Dota 2 "New Bloom Festival" Update - Day 2


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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If Day 1's gamemode announcement didn't get you hyped for the New Bloom Festival update, Day 2 is pretty much guaranteed to. The main headline of Day 2 revolves around Terrorblade, the newest hero to be converted to Dota 2 from Dota: All Stars. Terrorblade, who stands as a powerful melee agility hero, features numerous evil abilities, allowing him to create dangerous illusions of both himself and his opponents. His ultimate, known as Sunder, allows Terrorblade to exchange health pools with a selected ally or enemy unit, potentially altering the flow of battle in a heart beat.

Similar to Legion Commander, Terrorblade is set to arrive with his own unique arcana-quality item, known as "The Fractal Shard of Inner Abysm", which ultimately changes the appearance of his armour and alters his colour scheme from blue to red. The arcana item will be released shortly after the New Bloom Festival goes live, instead arriving on February 6th 2014.​
Also included is the surprising addition of a totally new gamemode, known as "Random Ability Draft", which is unlocked after the player reaches Level 11. Upon entering the gamemode, players are randomly assigned a hero and a randomised pool of hero abilities from which they can choose their final loadout in a manner similar to the picking stage present with Captain's Mode. This gamemode potentially allows for near limitless combinations of crazy hero and ability match-ups, as the announcement page highlights Crystal Maiden using Lion's Finger of Death ability, and Luna using Pudge's Meat Hook. Things are going to get pretty crazy.​
Finally, Day 2 of the New Bloom Festival update has also revealed the v6.80 balance patch for Dota 2, which features an extremely long list of upcoming changes for a number of heroes and items alongside some more general changes. These general changes include a gold reduction penalty for players who refuse to pick heroes and a substantially stronger Roshan, who now provides a smaller kill bounty but begins to upgrade his damage output and health pool every 45 minutes.​
For a closer look at the ridiculously extensive list of changes, be sure to check out the Day 2 announcement post over on the Dota 2 blog. Be sure to check back tomorrow for more news regarding the New Bloom Festival update.​


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