Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2016 Announced


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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Following the enormous success of last year's Dota 2 Short Film Contest, Valve are bringing back the now-annual tradition to allow for a whole new set of videos to be created and submitted. Between May 20th and July 26th, Valve will be accepting Dota-themed videos of no longer than one minute, which will then be voted on by the Steam Community and Valve's staff to potentially win one of ten top prizes. These include $25,000 for first place, $10,000 for second place, $5,000 for third place, and $500 for each of the other seven finalists.

As you might except, using non-Valve IP without permission is not permitted, nor is using ads on your YouTube upload. Despite Source Filmmaker being one of Valve's highest profile tools, it is not actually required to enter the contest, meaning live action or totally different animation styles can also be used if desired. Like last year, the winning videos will be publicly revealed during a dedicated segment during The International 2016 event in August. The winners of last year's contest can be found over on our own dedicated playlist, should you have yet to check them out!

A full FAQ for this year's event is available here, so take a look if you're looking to participate or vote.