Door Tutorial


Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score

I want to make a map where there is a door which can only be open if the players press two buttons at the same time. How can i do it?

This map is for cs

Make both buttons on output add 1 value to a math_counter which if reaches 2 values opens the door, but resets after like a second. If im unclear, tell me.

How bout an output for each button that adds 1 OnIn and subtracts it OnOut?

Then there would be no need to reset the counter. And then have the counter have a max of 2 and then OnHitMax -> Open door. Otherwise you might be able to use one button twice.
I put this thread on a wrong post, because i'm mapping to cs source. Sorry for that.

I want to create this door to use in a cs map so that it can only be openned if two of the players are alive. But to do this the buttons would have to be pressed at the exactly same time.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for the help
The solution is above. Two buttons with onIn and OnOut outputs and a couter which has max set to 2 and OnHitMax -> Open door.