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DooM3Center, the website we have been working on, is now open to the public. Please visit our website at the following URL:


We would like to thank Major Fleischer, Nachoking, and Freakman for all the hard work they have put into the site.

I hope you guys like it. :)
Yatta, you screwed up. supertrooper never posts seriously :|
Bad move Yatta, you were told about that account and what would happen if you used it again.
Shuzer said:
Yatta, you screwed up. supertrooper never posts seriously :|

what? Yatta = Supertrooper?
I sense some Clark Kent / Superman Shizzle going down here
Fenric said:
Bad move Yatta, you were told about that account and what would happen if you used it again.
Uh, sorry about that. It was already logged in and I didn't bother to check which username was on... Back to the site -- hope you guys like it. :)
Lol, and now that I do not have to ever hear your lesser personality. Welcome back Yatta. Don't be a Douche bag :p
Yatta said:
Uh, sorry about that. It was already logged in and I didn't bother to check which username was on... Back to the site -- hope you guys like it. :)
Considering we asked you never to use the supertrooper account again, I don't quite believe that. It's banned now and will probably be deleted soon so never mind.

But would you care to e-mail/PM one of the admins (either onions, Hot_Soup, Zerimski, StarMonkey or Munro) for permission before you advertise on our website again? I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige, but - check first :cheers:
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