Doritos (chips) appreciation thread


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
So what's your fav. Doritos flavor? Mine is the one I'm currently eating, Fiery Habanero. I also like Ranch cooler, Nacho cheesier, spicy, and a bunch of others.
Sun Chips > Doritos

But to answer the question, I enjoy the taco one and ranch.
Cool ranch is good but it kind of burns my tongue or something, it's weird.
Sun chips are some of my favorite chips too... but Doritos have a special place in my heart. I really like the original flavor... but the other kind, Ranch cooler, nacho cheesier etc are really tasty as well.

I just wish they weren't so unhealthy!
Nacho Cheesier has become the replacement for the gaping void left by Granny Goose Chip's disappearance. You've probably never heard of them (they were located in my hometown) but they made the best freakin' nacho cheese chips everrrrrrrr. And Nacho Cheesier tastes vaguely similar.
You NEED the Salsa dip for anything more than 10% of the Experience.
Doritos need dips. I agree! 100% tastier with a dip. 100%!

Also I officaly declare that you call them Dorito CRISPS not CHIPS.
Doritos need dips. I agree! 100% tastier with a dip. 100%!

Also I officaly declare that you call them Dorito CRISPS not CHIPS.

Sorry... they're chips. French fries are *NOT* chips.

You silly british people!
I love Cheesy doritos!! I could eat them all day seriously.

Dips do at to the flavour a lot. But sometimes it is nice to have just doritos by themselves.

God damn, I just want to go out and buy a huge bag full of them with a huge dip and just sit here allllll night eating them.
Shit, you guys are going to make me go out and buy some cooler ranch now. God I love those.
Nacho Cheesier has become the replacement for the gaping void left by Granny Goose Chip's disappearance. You've probably never heard of them (they were located in my hometown) but they made the best freakin' nacho cheese chips everrrrrrrr. And Nacho Cheesier tastes vaguely similar.

I tasted those in the airport over in Minneapolis! Not the Nacho ones, but the sour ones.


Best chip ever! I also ran into Brian Setzer (Stray Cats) there with his cute blonde Swedish girlfriend. :naughty: Oh right. What were we talking about again?
Also I officaly declare that you call them Dorito CRISPS not CHIPS.
Just Doritos would be enough, but theyre crisps not chips tbh

chips =

Think about it, crisps = potatos fried to a crisp, chips = chips of potatos :O

And don't say that they're called fries because they're fried, because both crips and chips are fried XD
In that picture, they are potatoe wedges.
Those aren't, they're just short chips.

Lightly salted doritos, plus any dip I find, is the best.

-Angry Lawyer
Just face it... we americans and you british will NEVER agree on what fries/chips and chips/crisps are called.

Why do we call them chips? Because they are thinly sliced.

We americans define them as their shape, you british define them as their texture/structure.

Besides... I thought you british mainly called POTATO chips crisps... not any chip in general.
I officially demand you spell it COLOR then :P

We call it chips, you spell it colour..leave us be you mean people!:P

Anyway, Doritos rule..the end.
I hate you all now, I'm hungry and the nearest store is 15 minutes away.
Chips are the devil.

Remove the C, what do you get? EXACTLY, You fat ba*ds.

I prefer pringles, of the sour cream and onion variety. Some people that idle in the IRC channel may remember me posting this in the channel a while back. I got bored and tested the structural integrity of a pringle. Damn, they're strong. I'd like to see you do that with a mere Dorito!
here are like just 2 flavors but the most famous is the red one of cheese,also the only one I like
I hate you all now, I'm hungry and the nearest store is 15 minutes away.

My god, what has this world become?

"Nearest store... fif..teen, miles. Can't... go. Must... starve instead."
My god, what has this world become?

"Nearest store... fif..teen, miles. Can't... go. Must... starve instead."

I'm at work right now, can't go anywhere.
It's a 15 minute drive if I drive if I drive really fast. (Usually takes a lot longer than that)
And it's Sunday.

But there's food at home :D
I'm at work right now, can't go anywhere.
It's a 15 minute drive if I drive if I drive really fast. (Usually takes a lot longer than that)
And it's Sunday.

But there's food at home :D

Make it worthwhile then... go for the snacks, as well as groceries.
Thank your Doritos for your attempt to try and make the world a fatter place. McDonalds is pwning you though!
Better if it was 30 minutes, so you could work off all those extra calories.

Doritos are pretty good, but they're awful for you (worse than most other types of chips). I eat them a couple of times a year, maybe.

I'm one of those lucky people who can eat what they want and they usually don't gain a pound, unless you make an effort at it.
*sneaks into Le Pobz's house and nicks the car keys and eats the Dorito in the dip*
