to think. If you took a minute to think that by putting an age monitoring system on the website was for legal reasons, and that it in no way makes doom 3 any worse. Its teh same for anything like this, if a film is rated M or age 18, then they can't have 16 year olds, how ever mature they might be, looking at the website for it. The age restrictions are there for a reason, and its part of the law, so either get used to it for the 2 years you have to wait till you are 18 or be grown up enough not to complain about it.
mikeandike22 said:
and i am 16,

Sorry I am going to have to take doom3 and hl2 away from you, along with any other Mature rated games, because you don't meet the requirements to own the games.
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