Double points?


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
I heard from someone that if you're on the winning team for a round your points get doubled for stats purposes.
I know the commander's points do, but how about everyone else? I haven't been able to check yet- can someone enlighten me?
J_Tweedy said:
I heard from someone that if you're on the winning team for a round your points get doubled for stats purposes.
I know the commander's points do, but how about everyone else? I haven't been able to check yet- can someone enlighten me?

no, only the commander.
I had no idea how the commanders score works. I thought it was 2x's as well, *it even says so* but for some reason, some times I dont even get any mulitplied scores *yes we won, and yes i did do something as a commander :P* or it was only 1.5 or something similar. I just gave up trying to figure it out :o
CyberPitz said:
I had no idea how the commanders score works. I thought it was 2x's as well, *it even says so* but for some reason, some times I dont even get any mulitplied scores *yes we won, and yes i did do something as a commander :P* or it was only 1.5 or something similar. I just gave up trying to figure it out :o

Yeah, I was once happy, that I have a gold star incoming, but it turned out my score wasn't "fully multiplied".

Oh yeah and I noticed recently the artillery kills don't count as 2 points. I though so before :|
If arty points counted I'd be scoring 200+ per map. Only commander's points are doubled, the rest of the team (the people who WEREN'T in the safety of their base for an hour, and were on the ground on the frontlines) must stick with their score.
its really hard to get high points as commander unless like so many people you apply and then play normally because mutinies NEVER work
Yeh, I think the system of extra points for commander is fair enough (although it annoys me how i get overtaken for a medal by a commander because our team won).
I was playing my normal game, then wanted a UAV to go into a base, there was no commander, so FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 90 HOURS of playtime i decided to go commander. You'd have to have pretty uber micro to get a good score on the round AND in the commander seat- it takes up a hell lotta time- i ended up just sitting at our main doing it.
And no, our team lost, i was the only one left (capped out) and i got artilleried....
I personally enjoy being a commander. If you find a squad leader that actually requests stuff, instead of runs/dies/respawn/rinse repeat, you get some decent stuff done. You could carry that entire squad to the end if you had the manpower. I mean, spot the guys out for them, drop them supplies when you could, UAV there destination, everything like a commander is supposed to do. But yeah, not many of those around.
I find myself ignoring more and more commanders when I'm squad leader. They just want me to go across the entire map to defend a point that's being swarmed that doesn't actually matter. I'd much rather defend a point that has an asset we need (armor, helo, just good position, main base etc.). It seems that some commanders just want to turn the game into whack-a-mole where the team moves from one point to the other squashing would-be captures just so another point comes into's just silly.
I often ignore the commander in his orders (cos on publics they're often shite) and get the 'you're the worst squad' thing.
I find artillery hard to use, obviously because of the delay- but it can be devastating- ive been on the wrong end of a good arty strike many a time.