Dota 2 Weekly Patch - 3/07/13: Lion & Tutorials!


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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The Dota 2 update for this week has arrived a little earlier than usual, possibly due to the upcoming 4th of July celebrations set to take place on Thursday. Lion has joined Puck, Brewmaster and Sniper as the most recent hero to undergo a major visual overhaul ahead of the game's upcoming launch, after an update to Lion's model has improved the quality of the character's head while providing him with an aggressive and animalistic appearance more suited to the hero's back story.

Lion's old head (left) compared with his new spike-filled cranium (right).
An extensive number of mechanic tutorials have also been introduced, which slowly guide new players through a variety of the game's many gameplay systems in a linear progression. While most of the tutorials merely feature tightly controlled hero or gameplay scenarios on the main Dota 2 map, tutorial 2 is more similar in design to the originally released tutorial 1, as it is presented through a simplistic narrative on a brand new custom designed map with original assets and visuals. We won't spoil any of the second tutorial for you here, but, having played it, we can confirm that the map is looking visually stunning, and we're very confident it will help smooth out Dota 2's steep learning curve.

Sniper is on duty to help hunt down and assassinate Tidehunter in this second tutorial map!

Before players are allowed to access the more generic tutorials on the normal Dota 2 map, they are shown a new non-interactive sequence known as the "Dota Overview", which introduces the main battleground while the Dota 2 narrator briefly explains many of the game's simple mechanics at play during a guided flythrough of an example match. The player will then be able to continue with the gameplay tutorials, which include 1v1 mid-lane only match-ups, training skirmishes with bots and limited hero pool games with other new players.

The new "Dota Overview" tutorial provides new players with a look at the game's mechanics from a spectator's point of view.

Completing certain tutorials will reward the player with new pieces of a "Gunslinger" cosmetic item set for Sniper and translate pages of the recently introduced "Archronicus" lore book, more of which is revealed as the player continues to complete quests. The Archronicus helps to explain a variety of previously relatively underdeveloped topics relating to Dota 2's fantasy universe, including the historical importance of the Mad Moon and the ancients themselves. Unreleased cosmetic item sets were found in the game files for Juggernaut, Night Stalker and Pudge. All of these items seem to appeal to an acquired taste, given a recent outcry from the community regarding these unusual and possibly unfitting new sets. The Player Card collection system introduced last week has received a minor update, introducing new photographs for supported players who previously had none. If you're looking to learn more about this week's early patch, be sure to head on over to the official changelog on the Dota 2 wiki, or you can check out Cyborgmatt's blog if you want a closer look at the tutorial systems or the Dota Overview narrator lines. gl hf, as always!


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The new model seems far less friendlier.