Dota 2 "Wraith-Night Reinforcements" Update Released


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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By this point, many of us have already experienced much all the Wraith-Night update for Dota 2 has to offer. Or, that is we had experienced it.

A short while ago, Valve announced a new update for the winter gamemode, named "Wraith-Night Reinforcements", which has introduced Elder Titan, Queen of Pain, Storm Spirit, Templar Assassin, and Witch Doctor to the rather light roster of available heroes, bringing the character total to 20. All five heroes are now playable in the gamemode, and we're pretty sure one or two of them may have a little surprise hidden up their sleeves in the form of updated abilities. It's just too bad Witch Doctor and Elder Titan don't have sleeves.


Also included are two brand new reward items exclusive to the gamemode. The first, named the "Wraith-Night Feretory", costs 12,500 Shining Fragments and provides the user with "a fresh handful of exclusive items". The second item, which appears as a recipe scroll, costs 14,000 Phantom Fragments and allows the player to craft their very own rare "Evergreen Stalker" treant variant for Nature's Prophet. A series of cosmetic item sets have also been added for a variety of heroes, such as Luna, Drow Ranger, Skywrath Mage, Naga Siren, Invoker, and more.

For more information about the Wraith-Night Reinforcements update for Dota 2, be sure to check out both the official blog post and the patch changelog, both of which are available on the game's website. We also highly recommend heading on over to take a look at this extremely cool piece of art released alongside the update, it really is chilling. I'm sorry, I'll leave now.


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Of course! More cosmetic items.

Many of which are related to the on-going Steam Winter Sale. The Invoker set is a player-themed cosmetic set for iceiceice.